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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Thursday, April 7, 2022

Keyakizaka46: Their eagerly awaited.... second legendary group post for 2022!!!!


 Minami above is someone who I like immensely but have zero things for her today. She's had at least seven solo posts but only one in the last 2 1/2 years and she's also very popular with the Keya fans here. So promise to work on getting some things for her soon and there just may be two more group posts this month as I've been getting back more into Keya who I was a bigger fan of than Nogi from 2018 to 2020. So will be concentrating on them for a while and hopefully can have a few solo posts too. Will be taking a minor break for Hina but not for long as they just announced their seventh single will be coming out next month. But in odd news about them a few days after their March 31st Tokyo Dome concert it was announced that sixteen had been stricken with the virus! Plus one member had missed the show because she had it so seventeen out of 21 Hina member currently have the virus?!?!

 Risa also caught the virus but think she'll be back with Keya in another day or two. She just had a solo post this week and no Idol has had more than her the last four years. Of course above is Hono and the post for her first photobook has been extremely popular, she may have another post this month. But hopefully the next solo post will be for Rena who has zoomed into my top four for current fave Keya members. She's had three posts in the last four months, once her new spread for Bomb comes out will be having that post and these are some outtake pics from it.

 I miss the days when it was so difficult to keep up with their mag spreads, seemed there were at least a dozen a month. The group's twelfth single, fourth since the name change to Sakura, was released yesterday. Title of the main song is "Samidare yo" and in day one the sales were close to 325,000 copies sold which is the highest total since that name change. Still refer to them as Keya as before they became Sakura there were 250 posts and it would have been too confusing changing the labels. Day two sales were 29,800 copies sold for a two day total of close to 355,000. "Nobody's Fault" was their first single which sold 408,000 copies in it's first week so it could break that mark, the second and third singles sold around 375,000 copies in their first week.

 In these group posts try to feature aa many members as I can though it's not always possible. Lately that's been the case for group captain Yuuka who doesn't appear on the single's main song, she's currently in a stage play so she felt she wouldn't be able to promote it well enough, for instance appearing on music shows. So really the only thing from her the last month have been these pics from her new Instagram page, hate to say it but bet she's next in line to graduate. The top pics are from that play which is titled "Curtains".

 So while Risa is getting most of the attention for her graduation also departing soon will be Aoi who will be hitting the age of 22 in exactly one month. She's Keya's youngest first generation member but as you can see she's looking really good these days. However the only recent pics for her have been from the group's Diary blog but will work on having more things for her in future posts.

 Back in December there was a graduation concert for two departing members, will the same be done for the above pair? Have a big backlog of promo pics for the 'Uni's on Air' web game from February and March. But will put those on hold for now and have these brand new ones which came out last week. In a way they're actually old pics that were celebrating Keya's 2021 tour, the same happened for Hina and why didn't the pics come out when the tours were taking place. Have four members in this batch who are Hikaru, Rina M, Yumiko and Rina I.

 There's a bunch of mag spreads scheduled to come out this month and once that happens will have those next group posts. Mentioned in the last one how Hikaru has had more solo spreads the last year than any other member, she's the shortest member in Keya as her height is just 149.8 cm! This is a fine set of pics from the January issue of ar.

 Have one other spread for today that's from the January edition of EX-Taishu. It features Rina Inoue and on the group's 'Soko Magattara' show she's easily their funniest member.

 So have been watching the 'Soko' show once again after a long layoff and because of that it seems to be more enjoyable. So in many of these group posts will have a mini recap of a show but it'll mainly be many screenshots. So this here is from episode #71 that aired on March 6th, the subs usually don't come out until two weeks after an episode airs. But that's okay as for many months no one had been subbing this show. This episode was a bit different as no members were in the studio with the long time hosts Sawabe and Tsuchida. The reason they said was because the members had been filming the videos for the group's new single. These episodes are taped 2-3 weeks in advance, they mentioned filming took longer because of how snowy it had been in the Tokyo area.

 So the pair of hosts went down memory lane and each picked their three funniest segments from the first seventy shows. That was fine by me as I had taken such a long break from viewing this show and hadn't seen many of them. So the screenshots go in the exact order as things happened and still wish Keya would have their own drama. Hono in the first segment said she could remember the city where every Olympics had been held. She could but it took her a long time to recall the cities as she had a numbering system and she always started from one. So you can see in the screenshots what took place and this was one of the better episodes I've seen. The second generation members get most of the screen time and I don't have a problem with that as they do outnumber the 1G members plus the 2G gals are all older compared to the newbies from Nogi.

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