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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Friday, January 1, 2021

Kang Han-Na: Is there anyone better to start the new year off with?


 Well, sure you viewers can think of a hundred others you'd rather see having the first post of the year though these days very few top her in my eyes. Guess you could say that I could have thought of ten others to begin the year off with as Han-Na finished eleventh on the 2020 fave's list. But that was mainly because I had started posting about her too late in the year, she is one of my top five current gals. Want to make sure her making the list wasn't a one time deal and don't think it will be but posting about Korean actresses has become so difficult. Seems as though the virus has affected their activities more than their counterparts from Japan. Though just an eleventh place spot on the list did mention in Han-Na's last post she was the most attractive woman in the top twenty.

 Gulp, glad I paid my cold water bill!!!! This is also a very early happy birthday post as there probably won't be a post around that date but will try very hard for one to happen. On January 30th Han-Na turns 32 and there's just two others who get a decent amount of posts who are older. Seems these days I prefer woman getting up there in age as I am too, would rather do a post for someone around thirty than a 22 year old yet they're the ones who get much more exposure... though not many have had as much exposure as Han-Na did in her "Empire of Lust" movie, whew....

 So while there may not always be a slew of new pics there's so many activities from 2104-19 for
Han-Na that have never been posted before. So in these you'll see a mix of new ones and some golden oldies, I like the current pics better as her new hair style makes her beyond perfect and it's hard to think of any more superlatives to describe her. Will start off with a set of oldies which is from the July 2015 issue of Oh Boy!, Korean spreads are usually way to small but that last pic....

 More ancient pics which are from a November 2016 interview with the Pockcon site and were for her 'Moon Lovers' drama. For the most part posts for Korean actresses are extremely unpopular save for one other woman who finished third on last year's faves list. If they get 150+ views I usually pleased with that figure. However Han-Na seems to be slightly bucking that trend, her first five posts have an average of 265 views and that puts her in first place for all Korean actresses.

 As mentioned Han-Na did chop those long tresses off, she looked mighty fine back then but just so much more attractive these days. She did it for her role in the "Start-Up" drama and have some pics from that show after this batch. Han-Na was never much of an Instagram poster but that's really changed these past two months with all of these pics. Have quite a few new ones for today with the top one being the best and there's more from the event coming up. The pics with a trophy are of her winning the 'KBS Rookie DJ of he Year' award, last January she became a host on their Cool FM show.

 Been taking a break from drama recaps, did so many this year got a bit burnt out and bet I may have set a record for drama posts in 2020. One reason for the burnout was recapping the "Start-Up" drama, it was an eighty minute show so that meant it took longer to write the recaps up. Did do them for the first eight episodes and then thought it's enough. But have been continuing with the series which I should finish in about ten days, will start doing recaps soon for the "Yuru Camp" drama that aired a year ago. So have been including some screenshots and info in posts like this one, these pics are from episode eleven and had wanted to have the whole show today but part two will be in her next post.

 If you read any of the recaps you'll recall that Han-Na played the role of In-Jae who had been the CEO of a major company that was owned by her stepfather but left that position after a huge disagreement with him. In-Jae was accepted into the prestigious SANDBOX program which helps new startup companies, she named her new one INJAE. Her team of five had created a new security system that would be much more efficient than guards though that means they'd be out of a job. In-Jae premiered the system at Demo Day which is used to attract investors from around the world. All went well save for one man who would be displaced because of In-Jae's new security device, he caused a bit of a ruckus at the presentation and he happened to be the father of Do-San who was on a rival SANDBOX team. Of course it's difficult to do justice in one long paragraph for such a fine series but the main reason are these stunning screenshots and have never seen an actress more attractive in a drama. Went into this show without high expectations but have been pleasantly surprised at how good and interesting it's been, would definitely recommend this drama.

 Will have more pics in her next post as that action was all from the first half of episode eleven and as you can see also stars a mega fave of mine. Also in that next post may be more info on Han-Na's next drama. Seems she'll have another major role in the "Frightening Cohabitation" series beginning in the Spring but no start date has been announced yet. Have posted these pics before which are from the December 2019 issue of Littor but having them again as I found a short video from the photo shoot and will be ending off with it.

 Could have had these pics in her last post but somehow missed them, how I wish there were five times as many! The 2020 'Mnet Asian Music Awards' show was held on December 6th and guess who an awards presenter was? Of course it was Han-Na and when I first saw these pics almost had to call the EMT's as I don't know if my heart has ever beaten faster!!!! So no use in describing them but how can pics of perfection like these be topped and as I said wish there were five times as many. After the pics is that short December 2019 vide for Littor.

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