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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Rika Izumi: Few recent happenings....

 It's a long way to when this year's top faves list will be done but never too early to make as many eligible as possible. Rika is now the fifth person to hit the six post mark and there's about seven who only need one or two more posts. But don't think I'll hit the mark of 32 which is how many gals had six posts last year. Have fallen into a bit of a rut though not a bad one. The past two months seems 80% of the posts have been for Nogi or a dozen of other faves, need to increase who I post about but it's becoming much more difficult these days. Once again just a one post day but think there will be plenty coming up starting on Thursday.
 The past three years Rika has had an average position of 4.3 on the faves list which is the highest average. Once again she'll be in the running for the top spot and could be the oldest gal on the list as she'll be turning 32 in October. Rika released her second photobook last week and it's such a shame an event couldn't be held for it as she looks so magnificent at them. Would have also meant about 25 more pics but do have about 45 or so new ones for today.

 Didn't seem as though there was as much promoting for this PB compared to the first one. There were just two mag spreads featuring outtake pics plus only a few recent interviews and perhaps the health crisis has had something to do with that. Rika also released two 'style' photobooks last week, they're different from regular books as they concentrate more on clothing, makeup, etc. One of the titles was "Rika A to Z", the cover and some pics from it.

 Rika's first PB came out exactly three years ago and had noticed it was a very good seller with over 50,000 copies sold. Sure this one will sell less because of the current situation, that's been the case the past few weeks with other books along with singles, albums and DVD's. But perhaps a few months from now when things become somewhat normal her fans will be able to buy it, sure it's going to be another fabulous book and her first one may be my fave photobook of all time.

 Pics from the Model Press site for the book, pics for the PB were taken in Portugal.

 Rika the last few years is known most for her modeling and don't think anyone has been as busy as she has. It's that time of year where there's many pics for Spring and/or Summer collections, there are for Apuweiser.

 More modeling pics from the Stola site.

 The site where Rika has modeled the most for is Oggi, she's the cover girl for their next mag so hopefully that means there will be another post for her very soon and these are new from their site.

 It didn't seem it but there were over forty new pics for today, she's had four posts since the beginning of March which is a reason there weren't more. Kind of surprised there weren't more spreads for the PB, will end off with one but it has nothing to do with the book. Way too small spread that's from the April issue of Biteki. After the pics is a short video of Rika's recent Big Comic Spirits spread that is actually from the book's photo shoot.

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