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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Minami Tanaka: Few recent happenings....


 At forty new pics this is definitely not a huge post but thought there's no sense holding on to things plus it's been such a slow stretch, it's been much more difficult to do any kind of posts for current activities. This is also Minami's second anniversary as she was just introduced back in January 2019, it's her 30th post since then and not many have topped that figure. Have some dazzling pics to end the post off with but even more dazzling is a short video that's Minami's first gravure one and know all of her fans will really be lapping it up....

 Minami does have quite a large fan base here though it may not be as huge as it once was. She's always doing something and this is her fourth post in less than two months, the first in the group was for her 34th birthday that took pace on November 23rd. Though four posts in a short amount of time expect that pace to continue for a while with Spring coming up.

 That's because Minami does so much modeling work these days but don't have many pics in that vein for today. Bit late to promote Winter clothing lines plus it's a tad too early for Spring collections but they should start coming out next month. Do have a few new pics from the Clane site and she's now yet another exclusive model for a brand.

 Also a few from the ar site, some may have been in their last issue but these are clean versions.

 What I've ben noticing as of late is that there's been a huge slowdown in magazines putting out issues. Not so much the weeklies but many more monthly mags have been combining two months together, not just a handful but the vast majority. So of course that means twice as less spreads for most faves and that could be a big reason in the slowdown in posts. Do have a few new ones for Minami though they're all too small, top five are from the January issue of CQ Japan and Minami was their 'Woman of the Year' for 2020, bottom two pics are from the February issue of Smart.

 Last July Minami was signed to be an exclusive model for the Peach John lingerie company, she had some mouth watering pics but none after that initial batch.

 Can't say there haven't been any new pics from them as a few were just released today and hope it's the start of many more, whewwww....

 That video that was mentioned in the beginning is a CM for Peach John, have it after the pics and for all fans it's of course a must watch, her most alluring video to date. Today is the 20th and Minami attended an event to promote her new lingerie lines and the CM. It was called their '2021 New Brand Muse Presentation' and the line she's modeling is called 'Marumi Bust', she did say at the event more pics and videos would be coming out soon which I'm definitely looking forward to.

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