Welcome to this Baka's blog on his fave Japanese Pop Culture interests.
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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida....if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the rightplace(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!
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Saturday, October 8, 2022
Yui Kobayashi: Her ultra dazzlement continues....
Whew, if I have to keep looking art sizzling pics like those this post could take a week to do!!!! What else is continuing is her consistency and no one really comes close to her. Yui's first solo post was in January 2020, for about the next sixteen months 80% of her posts would get between 500-550 views and every fifth post would get a thousand views! That's still going on and these days most posts get more views than ever. So now most of her posts get between 550-600 views but that fifth post now gets 1,200 views! It's always baffled me why one out of five posts get twice as many views as other posts as there's really no difference in them. Will admit I'm kind of surprised her posts from the last four months haven't been getting more views as to me they're all top notch, hopefully those top two pics which are from her new photobook will gain her a few new fans.
That pic right above is from her first photobook and was an outtake one so it's the first time its ever been in a post. What I want to know how can something like that be an outtake pic?! This has been such a nice comeback for Yui this year. At this time in 2021 she had been on a three month hiatus and read a few interviews about that. She was extremely down and though she didn't say it think she may have been thinking about leaving Keya, am so glad that didn't happen. The last five months no one has had more regular posts than Yui and that's going to pay off for her. I think she just may end up being my #1 fave for the year though the gal she's battling won't go down without a fight! May do it tomorrow which is a preliminary post for this year's list and will discuss things more then.
Will have a few more new pics from the photobook further on down. So as mentioned in the beginning Yui does have a solid fan base which is actually grown the last year or so but wish it was higher! In two weeks she'll be celebrating her 23rd birthday so will have two posts on that day. One is going to be a recap of a 'Keyakitte' show from April 2020 and will explain then why I'm doing it. No new Keya cards and there weren't any for their August album. So let's go back exactly five years to 2017 with these Keya cards which had never been posted, of course she looks so much better these days but was only seventeen back then.
Yui has been working so hard promoting this book and hope it's a big success. That first book sold close to 50,000 copies and would to see her double those sales. Here's a brand new interview for the book with the Nikkan Sports site and the link to it: Nikkan Sports site
Over the years Yui has only been a so-so poster at the Keya 'Diary' blog though she did open an IG page for her book. These are recent blog pics and as you can see she visited a few stores, not for an event but think to sign some books in advance.
Keya is also in the midst of their Autumn tour which I think has another month to go. Those bottom two pics are from last week's Tuesday 'Recon' radio show. With her is vice-captain Rina and just did a post for her about three weeks ago. Should have held off on that as she too has a birthday coming up, it'll be on October 13th and will try to have a post for her though it'll probably be after that date. The pair have had one mag spread together which is this super duper set from the January 2020 issue of Entame.
Do have a brand new Yui spread but will save that for her birthday post. She's been the host of 'Showroom' four times(!) the last month to promote the book. The show itself is just so-so and maybe because I've seen too many of them. So here's some screenshots from the October 7th show followed by a video of it, Yui does look so fabulous on the show.
Don't want to post too many pics from the photobook yet, did have two at the very top and have another eight here. Yui has always been a 10/10 in my eyes but has somehow has set a new standard for womenkind with these pics....
Last batch of new pics but they're certainly flawless! Today, it'll be yesterday for you viewers in Japan, Yui and six members attended the Autumn 'Girls Award' show that was held in Chiba. She took her stroll on the 'Top of the Hill' stage, as alluring as she looked may have to say a Nogi member may have outshone her by a bit, will do a post for that member in a few days. The bottom five pics are of the group as Keya performed a mini concert of three songs. Hina also did a mini concert though for some reason none of their members took a stroll on the catwalk. There's no solo video from the show but after the pics is one that features a few other members and it's highly recommended! EDIT: Grrrr, forget that video as yet another one on YT has been deleted!!!!
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