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Friday, October 28, 2022

Rena Moriya: Her eagerly awaited beguiling ninth post....


 Not sure about eagerly awaited as its been only eighteen days since her last post but the way Rena's popularity has skyrocketed here even eighteen hours may be too long between posts!!!! Starting soon, say in about ten days, is when I begin to slow down with posts for certain women. Those are the ones who will be making the yearly faves list as I try to save most of their newer pics for whatever position that fave will end up at. Will be working on the order for the sixteen right up until the countdown begins, know who the top three will be but after that it's going to be a struggle deciding where to place everyone. The top two sultry pics are from her first photobook, will have more to end the post off with.

 There's no doubt Rena will be on the list and she's my most pleasant surprise of the year. Going to be tough but she could finish as high as fourth and who would have ever thought that at the beginning of the year? No one would have and that includes me, this makes nine posts in ten months and how I hope that pace can continue for a couple more years! I'll predict that Rena will end up in the sixth position with a strong shot to finish fifth, the posts for either spot will be done around December 10th so this may be her final post for six weeks which was one more reason I wanted to do this one today.

 Fate can work two ways, luckily for Rena it was in a very good way. Was reading her bio again and she was so close not to being a regular Keya/Sakura member. She did pass the second generation audition back in August 2018 but for the next eighteen months was a trainee. Finally in February 2020 she got promoted and how did she get passed over for that long?! Rena's really become such a likable and popular member but who knows what may or may not have happened if it weren't for all those graduations? Lets begin off with some quite older pics, historical in a way as they're her first Keya group cards that came out for the Summer of 2020.

 In her Rena's post had many pics from the October 8th 'Girls Award' show and did find a few others which is this batch. There's going to be a 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show held on November 19th but only three Keya members will be there and sadly she's not one of them.

 Last week Keya released a two DVD set of their first anniversary concerts which took place last December 9th and 10th, the anniversary being for when they changed their name to Sakura. Watched most of the first concert last night and what an electrifying show they put on, I got bushed jut watching them and will have some screenshots of that Sunday when another post for a member will be done. At one time Rena didn't post many pics at the Keya group 'Diary' blog but in August she opened her own IG page and is unstoppable at posting pics(!), these are from the last month and there's even more.

 Of course all know who is in the bottom two pics. The second to last one is from earlier this week and after a Keya concert as they're currently on their Autumn tour. In the bottom pics is my #1 woman of all time and think the only member she took a pic with at the 'Girls Award' was Rena as they did share the same stage. One new mag spread for today which is from the October issue of BLT Graph, she was the cover girl but the spread wasn't all that large.

 Rena's first and hopefully not last photobook "Eago no Guu, Choki, Paa" was released on August 23rd, according to the Oricon charts it's sold close to 50,000 copies to date. But as I was blabbering about in another recent solo post they don't count the book sales at concerts and seeing as how Keya has been on tour for the past month wouldn't doubt if the sales are around 65,000 copies sold. Will end off with some pics from the book along with some outtake ones, some have been in prior posts but many are  brand new for here and Rena looks too seductive to describe!!!! After the pics have a segment from a 2021 'Soko' variety show and she pulls off the impossible.... least to me it is!

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