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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Neru Nagahama: The first of two 'blast from the past' posts!!!!


 Neru's photobook had many hotter than hot pics but that top one will always be my #1 of her. Few quick 'Nao musings' before the meat of the post and it's about the huge decrease in Nogi and Keya posts. Did want to cut down on the amount of them and was successful in the last three months of 2020. But didn't want to see such a massive decrease and there's been nothing I can do about it as both groups have been strangely silent. In Nogi's case it doesn't make too much sense as their next single is coming out in two weeks. Sure there will be some things coming up but have never seen such a quiet stretch for them, there's been virtually no mag spreads the last two months, zero events and hardly any activities save for those end of the year music shows.

 There's been eight Nogi post since December 1st but three have been for graduates(!), two posts for those who made the faves list so really just three regular posts in six weeks. As I said there's not much I can do about it though in all honesty doesn't seem viewers are missing their posts. It's been an even slower period for Keya which is also baffling. After their 'restart' in October outside of one single and some TV appearances plugging the song they've been AWOL, especially the first generation members and the only two posts for them are for the pair that made last year's faves list. Oh well, least there's been some Hina posts though their activities have slowed down a tad too but my fave member from them should have a post or two coming up.

 Few weeks back promised to do a post this month for Neru and think that may turn into 2-3 of them. She's someone I miss so much, perhaps more than any other '46' group graduate. These days or actually the last two years I tend to follow the members more than the group as a whole, when the gals you liked the most end up departing then your interest in a group ebbs or at least that's been the case for me. This is Neru's 11th solo posts and that's an impressive figure as she hasn't had one since August 22, 2018. She did take a long break after graduating and think it was to practice those 'straw skills'....

 Neru 'officially' graduated on July 30, 2019 and on that date the only Keya graduation concert was held. However she had really left Keya well before that as she wasn't even on heir previous single but did have a solo song. Kind of felt to me as though management was easing her out the door and can't understand why as Neru was close to being the group's most popular member. Plus her December 2017 photobook was one of the biggest sellers ever for an Idol with over 200,000 copies sold, you'd think they would have done anything to retain her. But that's not how Keya's management works and the group is paying the price for their ineptness.

 That PB is my tenth fave one of all time which is impressive considering how many hundreds I've posted. It's been quite popular here too as it's closing in on 15,000 views. So after the graduation concert it almost seemed as though Neru retired from showbiz and what a waste of talent that would have been. But last July she made a comeback and began as a co-host of the variety show '7Rules' plus now has a J-Wave radio show. No mag spreads or events but Neru's only been back for six months and would love to do posts for her on a consistent basis.

 Do have a lot of pics for today, so many this is part one of her comeback posts. Both or perhaps three will contain some new pics, few oldies that have never been seen here before plus some pics you've seen but need an encore viewing. If you're new to Keya then these posts could also be an introduction about a semi forgotten part of their history. If Neru was still around what a battle it would be for the top spot for my fave member and less than ten first generation members are left! This is currently my number two member and aren't some of those pics so old?!

 Of course my #1 Keya member has held that position for over two years but would have been interested to see if she held on to that position if Neru was still there....

 Hmmmm, after that bottom comment does she still deserve to be number one?! To me the biggest mistake with Keya's 'rebranding' has been no group drama and to me that's one of the best ways to introduce a group and it's members. It worked for me as that's one main reason I discovered Keya and also Hiragana46 who of course are now Hina. Keya's 'Tokuyama' series from 2016 was a decent show and to me a new drama would be an excellent way to introduce the newer members as their variety show is so tiring and uninteresting these days.

 In the drama Neru to me was the best at acting and would really like to see her start appearing in dramas. The show's story was of the members finding their teacher dead one day. perhaps it was murder and who could have done it? For so long Neru's character was the #1 suspect though in the end she was proven innocent, recapped the entire drama and do recommend viewing it.

 Though my fave side story was of Neru's relationship with another mate, it being an Idol drama it could only go so far but would have loved to see some behind the scenes footage if you know what I may be referring to....

 The tonight footage is what I was dying to view!. On to some new pics and Neru posts so many on her Instagram page and the vast majority are so super duper. She was always a thin woman but is looking even more thinner these days but still looks like a trillion yen to me.

 Those bottom pics are from Neru's new radio show 'Legato' and will have more info about it in her next post. Was going to just do this one post but there's so many pics decided she deserves at least one more. These are some superb interview pics promoting the new show with the Hominis site.

 Those above and these upcoming pics are just so terrific, it's kind of a shame then Neru hasn't had a regular mag spread since her return. Have even more interview pics here promoting the 'Legato' radio show which has a music theme, these are from the Reader Store site.

 Guess Neru did have to return to showbiz as her detective career wasn't doing so well....

 As mentioned there's no new Neru mag spreads but would think we'll see her appear in a few this year, would also like to see her do some modeling work. So for today will have Neru's final two solo spreads as a Keya member and it's been just way too long since her last one. This first set is from the June 7, 2018 edition of Young Jump.

 Today's final set of pics is from the August 20, 2018 issue of Big Comic Spirits, it was Neru's last solo spread as a Keya member and she often was the cover girl of a mag. One of my top Keya tunes is "Noriokureta Bus" which was off their first single. Neru was the center for the only time though she did have two solo songs, you can view a video of the song after the pcs.

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