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Friday, November 2, 2018

Mizuki Fukumura: "Makana" photobook release event pics, video and slightly more....

 Mizuki is a very popular Idol but wonder how much more she would be if she was in Nogi or perhaps Keya. Unlike AKB the members in those groups are popular on their own and all you have to do is look at the sales of their photobooks for evidence. Bet if Mizuki was in Nogi she'd be in a battle for the #1 current Idol, she's very close to being mine. Mentioned in the previous post perhaps starting a 'Hottest Current Idol' series, no doubt she would be in the top five and actually may have the inside track of being #1.
 This is Mizuki's fifth photobook, most books from Hello Project members don't do well on the Oricon charts but they are good sellers as the sales at their concerts and events are usually impressive. Not too many things for today though there are over forty new pics, shame there hasn't been many mag spreads recently for the PB. Was expecting one from Young Gangan as Mizuki is one of their more popular models but as of now there is no spread from the mag. Do have some new blog pics, first few are from today's PB event. Couple others are from October 30th which is the date Mizuki turned 22. Pay close attention to the final pic which is another from her b-day, trying to figure out how does one pronounce 22th?!

 Few Mizuki 2018 H!P cards and MM never has nearly as many as C-ute did.
Edit: Forgot to add this in first time around but she'll be releasing a gravure DVD on December 5th so there may be a few upcoming spreads for it along with another event.

 Last week did a Morning Musume 'Singles Series' post which I thought turned out quite excellent. However those posts aren't too popular around here or perhaps I should say MM isn't that popular of a group. In that post had this small Mizuki spread from the October 30th issue of SPA!, will have the pics again as I bet most of you missed them.

 Will be doing an ANGERME 'Singles Series' post over the weekend, have it all set to go but just not enough time tonight as I'm also writing up two drama recaps. Bring the group up as Ayaka who is their leader will be graduating in the Spring. She's also the current leader of all the Hello Project groups so bet when she leaves Mizuki will be first in like to replace her, it's not official but seems H!P members have to graduate when they're 25 which is why C-ute may have disbanded. Here's the two covers for the PB and the bottom pic is a promo one for it, if the rest of the book is like that pic then it could be the PB of the year.

 The photobook was released on October 30th, on November 2nd there was a fan meeting session for it at the Writing Book Center in Tokyo. The name of the PB "Manaka" comes from where the book was shot which was in Hawaii or to be more specific on the island of Kaua'i, Manaka is the highest mountain on the island. In Hawaiian the word means reward, rewarded is what all of Misuki's fans get when they view her dazzling pics. Plenty of superb pics from today's event and as usual an Idol dressed conservatively for an event but that's oki doki as Mizuki looked terrific. Unlike Nogi most Hello project events have a video for them and you can view one after the pics, bottom pic is one from her blog.

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