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Sunday, January 24, 2021

"Yuru Camp" drama: Episode eight recap


 Air Dates: January 9th to March 26, 2020 on TV-Tokyo, Thursday nights at 12:25 am
Subs were mostly done by EcoTV but another team did at least the first show, you'll notice the font difference and the title roughly translates over to laid back camp.

Main Cast: We'll seldom see anyone besides these five, had only watched the first two episodes before writing the character info so may edit things as time goes on. The setting is Nanbu in Yamanashi prefecture which is a little over thirty miles away from Mt. Fuji. Like so many dramas it's based upon a manga and anime.

 Haruka Fukuhara as Rin Shima.... Main star of the show and she's an avid camper. However she has only done it alone as she'd rather not have others spoil her fun. So instead of joining the Outdoor Club at high school Rin is in the library club but that may not last for much longer.

 Yuno Ohara as Nadeshiko Kagamihara.... New girl at high school but had met Rin a few days before her first day. Nadeshiko had no clue about camping until meeting her but quickly became such a fanatic and joined the Outdoor Club on her first day at school.

 Momoko Tanabe as Chiaki Ogaki ... President of the Outdoor Club who had just two members until Nadeshiko joined. They weren't much of a camping club until then and it's located in a very tiny room until they can get to five members.

 Yumena Yanai as Aoi Inuyama.... The other member of the Outdoor Club. To date they've never taken a camping trip but do have various equipment, they spend most of their days burning leaves and keeping the school grounds tidy.

 Sara Shida as Ena Saito.... Rin's best friend who in these shows doesn't show much interest in camping though does love nature and animals. She is one kawaii young woman!!!!

 Think this will be the last of the recaps though am planning on watching the final four episodes tomorrow. Explained why in the previous recap but think you will see at least one more and that will be for the final episode but not for a while. There's going to be a second season but no start date has been announced yet. Will watch that season too as I really enjoyed this one so what I will do is have the recap for the final episode and then move on to the second season but it won't be for months. 

 Want to add in all of this 'action' is real as the cast did travel to Yamanashi to shoot the drama as you can tell by the screenshots and they did actually camp overnight many times.

 This is the first of another two-parter and who knows, maybe I will do all twelve episodes but want to begin on two other dramas first. In the previous story for the first time Rin had gone on a camping trip with someone who was Nadshiko and to Rin's amazement she's really starting to like the new girl in town. So much she's planning on inviting Nadeshiko to go on another trip, will talk about that in the second half. But think I know how this season will end and it will be with all five characters going on a trip. We've seen the Outing Club go on one and of course Rin in every show but for the first time it seems her best friend Ena will be trying her hand at camping.

 Aoi and Chiaki are the two founding members of the school's Outing Club, now it's a trio with Nadeshiko who has suggested what their next trip should be. It's the first week of December and with a break coming up why not have a Christmas Camp?! Nadeshiko's two mates thought that was an excellent idea and were all in for it, so wasn't Ena who happened to pass by why the trio were discussing it. She made four and while Rin hadn't been invited by the end of this episode sure she will be. Time to get ready for the unique excursion which meant it was time to head off to ELK, the largest outdoor store in the area. Nadeshiko had never heard of it but was in seventh heaven as she wandered through the store, however she wants to buy so much she decided it's time to get a part time job to pay for her new passion.

 Besides new equipment for the upcoming Christmas Camp Nadeshiko needed a few items for.... Rin invited her for the first time to take a rip with her! Rin was feeling a bit guilty at how she first treated Nadeshiko though she still thinks she's a bot of a weirdo. Nadeshiko has saved the day for Rin a few times, in the last recap finding someone who could start a fire, bringing her food one time for a trip and having her sister drive the pair to a site. Plus Nadeshiko is fun gal to be with, in a way the complete opposite of Rin who is always so quiet and serious.

 So as was the case for her episode three trip Rin's destination with Nadeshiko will be Nagano and she booked two nights at a lake camp site. However tragedy struck the day of the trip as against all odds who should catch a severe cold but Nadeshiko! Down in the dumps would be too mild of a phrase to describe Nadeshiko's feelings about having to bail on spending the weekend with Rin but that's what she had to do though that's not going to prevent Rin from enjoying herself. She's always taken solo trips and as she thought perhaps it was fate for her going alone again.

 Don't know if you can tell but stretching things out once again. Have had three mini segments for the first seven recaps and so little happened in this show it's been kind of tough having the same length. So a solo trip it was for Rin who headed out on her scooter bike again as Nagano is close to sixty miles away. However it being the first weekend in December a lot of camp sites and trails have closed, Rin found that out the hard way when she attempted to take a short cut as you can see above.

 She was a tad dejected and took a breather at a nearby rest spot to plan an alternate route. Once again Rin met someone to save the day and once again it was an unnamed ~25 year old woman. She was an expert at camping who like Rin preferred to go camping alone. Her passion was going in the Winter as she savored the challenge of hiking through snow and also like Rin enjoyed there being so few other campers around. This woman gave her a few pointers of what to expect at the site she was heading to and also a route to go by now that many roads and trails were closed. That mini scene brought us to the end of this episode, another fine show though not nearly as much happened.

 As I briefly mentioned in the beginning will probably end up recapping the final four episodes but not right away. Would like to do them just before the second season begins as that would be a nice lead in and wouldn't have to describe anything about the show. But that wouldn't be for a while so the schedule for those recaps is up in the air and will give an ETA in one of Haruka's solo posts.

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