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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Risa Watanabe: Her exalted and overdue fortieth post....


 Overdue as this is only her second post in almost four months but there's perhaps only one other fave who I'd want to have more posts for. Overall guess I could do a few more posts for as you've noticed there's been such a slowdown on them lately which is mainly because there aren't many current happenings for my bigger faves. Could do posts just to do them but don't want to get into that habit so February may be like January where the quantity will be smaller but the quality of the posts will be way up there. Last year Risa didn't have her first post until February 25th but had nine by October, hopefully this will be the start of another stretch like that. But not like 2019 when she had 19 solo posts which is a record for an Idol, I'd be happy with half that amount this year.

 Last year Risa finished sixth on the top twenty faves list which really wasn't all that bad. She did place second in 2019 but seeing as how it was kind of a lost year in 2020 for Keya that position was higher than expected and hope they pick up their activities much more this year. I enjoy doing posts for last year's #1 more than any other gal here but would place Risa in second place and she's had forty solo posts in 2 1/2 years which is easily the most for any Idol. Do work harder on her posts more than almost anyone else and there may be a pair of them coming up in March.

 On February 28th the next 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show will be held, it'll be streamed live as there will be no audience. So far no Keya/Nogi/Hina members are on the list to appear but almost 100% certain we'll be seeing five or so members from each group there. Of course a show can't be held without Risa who has been at about twenty since 2017 and one of those March posts should be for this year's show, this batch is from their February 29, 2020 show.

 Outside of Keya's two group dramas have never seen Risa do any kind of acting and still think it'd be a wise idea for Keya to have another series. But she will be appearing in a mini drama that will be airing in March on Hikari-TV. It's called "Borderless" and there will be four different shows, she'll be in the second segment titled 'Runaway' where she and her sister flee from their home.

 Members from the three '46' groups are the stars of the mini series, there was an event held for it last week though way too few pics from the streamed presentation.

 Have some Keya cards which have never been posted before, top four are from their 'first' single "Nobody's Fault" while the rest are some older 'KeyaKise' game cards.

 Risa's last post was about seven weeks ago so usually in that amount of time I would have expected 25+ new pics from the Non-no site. But there's just this small batch in those seven weeks but least the pics all rate an A+ and the pics/spreads have really slowed down for all of their models.

 Risa's mag spreads have really slowed down this last year, she is a popular Idol but there's no doubt the reason for the decrease for her and other members was because of Keya's inactivity. But do have some terrific pics from a special Flash issue called 'Best of Winter 2021' and wish it was so much larger.

 'Uni's on Air' is a web game featuring members from Keya and Hina. I really like the promo pics they put out of the members and these are all new since the beginning of the year.

 We've hit the end too soon but there were over forty new pics along with some oldies. But anytime I can possibly do a post for Risa I jump at the chance and would have to say she's been my #2 fave since the beginning of 2019, going to be curious where she'll end up on my all time faves list. Will end off with a few sparkling pics which many have seen before and kind of a shame we seldom see gravure pics from '46' members save for when they have a photobook. No decent new videos but do have one after the pics which is fairly entertaining. It's a behind the scenes one from Keya's 'Tokuyama' drama which I enjoyed and once again will say they need another group series.

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