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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Korean Drama "The Ghost Detective": Episode's nine and ten recap

 Air Dates: September 4th to October 31, 2018.... Back to back episodes Wednesdays and Thursdays at 10:00 pm on KBS 2  Director: Lee Jae-Hoon    Two episode ratings:3.3 and 3.8%

 Main Cast:

 Choi Daniel as Lee Dai-Ii.... Detective at the 'A Few Good Men' agency, also an ex-army sergeant who left due to a scandal
Park Eun-Bin as Jung Yeo-Wool.... new assistant at the 'A Few Good Men' agency who works about five part time jobs and also had her sister die mysteriously
Kim Won-Hae as Han Sang-Sub.... owner of the 'A Few Good Men Agency' that's going bankrupt and a huge Sherlock Holmes fan
Lee Ji-Ah as Sun Woo-Hye.... mysterious woman always dressed in red
Lee Jae-Kyoon as Park Jung-Dae.... young, gung-ho police detective
Park Joo-Hee as Baek Da-Hye.... lawyer who once represented Da-Ii
Lee Joo-Young as Gil Chae-Won.... coroner who can talk with ghosts

 For now that's the main recurring cast but will add to the list once new ones are introduced.

 Been slipping badly on these recaps but will try to pick up the pace a bit, last posts for the series were over two weeks ago so may be a good idea to skim through them again. Episode eight ended with Da-Ii watching as his detective agency partner Sang-Sub walked out of their office with none other than the mysterious woman in red! Why she has such a vendetta against Da-Ii remains unknown after twelve episodes but she tells him during this first scene she's going to kill everyone he loves.
 Da-Ii responded by saying there's no person alive that he loves and attempted to grab her in a rage. Huge mistake by Da-Ii as the woman in red easily eluded him and as you can see in the above screenshot was actually able to put her arm through him. That action rendered Da-Ii in absolute pain and the veins in his arms looked like they were going to burst. He was able to shake her off but lay on the ground writhing in pain as the woman in red left with his partner. Sang-Sub naturally can't see her as she's a ghost, he's been put under her 'spell' and proceeded to drive away with her.
 Yeo-Wool arrived on the scene shortly after the woman in red left, her name will soon be revealed and that's when I'll stop referring to her as the woman in red. Da-Ii knew the time to find his partner was limited and he needed Yeo-Wool's help badly to find Sang-Sub before his life is snuffed out too. The pair just don't know where to begin but decide to call on the coroner Chae-Won who they've recently met. Though she can't see ghosts these days Chae-Won can 'sense' their presence and also communicate indirectly with them.

 That middle screenshot is a good question from Chae-Won, even though he's a ghost Da-Ii can't walk through doors or walls? Chae-Won then surmised it's because Da-Ii died as a good person, when that happens a ghost has to be 'invited' into a house or room, the same goes for eating as they need to have food offered to them. Guess that means bad ghosts have greater powers such as the woman in red. Yeo-Wool was able to contact Sang-Sub by phone, he assured her that he's fine but Sang-Sub does sound mighty strange due to the spell he's under.
 Da-Ii and Yeo-Wool were able to track the call to a cafe, they did that with the help of the young detective Jung-Dae and the trio soon arrived at the cafe with Sang-Sub long gone. Jung-Dae is on Yeo-Wool's side but wants to know what is going on, he's been covering up for her actions for a while now but is still in the dark about the two killings she's been at. He also doesn't know that Da-Ii has been murdered, naturally he wouldn't believe it if Yeo-Wool told him Da-Ii was now a ghost.
 Meanwhile the woman in red had forced Sang-Sub to drive to an abandoned hospital, it's where her accident happened 25 years ago and why she's been in a coma ever since then. She's been able to conjure up the image of a police officer from 25 years ago who was named Yoon. He's in terrible shape and proceeded to come after Sang-Sub in a rage as the ghost is blaming him for the horrible incidents which took place over two decades ago. Sang-Sub is in a panic and with seemingly no way out tells the ghost Yoon he'll end his life to atone for what happened to the woman in red. Sang-Sub steps on a crate which just so happened to have a noose above it, it's just a matter of minutes until his life will be gone unless his partner Da-Ii can arrive on the scene to save him.

 Jung-Dae is the person who saved the day though he didn't know it then nor did he ever learn why Sang-Sub came close to hanging himself. The woman in red has been in a coma for 25 years, that happened because she jumped off the roof of the now abandoned hospital when she was twelve. The woman survived but has been in a coma ever since then, she attempted suicide back then as she still felt so guilty about her father doing the same deed along with killing her brother. Before the jump there was an officer who had befriended the girl, his name was Yoon and that's the ghost who had tried so hard to harm Sang-Sub.
 Jung-Dae had discovered that Yoon had killed himself at the same hospital twenty years ago, could this be the location where the woman in red brought Sang-Sub to? With no other options Jung-Dae and Yeo-Wool thought so and proceeded to head there with Da-Ii, of course he's still unseen by the detective Jung-Dae. The trio arrive at the hospital which is boarded up, Da-Ii looks for a way in by himself which is difficult as he can't touch anything solid.

 All three soon heard the cries of Sang-Sub from inside, it took a while but eventually Yeo-Wool and Jung-Dae were able to break through the front door and headed to the screams. Da-Ii also was able to enter the building via a broken window, the three arrived at the room where Sang-Sub was about to hang himself. Da-Ii had entered the room a few seconds before the other pair did, he noticed the woman in red and once again attempted to grab her to break the spell she had on Sang-Sub.
 Once again that was a failure as she's one powerful ghost and Da-Ii fell to the ground writhing in pain as he was holding her arm. Luckily Jung-Dae and Yeo-Wool arrived on the scene in the nick of time, Jung-Dae was able to grab hold of Sang-Sub just as he was about to jump off the crate with the noose around his neck. He's saved plus Da-Ii wasn't hurt too badly as for some reason the woman in red vanished once again before their eyes or at least the two people in the room that could see her.
 Her vanishing became a major clue in defeating the woman in red. Both times when she she disappeared the time happened to be 1:00 am, toward the end of the show Chae-Won figured out that's when the spirit had to return to her human body and that gave them the first glimmer of hope in defeating the woman in red who I'll now call by her real name which is Woo-Hye as everyone has soon discovered her true identity.

 Getting close to the end, another good question was raised above by Jung-Dae which was why does Yeo-Wool keep talking to nobody? She still can't explain to Jung-Dae what's happened to Da-Ii nor would he believe she's talking to a ghost. Also above is the attorney Baek whose role is getting bigger and I really like Joo-Hee who plays the character, did her first intro post three days ago. Baek first met Da-Ii when she represented him in a court martial case a few years back when he was in the Army, he had to resign but all of the charges were dropped.
 Da-Ii had Yeo-Wool e-mail her to ask for help, she's another person who is unaware that Da-Ii was murdered. He wanted Baek to bring a charge against the old hospital that is now abandoned, it's a false lawsuit but Da-Ii is hoping that would allow them to view all of the old patient records and to discover what happened to the woman in red. Woo-Hye. Baek reluctantly agreed and met a former director of the hospital, she was able to get the patient records but tells Yeo-Wool she'll only give them to Da-Ii.
 That's impossible but there was a secret meeting set up to exchange the records, Baek expected Da-Ii to be present but it was only Yeo-Wool who arrived. Of course Da-Ii was there but being a ghost he naturally wasn't seen by Baek. Yeo-Wool managed to convince Baek that Da-Ii was in danger and thus was able to obtain the old hospital records. With those records everyone was able to discover the true identity of the woman in red and with that the pair of shows finally comes to an end.

 Have said it before and will say it again which is that it's impossible to make the recaps of this drama any shorter. Had tried my hardest to make it briefer but just so much happens in each pair of episodes and really don't want to leave any major details out of the recaps. Few minor things were probably left out though but you can view all of the events in the slew of screenshots as there are over seventy of them for this pair of shows. Recap for episode's eleven and twelve is the post right below this one.

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