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Wednesday, October 12, 2022

"Kamen Rider Geats" series: Episode five of ?? recap


 Air Dates: September 4th until August 2023(!), Sunday mornings at 9:00 am on TV-Asahi
Screenwriter: Yuuya Takahashi     Subs done by Anon at NYAA

Main Cast: This will be an ongoing work in progress and this section may never be 100% complete! Most was written up after viewing the first episode though we didn't meet every character and sure a bit more will be added in for every show but hopefully most things will be known by the fifth or so episode. All of the riders are fighting an alien race called Jamato.

Desire Grand Prix rules

 Not all about the game has been revealed yet but this is what's known after two episodes. The contest lasts for six months, during it a Kamen Rider gets points with the most being for killing the alien Jamatos. Points can also be earned for saving human lives and other acts of heroism but not as many as slaying a Jamato. At the end of the contest the winner gets to choose what kind of world he wants to see exist, check on Ace below to see his wish as he won the last contest. Once a contest ends any person involved will have their memories reset and know zero about the contest and Jamato army so that person can live their live in peace. If they return for another contest those memories will return. Will update this section too as we go along.

Hideyoshi Kan as Ace Ukiyo/Kamen Rider Geats.... He truly is an ace fighter though slightly arrogant and is the most current winner of the Desire Grand Prix. Ace had a very unique and selfish wish for his new world. It would be one where he would be the Star of Stars or in other words immensely popular and to say he has a huge ego would be an understatement!

 Ryuga Sato as Keiwa Sakurai/KR Tycoon.... Newest Kamen Rider who was recruited at the end of the first episode. Keiwa is the younger brother of Sara and he was a college student who had been looking for work with no success.  His weapon is a powerful Armed Arrow. has also acquired a Booster Buckle which makes weapons even more powerful.

 Yuno Hoshino as Neon Kurama/KR Nago.... She was also recruited at the end of the first episode and is the youngest Kamen Rider. Neon comes from a very wealthy family and until becoming a 'superhero' had been a very influential celebrity influencer, especially among high school girls. Her weapon is an Armed Hammer.

 Kazuto Mokudai as Michinaga Azuma/KR Buffa(buffer).... Think the Buffa is actually short for Buffalo and he is as tough as one! He has two weapons, one being a Water Shooter and obtained his second from KR Dapan which is a Magnum.

 Ryunosuke Miyamoto as Kanato Sumida/KR Dapan.... High school senior who is a new recruit and is so bitter about life due to an accident. He was eliminated from the contest at the end of the fourth episode.

 Koji Abe as Morio Koganeya/KR Merry.... Bit of a playboy

 Tomoharu Hasegawa as Takahito Taira/KR Ginpen.... Is the personnel manager at an IT company that screens for future Kamen Riders. He himself became a rider in the second episode and his reason for wanting to win is to help his severely sick son.

 The others of the cast, don't think many more will be added in

Kokoro Aoshima as Tsumuri.... Navigates the Grand Prix as far as figuring out the points and other tidbits go but don't know enough about her yet.

 Nene Shida as Sara Sakurai.... My main reason for watching this show! She's the older sister of the newest Kamen Rider Keiwa and works as an OL.

Previous recaps:

It's not important to read all of these but would recommend the first two episodes as so much was explained and won't always refer back to those things.


 Still not sure how many episodes I'll be recapping, won't know until the final one! Could be ten shows, possibly twenty and there's even an outside chance all fifty(?) will be done. At one time drama recaps were not popular at all but that's really changed the last 2-3 years. The last two recaps for this series each have over 220 views so if it remains popular will keep these coming! Also have three other dramas I'll be starting on soon, two of them began this week and will just wait for a few more episodes to be subbed, the third starts in a week.

 As mentioned in the third recap these Sentai series start off with a BANG and kind of settle down for a while being a normal drama or at least normal when it comes to super heroes. At one time there were a potential 25 new Kamen Riders, that quickly was whittled down to seven. Two of those have now been killed or exiled, there's even a chance that number could drop more which will be discussed in this recap. Most of these Kamen Rider series have five fighters so would be surprised if anyone else was eliminated, the next post has the recap for the sixth show.

During these recaps refer to the Riders by KR Name.

 KR Dapan was eliminated by the above woman Tsumuri at the end of the last episode, she's the navigator of the Desire Grand Prix contest. It's a six month challenge for the Riders, who ever accumulates the most points is the winner and the grand prize is to live in any kind of world they wish to create. The last winner was Ace aka KR Geats who is also in this current contest, his dream world was to be the Star of Stars or in other words the most popular person in the world! At the beginning of this show we did learn a bit about KR Buffa, in real life his name is Michinaga. He's a construction worker and he is just one grumpy person who seems to hate most Riders, why? What we found out was that his best friend Torou had been killed by a gang of Jamatos, they're the alien creatures the Riders battle. 

 Sure we'll discover more on why Michinaga hates Riders even though he is one. But it seemed to me they weren't able to protect his friend Torou and that could be the biggest reason he's become KR Buffa. But back to real life and Michinaga's construction outfit has been sent to renovate a house.... none other than one just purchased by Ace aka KR Geats! KR Buffa truly despises this person and to me it's more of a case of jealousy, Ace doesn't mind rubbing his accomplishments deeper into KR Buffa every time they meet! Michinaga never had a chance to enter Ace's new mansion and wonder if he would have done a bit of damage to the place? The reason he never had a chance to join his team working on the house was because he and Ace were called to the Kamen Rider HQ by Tsumuri, a new army of Jamatos is on the war path!

 Different type of contest is in store for the Riders, up until now they mainly fought by themselves though a few would help out their mates.... of course KR Buffa never did! For this round the Riders will be paired up, they drew names out of a box to see who their partner would be. KR Nago, the only female, drew the name of KR Geats who of course is by the far the best fighter, she's really improved and is a solid partner. KR Buffa drew the name of KR Tycoon who could be a good fighter but is still a bit timid though he's had some powerful weapons. That left KR Merry without a partner but according to Tsumuri there are veteran Riders in reserve, she gave him someone named KR Punk Jack who you can see above. He looks like a pumpkin and is not allowed to talk to the Riders, he proved to be so useless but KR Merry may be able to ditch him for someone else as we learn at the end.

 This army is called Trump Jamato and it has to deal with playing cards, often there is a trump card in games. They look like cards and when they 'die' their spirit rises out of their bodies in the form of a card, for instance you may see the eight of hearts float up into the air. The Jamato army is targeting loving couples and kidnapping one, usually a woman, to take back to their lair! Luckily the Riders were warned in time so it didn't appear many human was taken hostage. This group of Jamatos was the weakest to date, even though they lost their previous battles they did put up a good fight. Not this time as they were defeated handily.... that's how it appeared at first! Less than a minute after their 'death' the Jamato creature would come back to life, what were the Riders doing wrong? To that their best fighter KR Geats didn't have an answer to and after the first mini battle no Rider had any points. But there was a clue mentioned early on by the navigator Tsumuri which the Riders ignored, that clue and why they're teamed up are the keys to defeating a Jamato. In that next screenshot KR Tycoon is trading a weapon with KR Geats, that's allowed and these weapons have changed too often to keep track of. However a reason for trading is that some weapons will work better with other Riders, for instance KR Buffa had a Magnum Shooter but it's much more powerful in the hands of KR Geats.

 At the beginning of this contest Tsumuri had mentioned it's a game of concentration, no one knew what she meant and didn't think of it again. Besides being the top fighter KR Geats is also very intelligent, he's worked out what Tsumuri meant by concentration and by working as a team. A Trump Jamato has a clone and both must be killed at the same time or it'll come back to life. Which means there are a pair of Jamatos who could be the King of Spades, both of them need to be killed at the same time! So that's where your partner comes in, when both find the same Trump Jamato they would shoot at the same time and both of the creatures would be destroyed! This is a contest so KR Geats didn't reveal his discovery to any other Rider save for his partner KR Nago, the other two teams continued to kill Jamatos only to see them come back to life!

 But in an army of Jamatos it's not all that easy to find two that are the same card. However KR Geats and his partner KR Nago were able to find enough of them, they worked well as a team. There is a time limit to these rounds as the Jamato army usually retreats to lick their wounds, so after this round the only team to score any points were KR Geats and Nago who had 200 points, they're safely in the lead. But there are eight Trump Jamatos left and possibly more who they'll be battling in the third round which will take place in the next episode. As this show was ending KR Merry was so frustrated working with this useless KR Punk Jack, can he possibly change partners? That is allowed as a Rider can use their winnings from previous rounds to draw another name for a partner, how that's going to play out will probably open the next episode. Wrote this up early as that show won't be airing for another two days, plenty of action packed screenshots below which will help explain the story a bit better.

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