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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Monday, August 30, 2021

Yuika Motokariya: A very early 'Happy 34th Birthday!' post....


 Am eight days early for the occasion but though it's titled that way this really isn't a birthday post and also most with that heading aren't either. So while this is Yuika's 25th post sixteen have been for drama recaps so just nine others which viewers enjoy so much more. That means that's so many things to get to from the past decade so while there's not many new pics in a way they are all new as most have never been in a post. So over that last decade have really been ga-ga over Yuika 😍 and while she's so busy doesn't do enough activities that can be included in posts such as being in magazines or at events. Hmmmm, hope she's turning towards me and not away!!!!

 August has been such a slow month for my faves but least this makes fifty posts for the month which isn't a bad total but there's been many more drama recaps than usual. So next Spring will do my second 'All Time Top Twenty Faves' list, it'll be four years after the first one which should be a long enough gap. Yuika will be in the top ten which may surprise some viewers though had she had more posts then she'd be in the battle for being my #1 of all time but for all of the women I post about being in the top ten is quite an achievement. Will admit Yuika is quite a thin woman but she makes my blood boil more than just about any other female and she just may be my $1 alluring gal, gulp....

 Few weeks back posted the sweltering pics from her "Cantik" photobook which came out in February 2020. That's been extremely popular and may be one of the top ten viewed posts of the year. In that post said I would do one on September 8th or a bit earlier, that's when Yuika will be hitting the age of 34 and I really do prefer posting about woman 28+ in age these days. But wasn't sure whether to have this kind of post or one for the only PB that I haven't posted from her. You can see what the decision was and in about a month will be doing a post for her 2017 photobook "Maururu/Mahano", two names and I'll explain why then. Some breathtaking pics from it to get you primed up for that post....

 This Blog has gotten quite popular the last few years, so much that it's getting over three million views a year. So a curious question just popped into my tiny head which is Do any of the women I post about visit here and read their posts? Have no clue but would think if they ever do a search for their name they'd stumble across this Blog. It's easier searching in English but I do see this site searching in Japanese which is how I usually search. If any has ever found this place wonder what they think of the posts which do have many scantly clad pics but are always quite positive, just a thought which suddenly popped into my head.

 Let's get on with things and will hold back about 25 pics. That's because I forgot about the bottom pictorial which has 31 pics and by holding back 25 can have another post next month, sure this post will still have over eighty pics. As many have noticed been recapping Yuika's 2017 drama "Love or Not", have four more episodes to go. Could have finished them earlier but it's been a slow period so trying to stretch the posts out, they should be done by Sunday. There was no event held for the series but there was for it's second season and that's what these pics are from. I've been enjoying this drama but sadly the second season doesn't appear to have been subbed, these pics are from October 2018.

 I've viewed five Yuika dramas but it's so hard to find them subbed and she's been in about 25 of them. Her mini drama from earlier this year may have been her best one to date, also her most suspenseful. "My Love, My Baker" was a 2020 series that I've been wanting to watch and while the episodes are available it's never been subbed which kind of surprises me. Few pics here are from a July 2020 interview she did for the drama with the Paris mag site, here's it's link: Paris mag interview

 The drama began on July 10, 2020 and on the fourth there was an event for the show. When you do a search for a subbed version of the drama you'll see many sites saying they have it but all are liars and how I despise those places. For this drama it was the first time in fourteen years Yuika cut her hair but she is letting it grow back.

 Yuika is about to it the age of 34 and has never been married, can't recall ever hearing about any kind of relationships either. But these days it's becoming common for Japanese or Korean actresses, models or Idols not to get married until much later on and many times never get hitched. I can't think of many if any gals I'd rather have for a bride, this set is from the October 2018 edition of Bon Mariage and that's how it's spelt in French, two pics are from the photo shoot.

 Few recent Instagram pics which are all terrific but she doesn't really post that many as these stretch back to June.

 As mentioned there's been a lack of mag spreads over the years which isn't a bad thing and you can say there's been a shortage of them too for most of my top actresses. But there have been a few fabulous ones such as this set from the January 25, 2020 issue of Shukan Gendai which has some outtake pics from the "Cantik" photobook.

 We've hit the end but as I said expect a photobook post by the end of next month and another one in this vein. Back in 2012 did a post for Yuika's September 2008 Bomb-TV pictorial but that post ended up being deleted as I didn't know any better back then and had the pics linked to a photo site instead of my computer. But still have the pictorial which consists of 31 pics and she had just turned 21 in age the prior month. There's also a superb video of the photo shoot after the pics, closest she's ever come to having a gravure video as there's never been any for her photobooks.