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Sunday, January 3, 2021

Mariya Nagao: Her missed 2020 mag spreads, a new breathtaking one plus a belated X-Mas gift(whew!)....


 Probably the only post for today though things should be picking back up to normal speed in a few days. In the previous post briefly mentioned how this is one of the slowest stretches of the year, perhaps the slowest. Besides events another thing that slows down are mag spreads. Most magazines put out double issues to begin a year off with, on so many covers you'll notice volume's 1-2 and on occasion they also go volume's 3-4, it's been going on for years. So though just the one for today it will be one of the more high quality posts you'll see all month and it's for such a huge fave of you viewers.

 Would say that Mariya is the second or third most popular gravure model here or at least for ones who have over twenty posts. In a little over two months Mariya will be celebrating her fifth anniversary of graduating from AKB and as I say too often where's the time gone? She should be celebrating as her career has been much more successful since leaving the group, wonder if she knew at the time her success would be by becoming such a popular gravure model?

 Would think not as Mariya didn't appear in nearly as many mags when she was with AKB as she was just kind of a so-so popular member. Not many posts for her in 2020, she had five from early October until November 2nd, all were web pictorials or photobooks but only one was a new set. Didn't have one mag spread post for Mariya last year, have four spreads for today from 2020 but that's not many but things really seem to be picking back up for her. Slower year for Mariya's acting career too, a few guest appearances on some dramas but not nearly as many roles as previous years. However she will be in a new series beginning in one week and in an odd scenario the gravure model who is the most popular one here by far will have the lead role, can't wait to see a few pics of them together.

 Have five spreads for today but will be ending off with something else which may be her best pics to date! Four sets are from last year, there were two more but they only had 2-3 pages. So six for a year is such a decrease for Mariya who used to appear in two a month. She's still a popular as she has the cover of two of the spreads, first one is from the June issue of Cyzo.

 This spread is from the August 14th issue of Friday but shouldn't it have been much larger? Of course it should have especially when you pair these two gals up....

 Next two sets are much bigger, this one is from the September 22nd edition of Flash. Mariya is looking much better these days or perhaps I should say back to how she used to look. To me she wasn't looking nearly as dazzling back in 2019 as she once did plus her spreads all seemed to look alike, these days she's looking as sultry as she did in 2017-18.

 Last spread for 2020 is from the October 14th issue of WPB. Mariya hasn't had one of their huge pictorials for a while so would think we'll see a few of them this year.

 Nice way to begin a year off and hope Mariya has a few more covers in 2021. This final spread but not final set of pics is from the January edition of Young Champion, should have been a bigger set.

 Had 'belated X-Mas gift' in the title, these pics are so stupendous you wouldn't have needed any more gifts!!!! Also said this may be her best collection of pics and bet many will agree but it's just the tip of the iceberg. Mariya is now a model for Reinest lingerie and are these pics out of this world?! They are to me and they've all come out in the last two months. There's so many pics from them will be having a post within the week just with Reinest pics, perhaps the post may be a bit too one dimensional but what a dimension to be trapped in!! Shame there's no promo videos for the lingerie so instead will have the link to her YT channel which she just started up a month ago: Mariya's YT channel


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