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Wednesday, April 1, 2020

"Age of Youth" drama: The preliminary post....

 Also goes by the title "Hello My Twenties", don't know if either one is more common. Usually don't do these kinds of posts for a drama but it's nice to do a few kinds of different posts plus of the five main characters there's only one who has had any posts so it's also an intro for a few of them. This is the first post for April and as slow as things were for the second half of March did do 73 posts which is about 2.5 a day, that could end up being the month with the most posts.
 Following this are a pair of recaps for the first two episodes, these are hour long shows which means one show a recap. Have viewed the first four episodes but will space things out a bit, also have written those next two recaps up. There's a total of twelve episodes, figure if I post a pair of recaps every four days that'll take us to about April 21st and it was a goal of mine to have all of the recaps for an entire series within a one month frame. What it does is making the posts easier to read if you want to check out older ones, know it's more difficult going back looking for posts in a previous month. On the bottom right is a feature called 'Blog Archive' which lists all of the posts done for the current month so should be easy to go back and start from episode one to read them in order.

 Can't say it's been a must watch drama to date but I've been enjoying it through four episodes. Going in thought it may be a bit too fluffy and girly for my tastes but it's been the opposite. Every episode has been getting a bit more darker and at times a bit depressing but it's also become so much more interesting, so much that I've viewed four shows in three days but as mentioned will still space the recaps out.
 The show aired on JTBC back in the Summer of 2016, that's a cable channel. Ratings for the series were so low, think it averaged about a 1.7% rating but have heard that's a decent number for a cable network. Must have been successful enough as there was a second season the following year, if I like this one enough will check that out right away and perhaps that'll be the 'Featured Drama of the Month' for May, that's something I've never done as it just came off the top of my head.

 What this post will consist of are pics from an event that was held on July 19, 2016 and the drama began three days later. Will have a brief description of the characters but not too much as that's what the recaps are for, every episode has featured one of the gals as the main star for that show. At the top is a short promo video where the actresses talk about their characters and it's subbed in English. Besides the event pics will also have some screenshots from the first four shows, sixteen pics in all then for each of the all five characters.

Park Eun-Bin as Song Ji-Won

 Eun-Bin was the main reason I'm viewing this series as she's my #1 Korean actress, this is the fifth drama I've seen of hers in the past two years. In episode one we didn't see Ji-Won until the final eight minutes but her role is just as big as anyone else. She's by far the most daffy of the five housemates and claims she can see ghosts. Ji-Won has never had a boyfriend and it may never happen. Though a cute gal who is interesting and talkative the men walk in the opposite direction when they see her. She's too talkative plus her number one passion is drinking alcohol to the point where she passes out, she's a junior whose major is Dance.

 Han Seung-Yeon as Ye-Eun

 Seung-Yeon is the most famous of the cast as she was also a member of KARA, she hasn't been in a drama in almost two years but can see her having a few regular posts in the future. In this show her character Ye-Eun is so image conscious as she'll say any kind of lie to make herself appear perfect in front of others. She's the only housemate to have a boyfriend but it appears she may have been dumped towards the end of the fourth episode. She is one sexy gal though not the most alluring one in the apartment, Ye-Eun is 22 in the show and is an Art major.

 Park Hye-Soo as Yoo Eun-Jae

 Had heard of Hye-Soo but this is the first drama I've seen her in. She's my fave of the cast and would like to watch her in more shows but she hasn't appeared in a series since 2017, no one really knows why she's disappeared. Eun-Jae at twenty years old is the youngest of the housemates, she's a freshman majoring in Psychology. She's from the 'stick's and for a long time was getting picked on by her housemates for being so naive. Don't know enough about the girl's backgrounds but it appears her parents died at an early age and was brought up by her uncle. Eun-Jae also loves to drink beer and holds a very deep secret.... she killed someone years ago?!

Ryu Hwa-Young as Kang Yi-Na

 She's also a former K-Popper who was in T-ara. Hwa-Young is just so drop dead sexy in this show and she is definitely deserving of many solo posts. However her character Yi-Na is by far the most unlikable of the five housemates and would rather not get into many details as what they consist of shocked the viewers and her friends. One little tidbit is that Yi-Na isn't actually a student, she had been lying as it helped out her 'business'. One other thing which hasn't developed is that she may have a stalker who she's met a few times in a bar and that could prove to be an interesting storyline.

Han Ye-Ri as Yoon Jin-Myung

 Ye-Ri is an actress who I knew nothing about, in real life she was 31 in age when this show aired. In the series Jin-Myung is the oldest of the housemates as she's 28 yet still in college. That's because her family is poor and she has to work three part time jobs to pay for tuition and also to send money to her mother. Up until the mid way point of the third episode we didn't know much about Jin-Myung as she was just so quiet and secretive, she was also such a dour person but if you read the recaps you'll understand why. It appears there may be a flame in Jin-Myung's life but she told herself she can never be allowed to get close to someone though think her mind may change about that.

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