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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Thursday, April 21, 2022

Risa Watanabe: Her stupefying 55th post....


 The 'cream of the crop' certainly rises to the top! The top four on last year's faves list have all had many posts this year though doubt if they'll finish in the same order. But after that quartet I think there will be so many who won't be on this year's list, positions eight, nine, thirteen and sixteen have all been busy enough but after that going to need some newbies to step up and take the place of too many. Hope it's not true but have a feeling it will be that this will be Risa's final time qualifying for the yearly fave's list. This will make five years in a row and only two others have had a higher average position than she has during that stretch which is 4.75, needless to say am I going to miss her....

 Will do some sort of lists in June for the first half of the year. One will be for the most popular posts to date while the other may be a preliminary post for this year's faves. Not many Idols left that I follow all that closely, three who will have graduated this year will make the top ten but besides them there won't be too many others. Exactly one month to go until Risa's pair of graduation concerts, can see doing a pair of posts in June for those shows but after that who knows what will be going on. A minor goal is to get Risa to a hundred posts by the end of the year, seven more are needed after this. At one time it was so easy for Idols it hit that mark because of group posts but don't do many of them these days, when she hits a hundred it'll mean 62 solo posts and no Idol tops that mark from the last four years.

 Least Risa is going out with a bang as this is her fourth post in a month and as I've said numerous times there's no one I enjoy doing posts for more than her. Mainly have some new pics and so many have been coming out as of late. But also have some oldies that many may not have seen from prior years and will have some like that in all future posts. This first batch are some older group cards from the Summer of 2019 but could be considered new as they had never been posted before, after 2019 Keya hasn't had any kind of regular monthly cards.

 Hopefully we'll continue to see Risa attend those huge 'Tokyo Girls Collection' shows and also hope that more will be held in the future. Until 2020 there used to be about seven shows a year but since then it's been cut down to two. This superb batch here is from the TGC 2019 Autumn show that took place on September 7th.

 The last TGC show was held on March 21st and had plenty of pics from that. After the show Risa had an interview with the Model Press site and that just came out two days ago. Here's some pics from it and also the link to the site, Idols seem to have this talent where they can say so many words yet really not say much of anything: Model Press interview

 There's a forty minute documentary for Risa on Keya's new single. It's a decent video though they do talk with the other members a bit too much but the old footage is rather interesting. Had some screenshots in her last post, few more here that goes until the 25 minute mark.

 Know Risa will continue as a Non-no model and her pics for them are always fabulous. But besides that have no clue what else she may be doing and guess we'll just have to wait and see, this set is from the May issue of Non-no.

 Risa's first photobook came out in April 2019, that was a huge seller at about 110,000 copies sold and could be my #1 '46' member book to date. On May 17th her 'Memorial Graduation' book will be released, seems to be tamer than the first photobook but hopefully the steamier promo pics are being held back. This final spread has some outtake pics from the book and is from the May 2nd issue of WPB, think this may be Risa's first time as a cover girl for the magazine. To promote the book she hosted 'Showroom' two days ago, the video is after the pics and also making an appearance is Keya's captain who sadly may be next in line to graduate....

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