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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Korean Drama "The Ghost Detective": Episode's eleven and twelve recap

 Air Dates: September 4th to October 31, 2018.... Back to back episodes Wednesdays and Thursdays at 10:00 pm on KBS 2  Director: Lee Jae-Hoon    Two episode ratings:3.0 and 3.3%

 Main Cast:

 Choi Daniel as Lee Dai-Ii.... Detective at the 'A Few Good Men' agency, also an ex-army sergeant who left due to a scandal
Park Eun-Bin as Jung Yeo-Wool.... new assistant at the 'A Few Good Men' agency who works about five part time jobs and also had her sister die mysteriously
Kim Won-Hae as Han Sang-Sub.... owner of the 'A Few Good Men Agency' that's going bankrupt and a huge Sherlock Holmes fan
Lee Ji-Ah as Sun Woo-Hye.... mysterious woman always dressed in red
Lee Jae-Kyoon as Park Jung-Dae.... young, gung-ho police detective
Park Joo-Hee as Baek Da-Hye.... lawyer who once represented Da-Ii
Lee Joo-Young as Gil Chae-Won.... coroner who can talk with ghosts
Hyun Bong Sik as Sa-Soo.... Jung-Dae's older partner and superior

 For now that's the main recurring cast but will add to the list once new ones are introduced.

 Another fine pair of shows though not as much seemed to happen so keeping my fingers crossed this recap can be a tad shorter. Everyone on the hunt for the woman in red has now learned her true identity which is Hye-Woo. At the age of twelve her father had killed her brother plus himself but she was able to survive the attack. Shortly after her admittance to the Sopo hospital Hye-Woo had thrown herself off it's roof, she didn't die but has been in a coma for 25 years.
 The main team hunting her down consists of Da-Ii, his partner Sang-Sub, Yeo-Wool, the coroner Chae-Won plus on occasion the young detective Jung-Dae. They think they've discovered her current whereabouts but as you can see in the middle screenshot they were mistaken but not for long. For close to 25 years Hye-Woo has been helped by a male nurse that went by the name of Jeon. It hasn't been his decision to help her but Hye-Woo, though in a coma, has had him under her spell for those 25 years. He takes care of her plus does much of her dirty work such as to hunt down her potential victims and Jeon has had no clue what he's been doing.

 As you can notice above Jeon still sees the twelve year old Hye-Woo who isn't too pleased with his current idea. Jeon's plan is for Hye-Woo to transfer her spirit to a new body, he feels her present body is failing her and the woman he has in mind is none other than Yeo-Wool!!!! Hye-Woo is not pleased at all with his plans and feels she should remain in her current body. She was so upset with Jeon it appeared she killed him in a men's room but later on he somehow came back to life.
 Knowing the true identity of Hye-Woo and her past isn't helping Da-Ii nor Yeo-Wool much in their hunt for her. Obviously her name has been changed and with so many hospitals in and around Seoul how can they find her? Once again Da-Ii reached out to the attorney Baek for help, his tactic is for her to arrange for a reporter to send out 'feelers' for the location of Hye-Woo. Baek again agreed to a plan of his, not sure why she's been dropping her cases which can make her a ton of money to help Da-Ii out but there may be something in their past we haven't learned of yet.
 Baek proposed to a failed reporter her plan to work for a newspaper. The man's name is Kang and though talented has been unable to land a job as he hasn't passed certain exams which must be needed in Korea. Baek though has set up a fake job for Kang, what she wants him to do is to start spreading some false stories about hospitals through the newspaper's website. It's a huge scam and Kang was very reluctant to do it at first but eventually agreed as his payoff could be quite huge. Also he was given $10,000 to use as a reward to have people respond to his web entries if they had info about a woman who has been in a coma for 25 years. Bit of a confusing proposal but it did soon work out to an extant as some readers came forward with info about the woman in red, one false story was about her being kidnapped.

 The coroner Chae-Won is a bit of a mystery but she's turning out to be a very important character. She had the ability at the age of ten to see and communicate with ghosts but lost most of her talents when she was fifteen. In that five year stretch she had been working with a elder male Shaman who had used her abilities for his own sake such as making a lot of money for him . However at the age of fifteen Chae-Won had been possessed by an evil spirit through the carelessness of the Shaman, since then she lost her ability to see ghosts.
 But Chae-Won knows of a ghost/spirit that can help Da-Ii and Yeo-Wool in their quest to locate
Hye-Woo. Chae-Won won't meet with this person but has set up a meeting with them, Da-Ii will attend it but he forbid Yeo-Wool to also be there but we know how that'll turn out. The very long scene with Da-Ii meeting this ghost had to be one of the most confusing scenes I've ever viewed, got most of what happened but know a few details flew over my head.
 The ghost in question turned out to be Chae-Won's ex-Shaman who it also seemed was inhabiting the body of a woman or it may have been the other way around. This unnamed ghost was extremely powerful, when Da-Ii approached him he was immediately attacked and was no match for this spirit. As Da-Ii was being thrown around brutally who should arrive on the scene which took place in a tunnel than Yeo-Wool, her presence though may have saved Da-Ii's life.

 The male ghost took one look at Yeo-Wool and as you can see knew she was a human who would be a perfect host for a ghost. That was mentioned already as Jeon wants a new body for Hye-Woo and thought that Yeo-Wool would be the ideal fit. With Da-Ii lying on the ground still hurt from the attack the Shaman proceeded to then pounce on Yeo-Wool, he grabbed her by by the throat and had her dangling in mid air. Seemed like it was just going to be a matter of seconds before Yeo-Wool's life was going to be snuffed out when help of course arrived.
 The arrival was none other than Chae-Won who had felt guilty about setting up the meeting and then not attending. When the Shaman saw her it soon changed into a female ghost and one that was very helpful. This woman ghost was the one Chae-Won had wanted Da-Ii to talk to, she didn't have info on the woman in red but did give them some tips on how to find and kill her. The only way to kill an evil spirit is to kill them the same way they murdered a human and with the same weapon, to this day Yeo-Wool had kept the knife her sister committed suicide with.
 There were a few other helpful tidbits the female ghost told everyone but soon it reverted back to the evil Shaman and once again was to pounce in Yeo-Wool to kill her. Chae-Won still remembered all of her 'spirit training' from when she was a teen, she had brought with her a talisman which she threw at the Shaman. It was a direct hit as the Shaman fell right to the ground and was writhing in agony on the tunnel's floor. This allowed the trio to escape, thought the Shaman ghost was history but he'll make a brief reappearance towards the end.

 That scene was actually quite an exciting one but as mentioned just so, so confusing and perhaps the many screenshots at the bottom will help you understand it a bit more. Not just any human can kill an evil ghost but it has to be a person whose loved one has been murdered or the ghost of a person who has been killed such as Da-Ii. However he can't touch solid objects which rules him out so as she says above it's only Yeo-Wool that can kill the woman in red, Hye-Woo.
 Sang-Sub is very much against the idea of killing, true it's a ghost that Yeo-Wool will be stabbing but it'll be a live human body that she needs to stab. But that raised the question, is the body of Hye-Woo who is lying in a coma a real body or just the form of one? Those scam stories that the fake reporter Kang wrote has finally paid off as an informant has responded to one of them so he can collect the possible $10,000 reward for what's happened to Hye-Woo.
 She hasn't been kidnapped but her location has changed as the person looking after her Jeon has moved her from the Haneul hospital to one named Yoonsan. Yeo-Wool was the first of the group to learn of Hye-Woo's new location but kept the info to herself. She knew the others would stop her from heading to the Yoonsan hospital so she ducked out alone and headed there. That didn't remain a secret long as the others soon learned of her knowing Hye-Woo's new location though they themselves didn't know it.

 Bit of an exciting ending but one that's also a bit of a cliffhanger. As you can see above Yeo-Wool has found Hye-Woo's room at her new hospital but she may have wished she didn't. Almost seemed like a trap had been set for her as when she entered the room Hye-Woo's henchman Jeon was lying in wait, he quickly subdued Yeo-Wool and she's now tied up. Of course lying in a coma Hye-Woo doesn't know what's going on but Jeon wants to attempt his plan of Hye-Woo having a new body!
 Don't know how it would happen as it never reached that stage. Yeo-Wool struggled and struggled to free herself from the ropes binding her, she eventually knocked her chair over while also knocking over a glass vase which smashed. She frantically began trying to cut the ropes with some of the scraps of glass before Jeon noticed what she was doing. He didn't want to hurt Yeo-Wool as he didn't want anything to happen to her body which would be the new one for his master.
 Took a while but Yeo-Wool managed to free herself, she still had her sister's knife with her but could she manage to overtake Jeon to stab Hye-Woo? Then the unthinkable happened as Da-Ii arrived on the scene, he was able to get Hye-Woo's location from the Shaman who we thought was dead. He was able to take out Jeon rather easily which raised many questions. While Da-Ii was doing that
Yeo-Wool was able to get to Hye-Woo's bed, she was holding the knife to kill her once and for all. That was another event which didn't work out as planned as Da-Ii rushed over and took the knife from her, it was he who stabbed Hye-Woo but was she really dead(?) as the episode came to a close.
 Have a strong feeling Hye-Woo is still alive as it was only Yeo-Wool who could have stabbed her with the knife as it belonged to her sister. For Da-Ii to kill Hye-Woo he would have needed the knife his mother used to end her life five years ago. Also a huge question is how did Da-Ii manage to open the door to the hospital room and grab a solid object such as the knife? He concentrated so heavily on doing those things which made them happen but don't think it's a mind over matter issue when you're a ghost. Sure those and so many other questions will be answered as there's still twenty episodes to go and it's still too early to kill the woman in red.

 Whew, thought this recap was going to be shorter though it certainly didn't work out that way. Thanks if you read both of these recaps, my mind was turning a bit mushy during the second half of this one as I shouldn't have written them back to back. So far this is close to being my top drama of the year and can't see this hectic pace slowing down at all. Do need to pick up the pace soon on these recaps but don't think the next pair will be until about a week from now.

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