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Saturday, February 13, 2021

Tomi: Few recent happenings.....


 Bit of a late happy birthday as she turned 22 on the eighth. Tomi's popularity has really waned the last year, she's now up to fifteen posts and her first seven or so drew quite a few views. But in 2020 that wasn't the case as though most gals posts drew more views than ever Tomi's now get about half of what they did. Bit of a mystery why and perhaps she's the kind of female you either love or hate, seems most are choosing the second one!

 This is kind of a mini post though could have been much larger. Towards the end of last year Tomi formed a J-Pop group called #212 and lately there's been a bit of a buzz about them. They've have a pair of mag spreads as a group and were even the cover girls for one. Their first official release I don't think is coming out until next month though there's a few short snippets of their tunes on YT plus they do have a few other videos there. Will end off with one and to me they seem like a 'campy' group' but that's actually a plus in my book as J-Pop has started to fall into a stale rut. So really won't have too much info on #212 in this post and instead have a few group ones soon or once their first single(s) is officially released. They have an 'android' theme and one of the members I was thinking of introducing but haven't got around to it yet. Few recent pics of the group and they have been appearing at many Idol shows, have a feeling they'd be a fun group to see live.

 Those top two pics are from their upcoming debut single and as you can see a few pics are for some shows. They just formed 2-3 months ago so of course there's not a boatload of info or activities yet and hope they stick around for a while and it's not some short term gimmick. On to some recent Tomi pics and there hasn't been a slew of them as she's been concentrating on the group, from her IG page.

 The group's first spread was a rather large set for Young Jump, their second is from a special Flash edition called 'Best of Winter 2021' but mainly just have Tomi's pics for today. Have noticed in Japanese spreads they'll often print 'Toomi' for English readers instead of 'Toumi', for the first name wouldn't we pronounce it 'Too-mi'?

 Have two solo Tomi spreads with this set being from the February issue of Entame. She's in their next edition but won't have that for now as there's only three pages. Noticed too it's labeled for March and April as so many monthly magazines are doubling up on their issues.

 Main reason for the post is this final spread which is a large one at nineteen pages. Tomi is the cover girl for the February 25th issue of Weekly Shonen Champion and she's had that honor for the mag at least five times. Instead of a video will instead have the link to #212's YT page which is still somewhat new, long videos but they're kind of enjoyable: #212 YT channel

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