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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Bungaku Shojo drama: Episode six recap

 Air Dates: September 9th to October 28, 2018 on MBS and TBS Sunday nights at 12:50 am
Director: Smith....  Episodes from J-Raw.... subber: miamaw

 Main Cast:

Aoi Morikawa as Kanako Tsukishiro.... 26 year old who is the new editor for Kagaya
Yuu Shirota as Saku Kagaya.... popular writer whose book sales have been rapidly decreasing
Masaki Nakao as Chihiro Mochizuki.... editor in Kanako's office, he has a huge crush on her
Rika Izumi as Mitsuki Ariake.... rival editor from Sekibun Publishing
Masahiko Kawahara as Ko Mishima.... editor in chief of Ryokusen where Kanako works
Yako Koga as Akari Mishima.... Ko's teen daughter and inspiring writer
Taikou Katoona as Maki Nanase.... office worker at Ryokusen
Keito Tsuna as Ryunosuke Kawabata.... office worker at Ryokusen

 Above is how the fifth episode ended and this one began with Saku dragging Kanako away from Mochizuki just before he was going to confess his long time feelings to Kanako. As you can see she ended up on a Ferris Wheel with Saku who admitted he was afraid of heights but needed to talk with Kanako alone. Saku is definitely a womanizer but he just can't understand a woman like Kanako who is on his mind all of the time, he's also in Kanako's mind 24 hour a day.
 When you're on a Ferris Wheel there isn't that much to do except to talk which is what the pair did, Kanako's calming influence even subdued Saku's fear of heights. During that ride the moment of truth finally happened for Kanako who at last expressed her true feelings to Saku and revealing that she was in love with him. He didn't come out and say those words himself but Kanako knew he has those same feelings towards her, when the ride completed it's cycle it was off to his house.

 Craving is an apt word from Kanako, especially from a woman who is a 26 year old virgin. Saku though was a bit confused, should he or shouldn't he be the first man to spend a night with Kanako? She kind of made the decision easy for him as she practically threw herself at him and before you knew it the pair we cuddling on his bed. But cuddling is about as far as the action went as for some reason that wasn't explained at the time Saku of all people got cold feet.
 He just couldn't bring himself to be the first man that Kanako did the deed with, though a womanizer Saku does have a some morals and told Kanako he couldn't spend the night with her. Naturally that left her quite perplexed, was she that undesirable to him? The answer is no as she's quite a cute gal but the evening is ruined as Saku sent Kanako on her way. But there's more than that as Saku realizes now that Kanako can no longer be his editor though he didn't tell her that yet.
 Not enough of Mitsuk , who is played by my huge fave Rika, in too many episodes though she did have a pair of long scenes in this show. She's been friends with Saku since they attended university together, when he needs someone to talk to he usually rings her up which is what happened. But the conversation seemed to go nowhere as Saku was too stunned by the events to say what he wanted. He didn't need to though as Mitsuki knew him too well, she's realized Saku has fallen hard for Kanako but has no advice for him on whether to dump Kanako or to take a serious plunge with her.

 Mitsuki also knows the editor-in-chief of Ryokusen Publishing well though she works for the rival company Sekibun. The pair meet up after her short get together with Saku, one thing he did reveal to Mitsuki was that Kanako could no longer be his editor which she relayed in to Mishima. We don't see the editor too much but he seems like a fairly level headed guy and has put up with Kanako's strange traits for over four years.
 Mishima agrees that Kanako can no longer be Saku's editor which disappoints him a bit as she seemed to breath some life into Saku for the first time in years. For now it looks like Mochizuki will become Saku's new editor but neither he nor Mishima had told the news to Kanako yet. Instead Mochizuki, who still has such a crush on Kanako, invites her out for a quick meal though he said it wasn't a date. It's taken him six episodes but Mochizuki finally revealed his undying love to Kanako, he no longer wants to be just her friend and advisor at work but the man in her life.
 Kanako is a bit taken back, while so many in the office knew of Mochizuki's feelings they flew right over the head of Kanako. The outcome was one that Mochizuki wasn't hoping for as Kanako politely refused his offer to be a couple. But then again she didn't rule out the possibility it could happen in the future, Mochizuki told Kanako as she's departing that he'll never give up.
 On to the final short scene which took place back at Ryokusen Publishing. Mishima broke the news to Kanako that Saku is going to be getting a new editor, she's very upset at the decision but knows why it had to be done. A new assignment for her is to be the new editor for Mishima's daughter Akari, she's an eighteen year old student who is vying for a prestigious Newcomer's Award for writing. Mochizuki had been Akari's editor but she had been struggling very bad with him. Kanako accepted the assignment but also told her boss she's not giving up on Saku and thinks she's so close to breaking his shell, Mishima knew that and it's still possible the pair will work together again.

 Glad this drama is only eight episodes long, leaves little time for filler which has been zero up until now and that's the main problem with regular series that last for ten shows at about 45 minutes in length. Am going to try to have another post for Aoi soon, her looks have improved over the last four years more than any other actress and she looks so darn good in this drama. Two down and two more recaps to go for this series, recommend viewing the screenshots as an awful lot did happen in this episode and though all of the details were covered have been trying to keep these posts brief.

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