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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Jin Se-Yeon: Once again wants to be included in the race to be my #1 fave of the year(?)....


 Like the post below this one it's kind of a quickie but things should be getting back to normal this weekend. Have mentioned how this is a slowish time of the year and that remains so, but am working on about seven posts and should have a few done by the weekend. One of those posts will be for a newbie and she just may dazzle a few of you, she's done that to me already....

 But no woman dazzles me like Se-Yeon has over the last few years and have said that a few times in her posts. My #1 most beautiful woman ever has held that spot for about five years but how much longer can she remain number one? Probably for a while but if one gal could topple her, she's an 
ex C-ute member, it would be Se-Yeon. It's hard to explain the hold she has over me and I just can't think of any more words of perfection to throw her way. Hmmmm, I'm having a problem like that too but what are the odds she's referring to me....

 In 2020 Se-Yeon did have seven regular posts but the last one was over six months ago, she also had eight for dramas. That huge gap cost her a spot on the top twenty list and up until June thought she was going to be in the running for #1, that's where this post's title came from. On the list #11 I said was the most attractive woman of all twenty, that's true but as fabulous as she looks no current fave can hold a candle to Se-Yeon's perfection. That drama was titled "Born Again", only recapped the first eight shows but did watch the entire series. It was a decent drama but kind of switched gears too many times as far as the mood went but I still enjoyed it. No new dramas are in the works yet for 2021 and to my amazement she's only been in four since 2016.

 As I mentioned in the beginning this is kind of a quickie post but had to do it for one main reason. Will be ending the post off with pics from a recent event and as hard as it is to believe Se-Yeon looks more perfect and alluring than ever but have a feeling many may not be in agreement. Not too many new pics for today but a post for her was way overdue and consider the new pics to be quality over quantity. But as in all of her posts will include some older pics that hadn't been posted and there's still many things to get to. Se-Yeon isn't much of an IG poster as these are her only pics from the past two months.

 In every post for a Korean actress have moaned about the lack of mag spreads, have done that since their first post and may moan until their last! So let's go way back in time for this set from the June 2014 issue of In Style which is larger than most spreads.

 Unless something overwhelming pops up the next Se-Yeon post should be around February 15th, on that day she'll be hitting the age of 27. What I need to do is space her posts out more, those seven last year were in a five month stretch. But the wrong five months as they were from January to late June, had they been in the second half of 2020 she definitely would have made the top ten. This is her last magazine she's appeared in which was the May issue of Piikle, many pics from the photo shoot.

 One more small batch of oldie pics that are from 2015 and Julius watches.

 Now on to the main reason for this post or at least the reason there could be one. On December 24th the 'KBS 2020 Entertainment Awards' show took place at the KBS Hall in Yeouido, Seoul. The main emcee for the show was of all people Se-Yeon and talk about a woman shining so brightly you need shades! It was a rather low key event as there was no red carpet entrance and it was streamed live as no audience was permitted, been a huge slowdown on events in Korea the past year for obvious reasons. There's only a handful of pics from the actual show here which is okay as the next batch is....

 .... a batch of pics that rank up there as perhaps being my top ones of all time. These are backstage pics and I just can't think of any more superlatives that fit Se-Yeon's level of perfectness, I'm truly speechless on how magnificent she looked!!!! You can keep all of those Idol gravure pics I post about as these blow away 100% of them, whewwww!!!! Didn't think there would be a YT video of it and there wasn't. But do have a good one from September after the pics as Se-Yeon was the emcee of yet another event. It was a special airing of 'Korea on Stage' which had many different performers and not just actors, will try to have some pics in her birthday post.

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