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Saturday, April 25, 2020

"Boku dake ga 17 sai no sekai de" drama: Episode six recap

 Air Dates: February 20th to April 2, 2020 Thursdays at 11:00 pm on Abema-TV
English translation is roughly 'Only I am 17 years old'
Episodes are about 34 minutes in length, subtitles were done by Mich/Irozuku Subs

Link to the drama's Abema-TV site: https://abema.tv/video/title/90-1342

Main Cast: All are 24 in age as most of the action takes place in 2020 though there are many scenes from 2013 when they are seventeen, however Kota who should also be 24 years old is still seventeen...

Marie Iitoyo as Mei Konno... has recently returned to her hometown of Yagami after being fired from her temp job in Tokyo, she had such a crush on Kota when he passed away in 2013

Hayato Sano as Kota Sometani.... died on April 12, 2013 at the age of seventeen but has he just returned from the dead?

Kosei Yuki as Iori Ishikawa.... these top five characters were all high school friends who drifted apart after graduating, Iori is now a doctor at his father's hospital

Karen Otomo as Haruka Noda.... Mei's best friend and works at a beauty salon

Yutaro Watanabe as Ryuhei Yoshimura.... the fifth friend of the group who remained in Yagami and works at the train station

Kenta Hamano as Daiki Shindo... head priest at the local shrine

Yoshi as Naoki Shindo.... teen son of the priest who is in training at the shrine

Yoshihiko Hakada as Kazumi Akaike... the mayor, was he involved in Kota's death?

The drama is set in the city of Yagami in Nagano prefecture and the series was shot on location there. Much more happened in this show than the previous three and to date think it's been the best episode, haven't watched the seventh one yet but it promises to be even better. The past two recaps have been able to keep them at two segments and bet most enjoy a quick read like those were. Will be a bit tougher but am hoping the streak can continue.
 We left off with Kota finally remembering an event from the day he died. He had been in a bike race seven years ago with his friend Iori going down a mountain, the winner will have the honor of seeing Mei under the special cherry blossom tree. Iori had built a huge lead and Kota was nowhere in sight so he ended up winning the race. What Kota had recalled from that race was a car coming the other way, it came so close to Kota it forced him off his bike where he tumbled down a ravine to his death. Most of this show deals with trying to solve the mystery, it was successful to a big extent but the perp remains at large.

 Kota had brief encounter with Iori where he revealed what he remembered, he kept it a secret for now but Iori also saw that vehicle coming up the mountain and knew who the driver was. Before we dive into the mystery which does take up most of the recap Kota is having a few physical problems, mainly intense headaches. They hit up severely when he remembers anything about the day of his death, that's led us to wondering how long does he have on this planet? At the end of this recap for about twenty seconds he met the priest of the Yazakura Shrine who told Kota he was a dead man walking, the priest's son had also told Kota the same thing many episodes ago.
 Back to the mystery and Kota has told Mei of the car too. She met up with Iori at his hospital where he told Mei what he knew and the two were about to become a team. Driving the car that fateful day seven years ago was the mayor of Yagima, Akaike, who is still the city's mayor. The two planned to spend the evening investigating what may have happened that day and could they get any evidence to trap Akaike into a corner. Kota had seen the two go into Haruka's apartment, when he knocked at the door Mei told him she was alone though he knew better. Mei couldn't reveal what she and Iori were investigating so naturally Kota became quite jealous, especially since Iori had told him in the previous episode that he too once had a huge crush on Mei.
 Deep down have a feeling Iori would kill for Mei to possibly be his lover these days but he's keeping his emotions under wraps as finding evidence against the mayor is their #1 priority. Took quite a while and a lot of digging on the internet but the pair may have struck gold. They found the mayor's schedule for that day which was April 12, 2013 and the route he was going to take that afternoon led right down the mountain road. They found a picture of Akaike with of all people Iori's father who owns and directs the city's hospital. The two had been drinking in the picture that was taken on the day Kota died which led Iori to presume that the mayor had been drunk that day and there's no way he could go to the authorities in that condition to report Kota's injury, had he done it he may have been saved.

 As a side note that special cherry blossom tree is supposed to be chopped down, in that area will be Iori's father's new hospital. The mayor has been 100% behind the project against the wishes of the citizens and don't know if that may play a part in the final two shows. A little more digging by Mei and Iori found them a bit more evidence but would it be enough to bring Akaike to justice? As you can see above it won't be but that was after a lengthy confrontation between the mayor and Kota's possible saviors. The two spelled out exactly what happened on the fateful day that Kota died and the part Akaike played in it, didn't he have any conscious?
 It appears not as after listening to Mei and Iori the mayor laughed in their face, it was a nice story they've created but with no evidence there's not a thing they can do. Then again what did the pair expect, any person would have also denied that they played a part in a person's death. Mei had been especially furious at the mayor and as he was departing it almost seemed she was about to attack him, didn't quite happen but sure soon he'll get his just rewards or should I say revenge against him.
 After that failed confrontation Iori revealed to Kota what he and Mei had been up to, no need for Kota to be jealous of the two. That meeting took place near the end of the show along with Kota seeing Mei where he related to her he's aware of what his friends were trying to do. As the show came to it's conclusion Kota had been visiting the cherry blossom tree, perhaps to jog his memory of that fateful day? Out of nowhere came the priest Shindo who was allowing Kota to stay at his shrine, he said that Kota was going to disappear when the cherry blossom tree is in full bloom which of course left Kota in a daze. With that this superb episode came to it's close and was able to the recap in two segments and left nothing out.

 Easier to keep recaps at a reasonable length when a show is just 32 or so minutes long. Don't know why I don't just stick with dramas where the average length of a show is around the half hour mark, I seem to enjoy them more, always finish the series, it makes writing these posts up much simpler plus would think viewers prefer shorter recaps. Two more episodes to go, just viewed the next show were the events weren't what I expected and will view the final episode after writing that up.

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