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Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Nao Kanzaki: My top sixteen photobooks of all time, part two with positions eight to one


 That first pic may have been my number one for 2021 yet Kyoko too didn't make the top sixteen! To date there's been 590 posts for photobooks but not all counted for this list. The ones that did qualify were regular books and not digital ones such as the monthly Hello Project books nor the ones for WPB-Net, Sabra, YS-Web, etc and all of those web books are mighty fine ones too. So I figure there's been 250 of them which leaves 310 regular books(some had two posts) which means just one out of every nineteen book made the top sixteen so these, least to me, are the best of the best!

 Doing a list for those digital books would be an interesting list too if there's 250 or more of them. Will wait a while on that though and as mentioned in the above post perhaps may do another list with my next sixteen fave books. Drama posts draw a good amount of views these days but not nearly as many as photobook posts. But those drama recaps do get many comments so if you want to list your all time books feel free too as there may have been a few I overlooked. As far as those digital books go my #1 would be for Kazusa's that came out last August for the Friday magazine, her regular books are so mighty fine too yet none made the cut.

 Just one Nogi book made the list though most of them have been terrific, having a list of their top photobooks would make for another interesting list. But if one does happen would make it for all the '46' groups for as mentioned do prefer the ones from Keya. As far as Idols go they had nine of my top sixteen books and that makes sense as there's been so many of them. The breakdown of the groups goes like this, two each for C-ute and Keya while Nogi, AKB, SKE, NMB and Morning Musume had one each, enough gabbing and let's get on with my top eight of all time!

 No Minami on the list either and her "Sincerely Yours" book is the best selling one of all time as sales are approaching 500,000 copies sold! So this is just like the first post as it goes from eight to one to keep the semi-suspense up. Each position will have the title, release date, how many views the post has received and a link to the book.

#8.... Miyuki Watanabe's "Miyuki Desu" was released on August 23rd, 2019 and to date has received 3,185 views, the link to the book: Miyuki Desu book

 Of the top eight six were on the first list but not the top two positions for this list. This is Miyuki's third book and hopefully not her last one as she looked better than ever. Actually didn't consider this an Idol book as she had graduated from NMB three years prior. Been such a quiet stretch for her, did a post last September for her 28th birthday but there's been virtually no happenings since then. On the first list this finished in the seventh position.

#7.... Maimi Yajima, her "Nobody Knows 23" was released August 21, 2015 and has 5,005 views, there were two posts for the book: Part one .... Part two

 Like #12 this is sort of a 'Lifetime Achievement' selection, she had seven books between 2011-18 and you can't go wrong with any of them! But this is my fave one from Maimi who turned thirty on February 7th and when the next 'All Time Top Twenty Faves' list is done she'll once again have a high position. All of the books save for one from the first list dropped a spot or two, this had been number five and but it was mainly because of the top two books which are new. Her having seven books in an eight year stretch brings up a question which is why have Hello Project members had so many more books than '46' gals? The H!P books sell well but not at the level of Nogi/Keya/Hina books so why do so many members seemingly have a book every year?

 #6.... Rika Izumi's "Rika" book was released on April 11, 2017 and to date has received 7,075 views, here's the link to the post: Rika photobook

 This dropped three positions and can't give a good reason on why that happened but just prefer the next five books more. Then again if there's been 310 photobooks and you finish in the sixth spot that's very, very impressive. Rika is the oldest woman who I post regularly about and she'll be turning 34 in October. On the list seven women are now thirty or older in age and two of the books were released when they were 30+, all still look fabulous so would love to still see more books from them.

#5.... Akari Suda, on August 22, 2018 her first book "Kawaikunaru Houhou was released and has 3,025 views to date, here's the link to the book's post: Kawaikunaru Houhou

 Another woman who is thirty in age, Akari will also celebrate a birthday in October and she'll be turning 31. So it's kind of surprising she's still with SKE but even so haven't heard much from her for a while and been dying to do a post for her. That's not a low amount of views for this post but it does deserve a few thousand more just like it's sales which were rather disappointing. The pics for this book were anything but disappointing and if you've seen some of the other positions then you realize you don't have to be a bodacious woman to be a huge fave of mine.

#4.... Erina Mano, her "Erina" book was released on March 6, 2018 and has received 8,845 views, here's the link to the book: Erina photobook

 That amount of views is the highest of the sixteen books and was the second on the list where the photo shoot took place in London. This was Erina's tenth photobook and will probably be her last one which is such a shame as they're all so terrific. She got married a few years back and while she doesn't have any children we seldom here from her. This is the fourth of six straight positions where the woman is 30+ in age. On the first list this book was number one so dropped three spots but it was so close between the third and sixth positions, couldn't go wrong with where I put any of them.

 #3.... Nana Yamada, her second book "Nanairo" was released on August 10, 2016 and has had 1,685 views to date, links to the two posts: Part one .... Part two

Actually birthday number thirty doesn't take place until April 3rd but it's close enough, this was the only spot on the list that was unchanged from the first one. This is a hard photobook to describe as the original version came out in August 2016. But there was an expanded version of the book and it seems every single pic was better than the ones in the first book so though there's four posts just have the links to the new pics which as you can see are out of this universe! Exactly a year Nana ago announced her retirement from show biz but have seen a few things of her since. Have no clue what she's been doing, know she hasn't gotten married but the entertainment field these days is just way too overcrowded with semi popular Idols. The views to date for the posts are shockingly too low as this expanded version is my third favorite book of all time, highly recommend checking those posts out.

 #2.... Yuika Motokariya, her "Cantik" book was released on February 14, 2020 and has received 1,961 views to date, link to the fabulous book: Cantik photobook

 Last of the posts for women 30+ in age and this book came out when Yuika was 32. She is such a mega fave of mine and have mentioned a few times had she a few more posts for mag spreads, events, modeling pics, etc. then she'd easily be my #1 of all time. Yuika will still finish high on the all time list when it's done later this year but her position won't be high enough though then again haven't even thought of creating my top twenty yet. This post has only 1.961 views to date but that's actually an okay number as it wasn't done until last September. Yuika has four photobooks to date and each one is just a bit better than the previous. Her 2017 book "Mahana" was also a superb one which could have made the list but only wanted to have one book per woman, to me Yuika looks better with each passing year so hope this isn't her final book. Think I may prefer the taller, thin kind of women as to me number's two, six, eleven and sixteen just look so similar.

#1.... Miyu Kitamuki, her "Koiyu" book was released on December 4, 2020 and to date has received 2,795 views, link to this sweltering book: Koiyu photobook

 Miyu is also a tall woman at 170 cm but definitely not thin in areas like the others mentioned!!!! Since her first post back at the end of 2018 have said that Miyu is the hottest and most alluring woman I've ever seen, haven't changed my mind on that and may never! Miyu's second book came out a week ago, in February there were some mag spreads to promote it but oddly very little since then. Sure it's going to be such a tremendous book but can't see it topping this one and five years from now will this still be my number one book of all time? Have a feeling the answer is yes as this book doesn't need any more hyping so of course highly recommend checking the book out if you haven't. Just checked and Miyu did have a mini event for this book so let me work on a post for her which would be her fifth of the year so it appears it'll be her first time qualifying for the yearly fave's list.

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