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Saturday, April 2, 2022

Nogizaka46: Kazumi Takayama's eagerly awaited second photobook.... "Dokuhaku" scans....


 These days seldom out Nogi in the title but did today for this is a name that may have been forgotten. That's understandable to an extent as this is her first post since February 2021 and believe when I say it wasn't because I didn't want to do posts for her. Kazumi is still in my top ten for fave Nogi members and had things worked out differently she could have been in the battle for being #1! Did mention in a few of Kazumi's older posts how I thought she would make for the best wife of any Nogi member and don't think that's really changed though may currently have her number two on that short list.

 From 2015 to mid 2018 Kazumi did have a good amount of solo posts and also many pics in group posts. But then she kind of disappeared in a way or at least as far as doing many activities with Nogi goes. That was the case for a few other members too and have a feeling the more popular third generation members may have pushed her and a few others to the side. So Kazumi's departure from Nogi took place last November and it was kind of a low key affair. These days Kazumi is the co-host of two variety shows and will be the host of a new show beginning on April 9th, that kind of work suits her well as she is such a witty and funny woman. So the odds are against there being future posts but if at all possible will try to do some, perhaps there's been many missed things from the past year(?).

 So as the title says this is Kazumi's second photobook and it kind of shocked me when it came out as there wasn't too much of an advance warning. Kazumi's first book was released back in September 2016, this one came out on February 26, 2019 which was only two months after another Nogi book was released. Kazumi's first book sold only about 25,000 copies, Nogi books were just so-so popular back in that time. Bit of an increase for this photobook which has sold around 40,000 copies which is a decent figure but kind of pales to other Nogi books. Think the main reason is there are so fewer gravure pics in this book compared to other Nogi books but that's fine with me as Kazumi doesn't need to dress skimpy to show off her attractiveness. The photo shoot took place in Finland and mainly around Helsinki, there's a total of 101 pics and hopefully Kazumi still has some fans besides myself....

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