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Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Hinatazaka46: The un-otherworldly third post for.... Suzuka Tomita!


 As a whole it's not too hard to do many posts for Hina though as you can see it's not so easy to do them for some of my fave members. And that's what Suzuka has become this past year, though this is just her third solo post she has a massive amount of pics in this year's group posts. As I've been saying for months the Idol I want to see have a first photobook more than anyone else is Suzuka and will it ever happen? That I have no clue on, there's a few other deserving members who may be more popular but not sure any of them can top her looks!!!!

 Not too long until Suzuka's 22nd birthday which takes place in January, hope we don't have to wait that long for her next post! As far as solo posts go there should be many more coming up in the next month along with some group ones, tomorrow Hina's eighth single will be released. Have a little bit of many tings for today and hardly any of these pics have been in group posts as most have come out in the past month. Such as these blog pics and hasn't she grown into such an attractive woman. Few of these are IG pics as Suzuka opened her own page on October 13th.

  Don't know all that much about it but Suzuka has been an MC for the Super Formula Race Series show 'Go On Next! Let's Meet at the Circuit!'. Well, do know that she's been a host of it since July but not sure if she's a racing fan or appears at races.... she could make my engine overheat!!!!

 Some newish promo cards for the 'Hina Koi' game that came out in August and September.

 Doesn't appear as though Suzuka is a Halloween fan, so few pics from the past...

 .... but do have some new ones promoting the group's 'Mysterious Library' web game, the other four came out last month.

 Suzuka did just host 'Showroom' with a Halloween theme, will have the video at the bottom.

 Not many new Suzuka pics for the 'Uni's on Air' web game, these are from September and it's third anniversary.

 Will end off with this sparkling new magazine spread from the December issue of Brody. Suzuka has been in 3-4 group spreads the last few months but think this is her first solo set since March, few of the pics are outtakes from the photo session. Won't have the whole video of Suzuka hosting 'Showroom' on October 15th, for the first few minutes she had some difficulties with the audio so just have a short clip after the pics.

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