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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Thursday, August 12, 2021

Nao Kanzaki: 2021's 'Top Twenty Faves' preliminary list #1, positions sixteen to nine....


 What the original plan was to have this list and the two posts for it on the final weekend of the month. Two weeks early and you viewers know why, there's been such a shortage of things to post about recently. But am working on a few posts and hopefully I'm right thinking the amount of posts should be back to normal within the week. Last year had three of these preliminary lists, will just have one this time around. As the title says this post will have positions sixteen to nine, post following this will have the eight current top faves and hopefully it'll build a bit of suspense up!

 Was worried for a while that because of the decrease in activities and posts the list wouldn't consist of twenty but luckily that worrying went for naught. Before the list begins will have a mini intro to discuss a few things such as the massive fave right above. That's Haruka and she won't make this year's list due to not having enough posts. Just two to date for the year and six are needed to be eligible. Last year she was seventh, in 2019 she was eighth and I had wanted Haruka to battle out for this year's top spot. That didn't happen and every year there's always a handful of truly large faves who have made prior lists who fell off because of a lack of posts. 

 Riho is going to sadly be another who won't make this year's top twenty. She has three posts to date but even if she makes the six needed she's been way too quiet for most of the year and being consistently busy plays a major role in making the list and how high you finish. Though the final list will have twenty women this preliminary list will just feature sixteen which means there will be four others to make it. Hate to say it but Mai wouldn't make the top sixteen at this point, sure she will make the final cut but though she has enough posts they've been kind of blandish to me. Her new drama is being subbed and wavering on whether to view it or not.

 That's Minami right above and she's another who should squeeze on the list, she was #1 back in 2019. The final countdown wouldn't begin until the end of November and by then most of these positions will change. The only criteria for this initial list was to have four posts but six will still be needed to be eligible. Will work backwards to keep things suspenseful and will add some info in for everyone such as how many years they've made the list and what their position was last year. The 'Nao Year' starts on December 1st so the amount of posts is how many since then

#16.... Mai Shinuchi, if she hangs on it'll be her first time on the list.

 First time on the list but she's in my top five all time for Nogi members. Mai was the first gal from the group to hit six posts and her popularity here is finally rising a bit. However I wish she had a bit more variety to her activities but this year have been saying that about all Nogi members.

 #15.... Minami Hamabe, another fave who will make the list for the first time.

 Slight drop from where I thought she would be, by June she would have been in the top ten. But it's been a quiet stretch for Minami as she hasn't had a post for two months but she has been one of the busiest actresses the last two years so a mini break may have been deserved. Her next birthday is on August 29th so hope to have a post around then.

#14.... Tsubasa Honda, last year she was 20th and has made the list six times!

 The only person to ever make the list every single year but this current position is a bit disappointing. Tsubasa has five posts to date but none since April and I thought this would finally be the year she battled for the top spot. Obviously that didn't work out, been trying so hard to have a post for her these past two months but with no success. She will be in an Autumn drama plus do have a pair of new mag spreads so perhaps she's on the verge of having a slew of posts.

 #13.... Momoka Ito, has never made the yearly list.

 This is the one 'wild card' position and wouldn't be too surprised if she drops out of the top twenty when the final list is done. Momoka has four posts so far and they've been so difficult to do. She is a busy gal yet not many of her activities are ones that translates over to posts. Really hope she'll get those two more posts to qualify but have my doubts about that....

#12.... Nene Shida, another newbie to the fave's list.

 Of these first five spots four gals had never been on the list but the top eleven all made a yearly before. Nene already has six posts and she'll be my #1 new woman of the year. To me she is just so ultra hot but not many viewers seem to agree with that as her posts have only been so-so popular. With a busy next three months she could easily move into the top ten.

 #11.... Minami Umezawa, she was eighth on last year's top twenty list.

 That was the only year she's made the list and may be one of only two Nogi members to make the top twenty. Two others will have the six posts needed but just because you qualify doesn't mean a person automatically will make the top twenty. Lack of activities has hurt the Nogi members this year but Minami does have seven posts already and should have another one in three weeks. Plus finally the "Keep Your Hand Off Eizouken" movie has been subbed and that was a fun drama, not sure when but will be reviewing the film very soon.

#10.... Yui Kobayashi, tenth on last year's list.

 Doesn't happen too often when someone finishes in the same position two years in a row. Like Nogi the lack of activities has affected the positions of the two Keya members on the list. So few mag spreads and zero events to date but least she'll be a the next TGC show. I really want to see Yui move up a spot or two at least for to me she's the most likable gal on the list and most underrated.

 #9.... Nanase Nishino, was number one back in 2018!

 That was her only time on the list as the rule was once you were a #1 you were no longer eligible for future lists. But changed that this year and at least one other prior winner will make the cut, there's a good chance it'll be three. Nanase seems so quiet this year yet she does have eight posts to date and will have at least one more by the end of the month. Have a pair of new mag spreads plus she has a film opening up next weekend, she's about to be the first person to hit the magical 400 post milestone. This is the final position for this post, the one following this has the current top eight spots.

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