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Tuesday, October 25, 2022

"Kamen Rider Geats" series: Episode seven of ?? recap


 Air Dates: September 4th until August 2023(!), Sunday mornings at 9:00 am on TV-Asahi
Screenwriter: Yuuya Takahashi     Subs done by Anon at NYAA

Main Cast: This will be an ongoing work in progress and this section may never be 100% complete! Most was written up after viewing the first episode though we didn't meet every character and sure a bit more will be added in for every show but hopefully most things will be known by the fifth or so episode. All of the riders are fighting an alien race called Jamato.

Desire Grand Prix rules

 Not all about the game has been revealed yet but this is what's known after two episodes. The contest lasts for six months, during it a Kamen Rider gets points with the most being for killing the alien Jamatos. Points can also be earned for saving human lives and other acts of heroism but not as many as slaying a Jamato. At the end of the contest the winner gets to choose what kind of world he wants to see exist, check on Ace below to see his wish as he won the last contest. Once a contest ends any person involved will have their memories reset and know zero about the contest and Jamato army so that person can live their live in peace. If they return for another contest those memories will return. The Jammer Area is a bit like an arena, when a battle goes on the action can only take place in this smallish area and it's forbidden to leave or attack outside of it. Will update this section too as we go along.

Hideyoshi Kan as Ace Ukiyo/Kamen Rider Geats.... He truly is an ace fighter though slightly arrogant and is the most current winner of the Desire Grand Prix. Ace had a very unique and selfish wish for his new world. It would be one where he would be the Star of Stars or in other words immensely popular and to say he has a huge ego would be an understatement! KR Geats has acquired too many weapons to count!

 Ryuga Sato as Keiwa Sakurai/KR Tycoon.... Newest Kamen Rider who was recruited at the end of the first episode. Keiwa is the younger brother of Sara and he was a college student who had been looking for work with no success.  His weapon is a powerful Armed Arrow, has also acquired a Booster Buckle which makes weapons even more powerful. His wish if he wins the current Grand Prix is to have world peace.

 Yuno Hoshino as Neon Kurama/KR Nago.... She was also recruited at the end of the first episode and is the youngest Kamen Rider. Neon comes from a very wealthy family and until becoming a 'superhero' had been a very influential celebrity influencer, especially among high school girls. Her weapon is an Armed Hammer. If Neon wins the Grand Prix her wish is to find her 'true love' of the world!

 Kazuto Mokudai as Michinaga Azuma/KR Buffa(buffer).... Think the Buffa is actually short for Buffalo and he is as tough as one! He has two weapons, one being a Water Shooter and obtained his second from KR Dapan which is a Magnum. But actually these weapons change hands so often am having a hard time figuring out who has what! If Buffa wins the Grand Prix his wish is to see.... all Kamen Riders eliminated(!).... but would he be killed too? Buffa now has a Zombie Buckle, why not a true weapon it does provide protection.

 KR Riders Dapan, Merry and Ginpin have been killed or eliminated from the contest.

 The others of the cast, don't think many more will be added in

Kokoro Aoshima as Tsumuri.... Navigates the Grand Prix as far as figuring out the points and other tidbits go but don't know enough about her yet.

 Nene Shida as Sara Sakurai.... My main reason for watching this show! She's the older sister of the newest Kamen Rider Keiwa and works as an OL. Their parents were killed over a decade ago in an accident.... or so she thought until episode eight.

Previous recaps:

It's not important to read all of these but would recommend the first two episodes as so much was explained and won't always refer back to those things.


 Did a lot of updating to the bios above and everything should be up to date. Deleted three of the Riders and as you can see in the above screenshot we're down to four to protect the Earth! But usually in these series there's always been five Riders/Superheroes so wouldn't be surprised if one more gets introduced but that won't be happening for a while. What also takes place in these Sentai series are the stories getting dragged out a bit and they have to as there's either 48 or 50 episodes. Most will be two part stories such as this one which should wrap up in the next show(it didn't!), that's the next post.

 For the Riders refer to them as KR Name.

 Nene as Sara finally had a decent amount of screen time and you'll see her in plenty of screenshots. She's the older sister of the new Rider Keiwa who goes by the name of KR Tycoon, like all other humans Sara has no idea her brother is a Rider but has become a tad suspicious of his recent activities. Shame it probably won't happen but would love to see her become the fifth Rider! So when the quartet aren't protecting the Earth they lead somewhat normal lives. Keiwa is a college student but wonder where he finds the time for that? KR Buffa aka Michinaga is a 21 year old construction worker and we never did see him work on the new mansion Ace aka KR Geats bought two episodes ago. The only female is Neon aka KR Nago who comes from a very wealthy family and has a very popular video channel. The main theme of it is of Neon running away from home but has failed all... 52 times!

 Her 53rd attempt was about to begin but that was interrupted, she's in the second screenshot above. She and the other trio of Riders were summoned to the main HQ by the game's navigator Tsumuri. She may run the game and control the Riders but have a strong feeling there's a more powerful person that works in secret and we haven't met them yet. Of course being summoned to the Kamen Rider HQ usually means only one thing.... an attack by the Jamato army! These alien creatures have not been as strong as ones in prior seasons though they have killed a Rider. No army of these aliens this time around as its just one Jamato, looking at this creature you'd think it would be an easy battle. Not so said Tsumuri as this Jamato can suck the lives out of humans, with each life it eats the monster grows larger and much more powerful. There's only one way to kill this Jamato who is also called the Last Boss.

 That's the Jamato in the bottom screenshot and it's really grown in height which is from eating the lives of humans. As mentioned this creature is called Last Boss but Tsumuri hasn't explained why yet, is this the final Jamato creature? Wouldn't think so as there's forty more episodes to go so we may not find out until this Jamato has been beaten. One more very important detail is that this battle is called 'Kick the Can'. This Last Boss carries a can around which is his main weakness, don't know what's in it but that too can make the alien stronger. If a Rider can kick the can out of the Jammer Area the contest is over and that Rider will win, easier said than done! It appeared in the first skirmish KR Buffa nabbed the can only to be thwarted by the Jamato who fled for the time being, with him away and probably getting stronger the Riders were sent back to their normal lives. More about the Jammer Area at the end.

 KR Nago is having a tough time being a Rider, she's turned into a solid fighter but the whole experience of having to protect the world is leaving her uneasy. After that battle she did go to a Soba shop with Ace who did talk some sense into her, if not for the Riders the alien Jamato race would control the Earth! Also arriving at the Soba shop was KR Tycoon aka Keiwa with his older sister Sara. She is such a fan of Neon and has been for a while. She's also become such a huge fan of Ace and isn't everyone(!) as his wish for winning the last Desire Grand Prix was to be the most popular star on Earth. During this scene is when we learned the parents of Sara and Keiwa had died in accident, they didn't say when but thinking almost a decade ago. Sara was a bit miffed at her brother, he's friends with Ace and Neon but never let her know? Plus she's curious how that could have happened, I think she'll eventually learn of Keiwa's secret. Because of that meeting Ace was able to deduce why Keiwa's wish if he wins the Grand Prix is for world peace. Ace figured him and Sara have suffered and doesn't want to see any other humans go through what they did.

 In the beginning of this episode we saw a very brief flashback from KR Geats' past. Nothing was explained but we saw his mother disappearing and what exactly took place with her? That's a mystery and as these series go on a lot of smaller events like that are added in to make things much more interesting. Ace aka KR Geats is the best fighter but has such a massive ego. He's changed slightly over the course of this series but is still someone who is a bit tough to trust. KR Tycoon learned that the hard way once again as for the second time the Riders were called to fight the Last Boss Jamato. KR Tycoon really wants to win a contest and has told the others his Boost Buckle will be the weapon that can nab that can. A Boost Buckle can really increase certain powers, this time KR Tycoon was planning on it increasing his speed and to kick that Can before the Jamato knew what happened! KR Geats stood silently back and let KR Tycoon make that attempt, it was all part of a unknown scheme.

 KR Tycoon was no match for this now massive Jamato creature, he suffered his worst beating to date. However that battle drew the Jamato's attention away from his Can which is what KR Geats was hoping for and he zoomed in for the victory. The Jamato realized what was about to happen and was able to kick the can away but unknown to all KR Geats had obtained another weapon. It's called a Ninja Dueler and not sure of all of it's powers but it did give KR Geats much more speed and agility. With that he was able to catch the kicked can and it appeared this contest was over with KR Geats winning his fourth in a row. Of course catching the Can isn't a victory as KR Geats was prepared to kick it himself.  'Not so' once again said Tsumuri as he caught the Can outside of the Jammer Area, that's not allowed and the battle will be continuing on into the next episode. A Jammer Area is where the battles take place, there's a very mini force field around the Riders and Jamatos. No action is allowed to take place outside of the area and it was the first time this rule came into play. So KR Geats scheme didn't pay off but he does have a new weapon, also KR Tycoon is so furious with his mate once again taking advantage of him.

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