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Saturday, January 9, 2021

Mizuki Fukumura: May have the most unsurpassable and flawless post for 2021....


 Did say in the previous post that I'd be taking a day off this weekend, looks like that'll be happening tomorrow as this post of perfection truly needed to be done. It's a bit shocking but this is her first post in exactly fourteen months and no massive fave has ever had such a gap in posts but sadly there was nothing that could be done about it. If you just started visiting here within the last year you'd have no idea how high Mizuki is on my list of faves. Though it's been such a long period without a post would still have her in my top ten for fave Idols and also on the list for top ten hottest women of all time, once she was knocking on the door to be #1 in both categories. 

 There's no doubt Mizuki slipped a few spots on the lists due this stretch of quietness but after gaping at her pics for the zillionith time she's definitely moved back into the my five. She has made the yearly list twice and the only reason Mizuki didn't make the 'All Time Top Twenty Faves' list was because she was 22 in age at the time, needed to be at least 23. That was back in 2018 and she'll be eligible for the next list as she did turn 24 a few months ago, a number one ranking for her would probably be out of the question but with a busy next 1 1/2 years who knows?

 What a quiet year it was for Morning Musume and to me think the virus affected their activities more than any other J-Pop group. They had a single in January then nothing until December, it's also hard to believe she had zero solo mag spreads in 2020. The group is definitely closer to their fans then most groups and they weren't able to hold any kind of fan events last year nor was there a tour. All in all it was kind of a lost year for MM and also a few other Hello Project groups but think things are starting to look up a bit, a wish for me is that this is the first of ten posts, gulp....

 Will stay with Morning Musume briefly and on December 16th they released their 69th single. Title of the main tune is "Junjou Evidence", it just hit #2 on the chars in it's first week but did sell over 112,000 copies. Usually the group holds a few fan meeting sessions for a single but that wasn't an option in 2020, still won't be for a while. It's a decent song, better than most singles in 2020 but they've had better. If you want to view an English subbed version of it here's the link: MM 69th single

 Mizuki finally had her first solo mag spread since November 2019, it come out this week and can't think of one reason there weren't any in 2020. That's the only new spread for today and though last year was so ultra quiet have about 140 pics for this post, may have gone overboard but how I've missed posting about her plus know many viewers missed her too.

 Say that because her posts are among the most popular ones for an Idol. She had 24 solo ones in a
3 1/2 year stretch up until November 2019, there was also four group posts. Those 24 have an average of 944 views and not many Idols can top that figure, some do from Nogi but that's mainly because they have some photobooks that really skew the average. So mentioned there are ~140 pics for today, almost all are new for here and most are from 2020 though do have a few missed oldies tossed in. Such as these from the Morning Musume Ameba blog, the pics are from the last three months and some of them are just so fabulous....

 One pic was from Mizuki's 24th b-day which took place on October 30th, two more pics from the special day but I may prefer....

 .... this pic from her... 22th birthday?!

 In those blog pics had a few for X-Mas, will make this the final batch for the holiday.

 There were a few H!P cards in that batch, have some oldies which are new for here but the top three are recent ones. Seems to me there's been a big cutback in H!P cards the last few years.

 This post may have more variety than any one I've ever done, as I mentioned hope it's the start of many for 2021. Wish these were recent pics but are sadly years old, they feature two of the top three who made my all time top twenty list.

 But it's that bottom pic with  25 year old Juice=Juice member Tomoko that has got me thinking, one is that she needs another solo post. But the main thought is that Mizuki will be turning 25 in October and there's been a loose rule where a Hello Project graduates when she hits that age, am surprised that JJ gal is still in the group. Perhaps they've loosened that loose rule up a bit and are willing to let members stay as long as they want to which to me would help the groups maintain their popularity and keep older fans. Most other groups allow members to stay on well past 25 such as AKB who have a gal about to hit thirty plus Nogi and SKE each have seven to ten members between the ages of 25 and 28. Least that birthday won't be happening for another 9 1/2 months and have a feeling she'll be staying with MM a bit longer after she turns 25, Mizuki is also the main captain for all of the Hello Project groups. No solo pics from this mini event which took place a week before X-Mas as there was one member from all of the groups promoting the special H!P year end party which takes place every year.

 Have had this spread before but it's so overwhelming why not have it again? It's a huge set but wanted to have it as it was the last time Mizuki had graced a cover until today's spread, it was also her second to last spread until the one coming up and it's from the July 5, 2019 issue of Young Gangan.

 Except for 2016 Mizuki had a photobook every year from 2013-19, sadly there wasn't one in 2020. Wonder why as two other MM gals did and her books aren't #1 for Idols but aren't far off, let's pray for a 2020 PB. Her last photobook was titled "Tasha" which naturally came out in 2019. There was a behind the scenes DVD that came with it that ran for 27+ minutes. Have never posted any screenshots from it so here's some and how about those bottom pics... how she constantly leaves me speechless....

 This spread here is her first solo one in fourteen months and why(!?), this set is from the January 19th edition of Manga Action. Don't have the stats to back it up but I would wager any amount of $$ that no Hello Project member has been a cover girl more than she has this past decade though there is a gal four years younger hot on her tail. Bottom four pics are from the photo shoot.

 Shame that mag never has any kind of videos. At the bottom of the post have one from July which also features a trio of other Morning Musume members, had never seen it but if you're a fan highly recommend it. EDIT: Sadly another video that has been deleted by YT. Will end off with some heart attack inducing Mizuki pics and they're some great proof why she's one of my hottest five Idols of all time, at a loss for superlatives....

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