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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Monday, November 2, 2020

Kii Kitano: Has the true definition of what a 'blast from the past' post should be....


 In all honesty should have waited until tomorrow to have this post, after six for today may not have anything for tomorrow. Usually a 'blast from the past' post has been for a huge fave who hasn't had one for eight months or so, it is rare for a bigger fave to go that long without a post. But for today's honoree you have to go all the way back to August 20, 2018 for her last post and didn't realize that was when the 'Top Twenty Faves of All Time' list began. Wonder how many if any viewers visited here from the years 2012-16, it wouldn't shock me if the total was zero. If not thanks for your support and drop a comment if you've been here since that period.

 Most know where the name of the blog name 'Aitoda/Nao Kanzaki' came from but there were two other massive faves who inspired me to begin this. Of course one was Kii and if you did have view her older posts then you know what a massive fave of mine she was. In that stretch from 2012-16 she was so close to being my #1 of all time and if she stayed busy after 2016 then she would have been number one on that all time list by a huge margin. If you ask me Kii made made some bad career choices which really affected her. The main one was becoming a co-host of the ZIP news/variety show from September 29, 2014 until that date in 2016. That show airs every day at 5:30 pm which left her little time to film dramas or movies, what was she thinking or should I say not thinking? After that one of the busiest actresses around went to doing virtually....

 So Kii ended up finishing only in the 19th position on the all time list and for so long there may not have been anyone who I've ever liked so much for such a long stretch than her. Don't want to berate her but as of March 15, 2016 she had 104 posts, here we are 4 1/2 years later and the total is only up to 112, for a four period she averaged over two posts a month.

 Enough reminiscing, will save other thoughts for future posts(?) and let's get to some new pics. However there aren't all that many, though Kii is starting to become more active there was that long stretch where she did so little and did leave me so bummed out. For some reason she's been on my mind lately so decided to check out what she's been up to. There's a pair of current things and also have a few oldish things that have never been posted before. These are brand new pics from a October 5th interview with the Theater Girl site and to me looks more amazing than ever.

 Even more interview pics which are from the Mainichi site. They're promoting the 'Midsummer Night's Dream' stage play that ran from October 15th In Tokyo until yesterday, it'll be moving on to Niigata in five days and then a few other larger cities., she'll be playing Tokitamago(?) in the play.

 Didn't know it but Kii is also in a current drama called "Detective After Five" so will have to hunt it down, have seen just about every film and drama she's appeared in. Will go back in time for an event as there hasn't been any for her in a while. The date was May 10, 2011 and for the second year in a row Kii was chosen as a winner for being the best 'cotton wearer' from Cotton USA and the CCI International Cotton Council. Did post some pics many years ago from the event but five of these weren't in that post.

 Kii's a pretty darn good singer and have her two albums which I really enjoy. That was another unwise move ending her singing career, her singles weren't huge sellers but always charted a bit high. Will end off with a trio of mag spreads that have come out since her last post, can't believe it was 26 months ago and there's no fave I miss posting about more. This first set is from the March 2019 edition of Cameraman. Kii is looking older but still relatively young so it may be hard to fathom that she'll be turning thirty next March 15th.

 Can remember when the actresses I used to post about were 21-25 in age, now the majority are well into their thirties. This spread did come out before her last post was done but for some reason missed it and it's too darn good of a set to omit which is from the April 19, 2018 issue of Shukan Bunshun.

 Had always considered Kii to be the cutest gal in the history of the universe, still do but as she's gotten older she's become so striking or at least to me. Will end off with another spread that had been overlooked and this fabulous set is from the June 15, 2017 issue of Tokyo Walker Plus. Mentioned above that Kii was at one time a singer, while her songs weren't classics did enjoy most of them. After this set of pics have the PV for her first ever single that came out on February 24, 2010, the tune is "Sakura Saku" which reached #7 on the charts. EDIT: After being on YT for over eleven years the video has been.... deleted?!


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