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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Friday, April 29, 2022

Tsubasa Honda: Hopefully you're not tired of her yet....


 Usually take the last day of the month off which is tomorrow so this will have to last you two days but then again there's so many other posts to check out! This is Tsubasa's third post in eighteen days and don't think she's ever had a stretch like this before, not many others have either. So if you're one of her few fans here think there may be a pair in May for as though there's 43 new pics for today could have made this larger. Good timing for superb new Tsubasa pics as in 3-4 months will be doing my second 'Top Twenty Faves of All Time' list. First one was done in August/September 2018 and on that list Tsubasa finished in the tenth position. For a while thought she may drop a few spots as 2021 was her worst year since I started posting about her which was way back in 2013. But she's made a nice comeback this year so have a strong feeling she could move up a few spots, seventh is my early prediction.

 Do want to work on writing a bunch of posts up tomorrow for Sunday but am in a blah mood so have a feeling very few will get done. Let's get on with things and today was the premiere of the "Radiation House" movie, it was a drama that had two seasons. Tsubasa's done a few interviews for it and this first one was with Model Press, here's the link to it: Model Press interview

 I've seen Tsubasa in eight dramas but none since "Cheat" which aired at the end of 2019. She's only been in a handful since then which didn't appeal to me, hopefully she'll be in a show this year. That total of eight would be higher but there's a few I do want to view which haven't been subbed, figures the ones I don't want to view have been subbed! Here's another interview for the new movie with the Men's Non-no site and the pics there are quite fabulous: Men's Non-no interview

 Tsubasa was a long time model for the women's Non-no magazine and how I miss those pics, mini spread here from the June issue of Spring.

 Last year wasn't a good year for Tsubasa magazine spreads, many less than usual and hate to say it but to me the pics were kind of bland. But not this year as the pics have been super duper and there's been at least eight spreads to date, she has the cover for the June issue of Mina.

 Last up is this terrific batch of pics from today's "Radiation House" film premiere which took place at the TOHO Cinemas in Hibiya. Tsubasa is looking better than ever and perhaps she'll finish higher than seventh on that all time fave's list. Not enough pics as the event took place just a few hours ago, may have more of them in her next post. There's a short video of the event after the pics.

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Keyakizaka46: The opulent fourth group post for 2022!!!!


 Said in the below post this wouldn't be done until tomorrow. Well finished what needed to be done a bit early so trying to rush through this post as there's a few others that need to be started on. Four posts for the year may not sound like a lot but the first one wasn't done until five weeks ago, that was after having zero for five months! These posts will be slowing down soon but there will be at least one and probably two next month. Of course that's Keya's captain Yuuka at the top and once again nothing new from her. Have such a strong feeling she'll be graduating this year but it probably wouldn't happen until their next single, say August or September? If that happens wouldn't a second photobook be a nice sendoff? Sure would and I really would like to see more books from Keya as they've just had one in the last 2 1/2 years.

 Nothing in this post for Yui either, both gals I save their pics for solo posts. But if there's nothing new in the next two weeks will go back to having their things in these group posts but hope it doesn't come to that. There's some good news which is that on May 14th there will be a 'Girls Award' fashion show and it'll be their first one in two years. The six members below are scheduled to attend, Rena will be making her first appearance at one of these huge shows. But in a major disappointment Yui isn't scheduled and she's been at twenty or so of these shows the last five years, grrrr....

 As usual have a little bit everything for today though once again no event pics but there will be many for the above show. Will start off with some new pics from the Keya 'Diary' blog with Rina, most members still don't have an IG page yet.

 Another feature you see in every post are promo pics for the 'Uni's on Air' web game, also have many in Hina posts. Have a pair of members today with pics from February and for Easter, the duo are the group's other Yui and Yumiko who will be turning 24 in exactly two months.

 One thing that aren't in many Keya posts these days are group cards and that's because they come out so sporadically. But do have a pair of members today with cards that came out at New Year's. First off is Minami who I truly like so much but she's another member that's so hard to have posts for. If you're not tired of Yumiko she has the second batch of cards and I do like the way she looks quite a bit.

 Small spread here featuring Hikaru from the April issue of ar.

 She appears in many mags but think so far for this year Rei Ozono has had more spreads, she turned 22 ten days ago. She's going to be the back cover girl for the next issue of Platinum Flash which comes out four times a year, some promo pics for the spread.

 More Yumiko as she shared the back cover of the May issue of Bomb with Rina. Didn't realize there were so many pics of Yumiko, had I known may have had a solo post for her.

 Let me wrap this up somewhat quickly, wasn't expecting to do this until tomorrow so this could be considered a 'bonus post'. In most Keya posts these days have been having a mini recap for their 'Soko Magattara' variety show, this one is more mini than usual as it just covers half the show. This is episode #73 which aired on March 20th and it's part two of 'Member Quiz That Only I Know'. What that means is a member knows some obscure fact about a member which no one else knows, if that's the case then that member will win a prize which for these shows was a yummy fruit sandwich. 

 In the first show there were just second generation members which was fine as those members I've really grown to like and it does help that most are 21+ in age. Just took screenshots of two segments as I wanted to get this post finished and there were a few first generation members in this show. First off though was a pair of 2G gals and the screenshots who were Yui, she gets a lot of air time on this show, and Akiho, you can see what the big secret with her was below. But more importantly was the segment with two impending members about to graduate, will they have some sort of farewell episode in three weeks? Aoi is one member leaving and her graduation has flown under the radar, she'll be turning 22 on May 7th. Of course the other member is Risa whose final day with Keya will be on May 22nd. The 'secret' Aoi knew about her mate and the pair are kind of close is that Risa is such a habitual late person. Not in waking up in the morning but if they set a date for lunch or whatever she'll constantly show up twenty minutes late.... as long as she showed up I would never complain!!!! No decent new videos so instead will have the link to Keya's(Sakura) YT channel, that doesn't get updated enough but sure there's many videos you've never seen: Keya's YT channel