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Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Sayaka Tomaru: Bomb-TV pictorial from May 2021 plus a pair of mag spreads....


 Always think that Sayaka's post total is too low but actually it does make sense. Her first post was about 5 1/2 years ago so if she had a post every other month that would be 32 which is how many she has. For the longest of times seems my fave gravure models were retiring from doing that kind of work when they were 24/25 in age. But that's changed the last two years and could it be because of the virus? Bet that could be a huge reason as it's harder these days to get work and why not stay with an activity that's made you semi popular? Say that because have noticed the majority of gravure models seem to be over 25 in age these days and to me they look better than they did when they were in their young twenties. Sayaka will be turning 26 in September, she's not as busy with modeling these days but still seems as though she has a post every 2-3 months.

 This pictorial has 58 pictures which is enough for a post but have two spreads from last year that are getting a bit dated and wanted to finally post them. Sayaka does do just as many web books these days but the biggest difference I've noticed is how many fewer spreads there are compared to years ago, first off is this terrific spread from the September 21st issue of Flash.

 Second spread is a too small one from the October 19th issue of SPA!. Not much acting recently for Sayaka, she had the lead role in a web drama that aired last March but not much since then.

 On to this Bomb-TV pictorial that contains 58 pics and it being close to a year ago am a bit belated with it but better late than never. Sayaka does many of these web mini books but has appeared with Bomb more than the rest combined it seems, at least seven times in all.

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