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Sunday, November 11, 2018

Korean Drama "The Ghost Detective": Episode's seven and eight recap

 Air Dates: September 4th to October 31, 2018.... Back to back episodes Wednesdays and Thursdays at 10:00 pm on KBS 2  Director: Lee Jae-Hoon    Two episode ratings:2.0 and 2.7%

 Main Cast:

 Choi Daniel as Lee Dai-Ii.... Detective at the 'A Few Good Men' agency, also an ex-army sergeant who left due to a scandal
Park Eun-Bin as Jung Yeo-Wool.... new assistant at the 'A Few Good Men' agency who works about five part time jobs and also had her sister die mysteriously
Kim Won-Hae as Han Sang-Sub.... owner of the 'A Few Good Men Agency' that's going bankrupt and a huge Sherlock Holmes fan
Lee Ji-Ah as Sun Woo-Hye.... mysterious woman always dressed in red
Lee Jae-Kyoon as Park Jung-Dae.... young, gung-ho police detective
Park Joo-Hee as Baek Da-Hye.... lawyer who once represented Da-Ii
Lee Joo-Young as Gil Chae-Won.... coroner who can talk with ghosts

 For now that's the main recurring cast but will add to the list once new ones are introduced.

 Episode seven began off with a bang but then the frantic pace slowed way down and it'd be hard to keep the action level so high. A bit of a slowdown is not a bad thing at all as it's wise to have some quiet scenes but both shows remained interesting throughout and because of the slowdown we were able to learn a bit more about some characters who we haven't seen too much of the last few shows. The pair of ratings for this show were the lowest of all of them, wonder if there was some major special telecast it went up against?
 At the end of episode six Da-Ii and Yeo-Wool had traveled to the Dasum kindergarten as he felt the next victim of the woman in red would be Young-Hee who was the principal of the school. Hopefully you read the previous recap as I'm not going to be looking back that much at what happened. The principal was also at the school as the mysterious lady in red already has Young-Hee under her spell, now she's trying to woo Yeo-Wool over to her side.
 But in the nick of time Da-Ii arrived on the scene just as the woman was about to touch Yeo-Wool, perhaps a touch is all the woman needs to get a person under her mental powers. Da-Ii's warning paid off as Yeo-Wool fled the kindergarten's playground and entered the school itself for safety. Not a wise place to be for safety as in the building stood Young-Hee who was armed with a knife. Also there was the woman in red who isn't a physical being and can appear anywhere at the snap of a finger.
 By telepathy she orders Young-Hee to attack and kill Yeo-Wool, she does attack her but being an older woman she's no match for the agility of Yeo-Wool who is about 28. She manages to keep dodging the knife thrusts from Young-Hee, finally our hero Da-Ii arrived on the scene though he didn't need to save Yeo-Wool as Young-Hee dropped dead before their eyes. Looks like she has those types of powers yet it's the only time she's used them, usually she can implant the thought to kill yourself in people which has always worked.

 Just after Young-Hee's death Da-Ii tried to grab hold of the woman in red who vanished in the blink of an eye. Wouldn't have done Da-Ii any good as the only tangible object he can touch is Yeo-Wool. The event needs to be reported to the police but Yeo-Wool doesn't call the station but instead the young detective Jung-Dae, he doesn't always believe Yeo-Wool's stories but she trusts him to keep what she tells him private. With him in that above screenshot is the coroner Chae-Won who is becoming a key figure in this show. We don't see her in the eighth episode but along with Jung-Dae she'll be playing a major role in the storyline.
 She was with Jung-Dae when he received Yeo-Wool's call and the pair headed to the school. What they found on a room's floor was the body of the school's principal and according to Chae-Won she can't tell yet how Young-Hee died. She asked for some privacy and Jung-Dae brought Yeo-Wool outside to interrogate her. Once again she's at the scene of a death and he wants to know what's going on. For now Yeo-Wool can't explain they mysterious deaths she's stumbled across, Jung-Dae knows she isn't revealing anything(by Da-Ii's orders) so for now he lets her go.
 But the scene shifts back to the school where Chae-Won is checking out the corpse but she wanted privacy for a different reason. Chae-Won knows there's a ghost in the room, she has the powers to 'feel' and communicate with them but can't see them though she could up until she was fifteen. She ended up talking with Da-Ii for a few moments though he didn't tell her anything about the cases she's working on nor how he was killed, sure we'll be seeing them together often in future shows.

 There's nothing more that can be done at the school as Jung-Dae can't see Da-Ii plus it would be fruitless for Yeo-Wool to tell anyone about the woman in red who is the cause of all of the deaths. So the pair take their leave with Yeo-Wool heading home, no idea what Da-Ii does during the night as do ghosts need to sleep? The next day the pair reunite as Da-Ii is realizing how much he needs Yeo-Wool as he can't touch anything tangible plus she needs him to help solve the case of her sister's death.
 Had all of the details about Da-Ii's mother's 'suicide' in the previous recap but did leave one thing out. The woman in red had blabbered about how she was abused as a child and that her father had killed himself when she was twelve. That's the one and only clue the pair have about the woman so Yeo-Wool begins searching the net for an incident like that which took place in the past 25 years. The computer where the two were doing the searching was in Da-Ii's office where his elder partner
Sang-Sub is, he's still working on the kidnapping case as it may explain what happened to Da-Ii.
 Sang-Sub still can't see his partner but then again only Yeo-Wool can for the moment though the coroner Chae-Won can 'feel' him. Da-Ii tells Yeo-Wool it's too hard for her to do everything on her own and he needs her to tell Sang-Sub all about his condition which seems an impossibility. Da-Ii knows where he's buried so suggests Yeo-Wool take his partner there which she agrees to. Before their departure the lawyer Baek made an appearance, we haven't seen her for a few episodes and what a looker she is.

 Baek is at the agency to settle the payment for helping out on the kidnapping case as the CEO Lee's daughter was returned safely. Besides having to pay no rent for the agency building Sang-Sub is also given a new SUV which he initially refused but eventually accepted. Now the trio are on the way to Da-Ii's grave though Yeo-Wool and Sang-Sub have no idea where it is plus Sang-Sub still hasn't been told about Da-Ii's ghost.
 Da-Ii is sitting in the back of the SUV, if he can't touch anything how does he manage to sit in a vehicle? Near the grave location Yeo-Wool explained everything about Da-Ii's death and return as a ghost, naturally Sang-Sub doesn't believe a word of it. Da-Ii leads the pair to his grave and the two humans begin digging for his body. After spending a few hours at the chore the two haven't discovered Da-Ii's body and are about to give up, Da-Ii is frustrated as he knows his body is there.
 Before they gave up Sang-Sub found something very, very important that belonged to Da-Ii. It was his old dog tags from when he was in the Army, now Sang-Sub is partially believing Yeo-Wool's story or at least the part of Da-Ii being dead. Sang-Sub is famished so suggests it's time for lunch so he and Yeo-Wool head to a sandwich shop. By not being able to touch anything it means that
Da-Ii has been unable to eat anything since his death and his stomach is growling. Yeo-Wool orders him a very odd sandwich, when Sang-Sub hears the ingredients for it be's totally convinced that
Da-Ii is a ghost and in their presence.

 In a stroke of luck Sang-Sub was able to find a way for Da-Ii to eat. Seems if you offer a ghost food and say it's name at the same time they can eat real food, Sang-Sub did that and Da-Ii was able to gobble down his meal though the people in the shop couldn't see him doing that which was a bit strange. Now it's a threesome working on the many cases, what happened to Da-Ii's body, why did Yeo-Wool's sister slash her throat, who killed the kidnapper Chan-Mi and about five other cases.
 Sang-Sub is thrilled again to be able to work with his partner but he sadly still can't hear or see Da-Ii though he can see and hear every human being. There's another clue about the mysterious woman in red that Da-Ii had uncovered, he felt she may have taken the body of a seven year old at the kindergarten. That girl had scars on her arm, ones that the woman in red described in the flashback scene that Yeo-Wool witnessed and read the last post for details.
 Coming close to the end of this recap, quite a bit happened as you've read but not as much as previous episodes. Us viewers and the major characters need to learn so much more about the woman in red, once again we saw her near the end of the eighth show as she was still lying in a coma at a hospital. Though Da-Ii can't touch anything he can still see and hear so he leaves his mates to do a bit of investigating, he's safe as no person can see him.
 But shortly after leaving the agency some odd events take place as two people were able to see him. First an older man cleaning up the agency's parking lot came up to him and kept asking Da-Ii over and over, 'You're here, right?'. A moment after that a woman strolling down the street also said a few words to Da-Ii who is bewildered what's going on, he just knows the woman in red is behind it. That assumption is proven true as coming out of his agency's building is Sang-Sub, who should be with him but the lady in red! He can't see her but Da-Ii can as she's a ghost(?), is his partner next on her list Da-Ii wonders and on that event the pair of episodes come to an end.

 Know I said at the top that these two shows were a bit slower but both were still intense and the questions about what is going on keeps growing, that's usually a good sign for a drama. Still have 24 episodes to go but think this series is one that won't lag in the middle and am looking forward to the rest of the shows.
 Before I view them will be watching the final four episodes of the "Bungaku Shojo" drama which I'm also enjoying immensely, will be doing those recaps before I get back to this show. As usual have a slew of screenshots and as mentioned in the previous recap it's a good idea to view them to pick up on everything that took place and they're in order of the events.

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