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Thursday, February 11, 2021

"Kimi to Sekai ga Owaru Hi ni" drama: Season one, episode three recap


 Air Dates: January 17th until March 21, 2021 Sundays at 10:30 pm on NTV
Title translates over to Love You as the World Ends, subs done by Manxcat at D-Addicts

Episode Ratings.... #1, 8.4%.... #2, 8.2%.... #3, 8.0%

Links to the previous shows:

Main Cast: Won't be adding too many characters in but instead may be removing many as already two of the main characters were killed at the end of the second show, they'll have their own section.

Ryoma Takeuchi as Hibiki Mamiya.... ~25 year old mechanic who lives with his girlfriend Kurumi and was about to propose when the disaster struck. At the time Hibiki was trapped in a tunnel and escaped after four days, eventually he joined up with a few other survivors.

Ayami Nakajo as Kurumi Ogasawara.... Hibiki's girlfriend and the pair went to high school together. She's in her second year of internship to become a doctor yet is still a bit too green.

Marie Iitoyo as Kanae Hiragi.... Third year college student who survived the catastrophe by being stuck on an elevator with Shoko, her daughter and three others.

Sho Kasamatsu as Hiro Todoroki.... Went to high school with Hibiki but really can't stand the sight of him. Hiro is a detective whose superior Hongo was killed at the end of the second episode. That makes him in charge of the small group and he's such a mean, hateful young man.

Tamae Ando as Shoko Mihara.... A caregiver by trade and is the mother of Yuzuki, they were trapped in an elevator with Kanae with two others.

Naho Yokomizo as Yuzuki Mihara.... Twelve year old survivor who has asthma.

Makita Sports as Yohei Komoto.... Owner of a small moving company and ended being trapped in the apartment elevator with Kanae and thee others.

Kim Jae-Hyun as Yoon Min-Jin.... Immigrant from Korea who is working with Komoto, he too was trapped in the apartment elevator which saved six lives.

Hyunri as Yoon Jian.... Min-Jun's older sister who is working in Japan as a doctor and has been assigned to help with the outbreak working for the Self Defense Forces of Japan.

Kenishi Takito as Koki Shuto.... Head doctor for the Self Defense Forces.

Kyoko Yoshino as Mia Nakagoshi.... Introduced in the third episode and is a very popular 23 year old TV actress. At first she seemed like a trustworthy survivor but in reality is working with a group named Sword.

Toshihito Kokubo as Tsuboi.... Also introduced in the third show and is the leader of the Sword group who are survivors too but for some reason want to kill the original group.

 Those who are now deceased:

Ryohei Otani as Daiki Hongo.... Police detective who is Todoroki's superior who has to always keep him in check. Hongo seems like a really decent man but at the end of the second show he was shot, it appears as though he's dead but is he?

Takashi Sasano as Masaomi Uwajima.... Older man who was a novelist, he was bitten by a Zombie in the second episode and died at the end.

 Added in the links to the first two episodes above as I won't be talking all that much about what's taken place, would help to skim through them. Above are two screenshots from the second episode and that's how it ended. The group of eight survivors had made it to an armed forces base where they thought it would be save. That was anything but the case as their unofficial leader Hongo was shot down and that was totally unexpected. The character was played by Ryohei Otani who is a popular actor and I've always enjoyed his shows so it was kind of surprising he was killed off so quickly. Let's get to the regular recap and so many things tool place, hope I can keep this at three segments. Lot of the screenshots may appear to be overly dark but that's how it was filmed.

**** Though the posts weren't popular will be doing the last four recaps of the "Yuru Camp" drama, will put my other current series on hold for a few days. Hope to have that drama finished up in about a week and not sure why I was thinking of not finishing the recaps. It is an enjoyable show and if you're a Haruka fan you need to view.

 Quite a thrilling ending too, this series has hooked me very quickly and can't wait to watch that next episode. So after Hongo was shot down in cold blood the remaining seven survivors weren't going to wait around to see if they were next and quickly fled in a pair of vehicles. That's the group above who for some reason abandoned their transportation, was never mentioned why but perhaps so the armed forces couldn't track them as easily? The Self Defense Forces are led by the man in the top screenshot but we only saw him for a few seconds. But him and his aides have forged th report of the incident where they said Hongo shot first which was anything but the truth and he didn't even have his revolver drawn. One of the officers noticed the report had been changed and is getting a bit leery about his superiors. That's the man in the second screenshot, didn't add in any Defense Forces names to the cast list as I want to make sure they become a bigger part of the story.

 The city of Miura is the location of this show, it lies on a peninsula and is the only city in Japan that was affected by the unknown virus which turns humans into Zombies. It's not too, too far from Yokohama if you follow the coast which may be the only option for the group as the city has ben blockaded. But it's still about a 25 mile walk and there's no way the seven could make it in the shape they're in plus they'd be battling Zombies and probably the Defense forces. So luckily, seemed that way at first, the group found a small mall that appeared free of Zombies but they mainly come out at night. With their 'leader' Hongo now deceased taking over his position was his younger partner Todoroki but he's such a hothead and most of the others have grown weary of his bullying. 

 But then again his non-compassion is what the group has needed and without his gunning down so many Zombies most of the survivors wouldn't be around. Actually the majority look towards Hibiki for advice as he is a mild mannered guy and does seem to possess so many survival skills. Him and Todoroki have a history going back to high school but for so long Todoroki has really despised Hibiki and admitted to his ex-friend he wished he was dead! Not sure what happened so many years ago but have a strong suspicion that Todoroki may have had a crush on Hibiki's current girlfriend Kurumi, perhaps they had been dating in high school and Hibiki stole her away? Sure the reasons will come out eventually but because so much happened with the group let me discuss what took place with Kurumi in this show and her role is finally getting a bit bigger.

 Kurumi and three others had been rescued by the Defense forces when their medical van was being attacked by a horde of Zombies. They've been transported to Camp Yokosuka and will be remaining there until the doctors are 100% sure they haven't been infected by the virus or a Zombie bite. After that the group will be sent to Yokohama where it's safe, four days have now passed since they entered the camp and all are healthy enough to leave. But this is not just a tale of Zombies running amok as it's also a love story and there's no way Kurumi was leaving knowing Hibiki was out there. She's come to the conclusion that the Defense forces were why there was that incident at the camp's gate so it's not just finding Hibiki but saving him? But there's really nothing useful for Kurumi to do at the camp where they're trying to create a vaccine to combat the virus, perhaps she could help out with that?

 Yes she can but Kurumi didn't have the full confidence of Jian, a Korean doctor now in Japan to help create the vaccine. She remembered how unhelpful Kurumi was during an operation that took place in the previous episode and she'd need to prove she could be helpful to the cause. Jian and the above doctor Shuto went a bit overboard with that request as what they've set up is for Kurumi to enter a cage and take a blood sample from a tied up Zombie! Maybe it's tied up  but the creature is still quite dangerous as Kurumi soon found out. But she did outsmart the brainless Zombie(!) to obtain a blood sample needed for the vaccine research. Her method did impress Shuto who is right above and he's agreed to let Kurumi stay on at the camp where her task will be to go with the troops patrolling the city and grab more samples. That was the last we saw of Kurumi and the camp but there's now some mystery involved with her. Kurumi's DNA nd blood is quite different than a normal human's and according to Shuto above could she be the link to save the human race? 

 Of course the Zombies are still only in the city of Miura but that unknown virus could pop up anywhere plus what would happen if some escaped from the peninsula? On to the main group of seven survivors which has dwindled quickly from ten. After the shooting of Hongo they roamed the city streets looking for a safe spot and may have found one. The location was a mini mall or at least it looked so from the outside. There were a few stores inside this building and the group were able to obtain some key new items. Such as clothing as they've worn the same things for at least a week plus were able to have a mini feast but the most important thing was that they were able to take a shower! The group was becoming so agitated with each other so minor things liked that helped keep their spirits up. But in this smallish mall an event took place which is the most key one to date or at least besides the death of Hongo.

 The group discovered a survivor and it's the first one in over a week since Hongo found Hibiki. That's the person in the top screenshot who is a 23 year old actress named Mia Nakagoshi who was extremely popular on TV.  At first she pleaded for help but within a few seconds passed out though according to the caretaker Shoko Mia seemed to be healthy and hadn't been bitten by a Zombie. But Kanae did bring up a good point which is what would such a popular actress be doing in a small mall in Miura? Eventually Mia did arouse and told the group she had been on vacation there with her boyfriend when the virus struck. That boyfriend is still alive if you want to call it that as he was bitten by a Zombie. But Mia is so in love with him she couldn't let the others hurt this man, she's tied him up and hidden him away in a secret room until he can be saved though that's probably not possible. 

 These 'others' that Mia referred to were another group of survivors who at first had saved her and the boyfriend. She had wanted to keep all of that a secret but to obtain the trust of Hibiki told him everything that had taken place(mostly) plus Mia did want to join his seven person group. Hibiki is a nice guy but perhaps too nice and trusting towards others. Those traits aren't needed at a time when Zombies are lurking behind almost every door, twice Hibiki has put the group in danger because of his passion and will what happens next be the end of the seven? While he was conversing with Mia springing up out of nowhere was a group of people, the Sword group Mia had talked about and as she said 'kidnapped her'. She hasn't been their only hostage as in tow was the captured Kanae, the leader of Sword is a survivor named Tsuboi and not sure yet how they formed. But since Hibiki and his mates entered the mini mall they had been shadowed by this group who have no guns but are much larger in size plus have swords as their weapons.

 During their observations they noticed Todoroki had a gun, to Tsuboi a fair trade would be the gun for Kanae's life! To Hibiki there was really no other option as he headed back to the remaining five and told them of the situation, for now Tsuboi has taken Mia as hostage again for more insurance. This is a tough predicament for the group, of course they wanted to save Kanae but Tsuboi seems like the kind of guy who would immediately shoot everyone once he got hold of the gun. However Todoroki has come to the rescue and it seemed like an unbeatable plan. When Hongo was shot down he had taken his revolver though until now had kept it a secret. The Sword group is unaware of this second gun so why not give them Todoroki's and use Hongo's to protect themselves? Seemed like a good plan to everyone so soon the group ventured to a large room for the exchange. Tsuboi may be quite a mean chap but he's not stupid and had his own plan for the group.

 Just as Todoroki and Tsuboi were making the exchange out of the shadows popped Hibiki with a bow and arrow aimed right at a Sword member. He wasn't the only person armed as Yoon secretly had Hongo's revolver and had it aimed right at Tsuboi's head, it appeared to be the end of his Sword group. But in an unexpected ending who should amble into the large room but Mia with a knife pinned against the throat of the little girl Yuzuki! With no other options both Hibiki and Yoon dropped their weapons as Mia started laughing out of control at Hibiki and his being so gullible towards her. Quite an intense ending and actually it's been intense 98% of the time. That brought us to the end of this episode as the scene will conclude in the next recap. 

 This has been one of the better series I've viewed in a while but was slightly worried how could they carry these storylines for ten episodes? Not to worry as a few new things popped up in the next show and this has been kind of like a Korean drama as there's been so many plot developments. Next post is the recap for the fourth episode and what happened in that thrilling scene to end this show off with.

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