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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Friday, October 7, 2022

Keyakizaka46: Their awe-inspiring fourteenth post for 2022....


 Don't know if it matters that much to viewers but did add in two new labels which are on the right hand side. One if called Keya group posts while the other is titled Keya member's posts, the one named group posts really help me out searching for older things. Perhaps viewers may enjoy the member's label a bit more as those posts tend to be much popular. Such as the last one for Rena who once again leads off a group post. Her last solo post just may be the most popular Keya one for the year and hasn't she popped out of semi-nowhere? A year ago would have had a tough time even saying who she was, now she's my second current fave Keya member. Don't know if it'll be possible but she may have another post very soon as she'll be at tomorrow's Autumn 'Girls Award' show, even if I can't do a post for her will have at least one post for another member over the weekend.

 Two days ago did a post for Hina where I mentioned it was a bit of an odd post as there were no new mag spreads nor event pics. This is very similar to that post as there's also zero of those two things yet there could be well over a hundred pics! However will begin off with this post's only mag spread but it's not from someone you'd think. Will admit I've dropped the ball to an extent for not having posts for her as she's one of my all time Keya members. Am talking about Neru and can't give a good reason why she hasn't had more posts since she left the group over four years ago. I like her immensely and so don't many of you viewers so thought why not include a spread with her and this set is from the March 10th issue of Young Jump.

 Also have a few recent IG pics but missed her 24th birthday which took place on September 4th. So do promise to have some Neru posts coming up, if you don't see any by the end of the month make a comment about it telling me to get my act together!

 Can't include every member in these group posts but try to feature as many as possible, mainly the ones who never have any solo posts. Such as Keya's other Yui who is such a riot on their 'Soko' show, will end off with a recap of a recent episode and these are new pics from Keya's 'Diary' group blog.

 As you can see in the bottom pic she's with the other Yui who is my current #1 Idol, she had such a fabulous post a few days ago and will have another one over the weekend! At the beginning of every month the members have a short message for the fans at Keya's main site, these are for October and does the group have anything special planned for Halloween? That I don't know but if not will try to see if there aren't some older things posted for that eerie day....

 Also have some brand new promo pics from the Lawson site, they're a convenience store chain in Japan. Hmmmm, how many can quickly name every member in order with the top pic? 

 The second member featured above was Yuuka and as most know she'll soon be graduating. No official date has been set yet but it'll probably be in December, she has at least one new spread coming out very soon so will have a post her and it's been way too long since that happened. The 'Uni's on Air' web game is celebrating their third anniversary and have some new promo pics from them, to me these pics are always superb. Have a quartet of members who are the second generation gals Hono, Rei and Rina, the only 1G member in the batch is Minami who I really miss posting about.

 Will stop here and save some things for the next group post which I hope is within the week. So will end off with a mini recap from a recent 'Soko' show, this is episode #97 that aired on September 9th. I'm now caught up with the team subbing the show so may not do that next group post until episode #98 is subbed and as mentioned hopefully within the week. That's mainly because this is a two part show and lately most of them have been. It's not really a challenge between members as the title of these two shows are 'Praise Festival! Yep, that's me!'. The theme is helping out the members who have such a hard time accepting compliments or praise, seems most members have a problem with that. The idea for the theme came from an older episode where vice-captain Rina had such a difficult time accepting praise for her singing and most consider her to be the best in Keya. Speaking of her on October 13th she'll be celebrating her 23rd birthday, hope to have a post for her right around then.

 So as is the case for these recaps call them 'mini' because I try to squeeze everything into two paragraphs. I let the screenshots tell most of the story as they go in order of the action and there's 53 in all! So the staff behind the 'Soko' show had filled out a questionnaire about the members and was shocked that there are fifty on the staff! The Keya members had to swallow their modesty and confess if they thought they were #1 in a category such as being the cutest, most thoughtful, etc. If a member thought they were #1 in whatever they would go to a mini podium and say for instance 'I'm the cutest', a buzzer would sound if they were wrong which happened 80% of the time! The staff behind the show voted Ten as the most cutest though I can think of a few others who top her. Lately Yui has been getting more screen time on the show and I'm not complaining about that! She was chosen as the most thoughtful of all the Keya members with Hono being voted the most kindest. Just a dozen members were on this episode so guess that means the others will be on the next show? After the screenshots have a short segment from the show which isn't subbed but they're really not needed.

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