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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Sunday, March 6, 2022

Nao Kanzaki: The top sixteen most popular women since January 2019 part one, positions sixteen to nine


 Writing these two posts up on Thursday and Friday, hoping they don't get published until Sunday, did it happen?(YES!) The next post has part two which is for positions eight to one and the reason for holding on to these is because the weekends are just so slow for happenings. Don't know if you noticed but Sunday is usually the day you see posts for older photobooks and drama recaps, hoping there's a post or two below this. For some reason thought I was doing this countdown every year right around this time so it shocked me that this is the first list like this since 2019!!!! Don't know how that happened so do promise to have a post such as this one every year. It's the same as the yearly 'Most popular women' list except for the fact this includes posts all the way back to January 1, 2019. Think a list like this is much more accurate as no 'one year wonders' will be on it and have to emphasize I just compiled the stats and the list is for who you viewers biggest faves are. So while we do have many of the same my massive faves are ones that are the most unpopular gals here(!), will discuss it more in the next post.

 The positions are determined by what everyone's post average was from January 1, 2019 to January 31, 2022. Easy enough to figure out, for instance if someone had two posts that had a thousand views then their average would be 500 views per post. The only requirement is that someone needed eighteen posts during that three year period, that's an average of six a year. Thought the total would have been higher but just 25 qualified for this list, four only missed by 2-3 posts. Six posts are needed to be eligible for the yearly faves list which is where I came up with eighteen. At the top is Yume and what a popular woman she is here. However she only had sixteen posts, just two since last June. But had she qualified she would have been in the third position and what's she been doing these past seven months?

 Won't be talking about the current happenings with Nogi in these two posts, will wait a while to see how everything pans out. Three members made the list plus two graduates, I've noticed those five women's posts aren't nearly as popular as they once were yet overall the posts are getting 20% more views than they did three years ago and guess viewers have found other faves which is a good thing. Right above is Minami and how I truly like her but not enough others share that opinion. She had the 17th highest average with 802 views per post but those views have really decreased this past year. So then who out of the 25 had the lowest average? Shouldn't be a surprise as it's Hinako who is another big fave of mine and finished in the fifth position on the 2019 yearly faves list. Her nineteen posts had an average of 386, no one else was below 500!!!! But her average has been creeping up, at one time it was right around 250 views per post.

 That's enough of an intro for this post and let's get to the list, as is the case for all my lists do a countdown from sixteen to one. Will list their position, what their averages were and how many posts they had plus a few random pics and also a link to one of their posts. Of course there were some surprises both good and bad, some averages may be a bit skewed because of photobooks but of the sixteen think about fourteen had a post for a book. And don't forget to check out the next post which has positions eight to one. One final note, the posts don't include any from dramas or films and also none from a Nogi, Keya, etc. group post.

#16.... Miona Hori, her 39 posts had an average of 821 views.

 Whew, she barely made the cut and thought she'd be higher. What I've noticed is that when a member graduates from Nogi their posts draw so fewer views and wonder why that is? There's not much difference in them and as a matter of fact their post-Nogi posts may actually be better. There's not many bigger faves in my book than Miona and thought many others shared that opinion too but guess not. Those 39 posts are the fourth most in the last three years.

 #15.... Minami Hamabe, she had an average of 832 for twenty posts.

 This was an unexpected surprise as for so long Minami was battling for being the most unpopular woman here! But all of a sudden about a year ago her posts just started drawing so many more views and her older posts have also gotten a good amount of views. Nice to see her make this list but to beat out the above gal....

 #14.... Asuka Saito, had an average of 859 for eighteen posts.

 Could almost copy and paste what's written for the above gal as at one time Asuka's posts weren't all that popular either. Rarely do you see one of her posts hit that section for 'Most viewed posts for the past month' section but think viewers keep checking out her older posts. And why not as her posts are all superb but she's had zero gravure pics the last three years which is rare for an Idol.

 #13.... Miyu Kitamuki, her 21 posts had an average of 892 views

 This and the next position were the two that pleased me the most. Over the last two years Miyu has become such a fave of many of viewers and as I've said often she's my #1 hottest woman of all time! Just had her fourth post since December this week, hopefully there will be another near the end of March as that's when her second photobook will be coming out. Her first book could be my top one of all time.

 #12.... Yui Kobayashi, 925 average for twenty posts

 This was a shocker but a very pleasant one. To me Yui is the most likable woman here and how I've missed doing posts for her. She was on hiatus from September until December so she's been back with Keya for three months now but there's really been nothing to post about her. However she will be at the March 21st 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show, she'll finally have a post right around then. So she's had twenty posts yet fourteen have had 700 or less views, six for some reason have had over 1,500. One was for her photobook but wonder what made those other posts so popular?

 #11.... Mai Shiraishi, her 33 posts had an average of 998.

 Did the stats on March 2nd/3rd so the average could be a thousand by now. Taking a break from Mai posts for a while, no real good/bad reason for that but just growing a bit weary of her. That's not a putdown as that's been the case for others too over the years as sometimes I just need a break from a person. Really thought she would have been so much higher on the list.

 #10.... Nashiko Momotsuki, she had 32 posts that had an average of 1,037.

 Nashiko's posts are just so consistent, very few get less than 800 views and very few get higher than 1,400. She now has more posts than any other gravure model and is the first one to make the top ten twice on the yearly faves list. Bit of a slow stretch for her as of late but she does have a special photobook coming out on March 31st so the posts should be picking back up.

 #9.... Minami Tanaka, she had an average of 1,152 views for 36 posts.

 Final position for this post, she had 36 posts in 35 months but none in the last three. Minami was introduced in January 2019 and for the next year or so her posts were immensely popular. But not these days as that average has fallen over her last ten posts and she's been very quiet as of late. In some bad news she'll no longer be a model for Peach John lingerie, grrrrrrr.....

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