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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Sunday, October 22, 2023

Hinatazaka46: A little(huge amount) of this and that for 2023 #13....


 Easy to see why Shiho has had the most popular post for this past month and it's such a shame we may never see photos like those again. Yesterday did vow to have a Hina group post by the end of the month, I'm one who tends to do things right away so here we are with that post. There has been a drop off in group posts this year, especially the last few months but there has been more solo posts than ever. Really no good reason for the decrease in these posts but it's nice to take a break from a person or group for a while before you get a bit tired of them. So this should be a large post and because of that will hold back on a few things so there can be another of these within the next ten days or so. Hard to say who had the better photobook and you can't go wrong with either choice. I may give the slight edge to Miku but then again think two others beat out their books!

 Let's get right to things and there will easily be well over a hundred pics for this post. On November 8th the group will release their second album since the name change to Hina, they also had an album in 2018 when they were known as Hiragana46. "Myakuutsu Kanjo" is the title of it and there will be four versions of the album. Most of those versions will contain seventeen songs and looking at the track list think about five are new though it could be a bit higher, below are some of the covers. One new song is titled "Kimi wa 0 kara 1 ni nare" and it's the first time Hina's captain Kumi is the center of a song. Sony prevents embedding of their Hina and Keya videos so here's the link to it, decent tune but have always wanted Hina to do more upbeat, rockin' tunes: "Kimi wa 0 kara 1 ni nare" video

 Besides having another one or two group posts on the horizon will of course have some ones for the members coming up. But want to do some for those who haven't had one in a while and promise to have one soon for Ayaka. She'll be hitting the age of 25 on November 2nd so will have that post a few days after that. Ayaka has only had I think one solo post and to me she is such an ultra attractive woman. So will be working on that for a while and bet it could be one of the top Hina posts of the year, this small set is from the September 30th 'Girls Award' show.

 Suzuka has had six posts this year but none since mid-August. Since then she's been a bit too quiet and will try having her seventh post but think it may be a case of later than sooner. These are some recent pics from her IG page and looking as sharp as ever!

 Konoka is the other member who is way overdue for a post, if she had more of them bet she'd be my second favorite member! Have some newish IG pics from her and pay attention to the bottom pair. On October 13th she was on the "Quiz! Anata wa Shougaku" show and walked away with the grand prize of three million yen($20,000+)!!!! To celebrate her achievement Konoka rented out a food truck to treat her fellow Hina mates and after the pics is a video of it. I really like those first four pics which were from a photo shoot for the upcoming album.


 Have a little bit of everything for today and while the new fourth generation members seem to getting most of the attention the last few months I much prefer the gals from the first two generations. Some super cards from Hina's last two singles "Am I Ready?" and "One Choice" seems like a good idea to ne and have a pair of 1G members. Both have ten cards and first up is the captain Kumi and over the years hasn't she become a fine looking woman? I think so and in exactly three months she'll be hitting the age of 28(!) so how much longer will she be with the group? Following her is Mana and she's seen less than any other 1G member here. There's rarely anything solo to post about her though she does have a lot of screen time on the 'Aimashou' show, back on September 20th she hit the age of 25.

 In each issue of Friday the group has a two page spread called 'Hina Satsu', this batch goes backwards from their November 3rd edition to the October 6th issue.

 Here are the group's monthly message photos for October and the uniforms may be changing again because of the new album, seems I always begin with Kyoko and end with Mikuni.

 Once again the monthly promo pics for the 'Unis on Air' web game are late coming out. That's not a bad thing as I hadn't finished posting their pics for September. Each member had four pics, this batch features the 2G members Konoka, Suzuka and Nao along with the 3G member Hinano.

 The previous group post had all of the other members. So this set ends off September and have a trio of 3G gals who are Marie and Haruyo, both share a birthday on February 23rd. Rounding out the set with eight pics is Mikuni and to me could have the most attractive face of any Hina member. She has an extra four pics as they're for her birthday which took place on September 27th and she hit the age of twenty. At the end of last year did do many posts featuring the member's 2022 pics for the 'Uni's on Air' game plus had some other things in those posts, think I will be doing that again this year.

 Whew, we've finally hit the end and think there were around 160 pics so this could be the largest post of the year. Often end these group posts with a mini recap of the Hina's 'Aimashou' variety show and will be doing that for today. Had taken a break from viewing them and sometimes that's needed for these kinds of shows. I get these from the Team Hinata Subs site and they are quick with subbing the episodes plus they do an excellent job, especially translating over some unknown Japanese cultural things. This show is the most current one and it was episode #231 that aired on October 8th, it's part one of a yearly challenge called 'Autumn of Art: Battle of Discovering Talents'. I make these recaps a bit on the short side and if you view the screenshots they go in order of the action so sometimes that could be better than reading what I wrote.

 So as the challenge's title say this show was about art and there were four categories, two were in this show and the other will be in the October 15th episode. The four categories were Illustration, Word Sense, Figure Modeling and Senryuu Poems. For Illustrations the members had to draw a model and most were so tired of drawing the cohost Kasuga and who could blame them?!!!! So Mana was the only member who chose to illustrate him and a second model was brought in who was Michio. He said to call him Shachi which mean Orca and he's appeared on this show before plus was also was in the new video for the fourth generation members. Every member seems to be excellent at art or perhaps they just had the most talented for this segment? Miku to me is such a superb artist and she is humble about it, Shiho too is so talented at drawing. Had missed seeing Suzuka and she was quite spunky in this show, Suzuka also claimed to have the best vocabulary skills of anyone in Hina! The second category was called Word Sense and the members had to think of a title for a photo or painting. I thought this challenge was much better and it went at such a rapid pace. So below are the screenshots and as mentioned follow them in order to see exactly what took place. After the first challenge some members departed and were replaced by others but not every member was on this show.

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