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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Keyakizaka46: Their fifteenth unpetrifying post for 2023....


 Enjoy beginning off many of these group posts with Risa as the amount of posts for her has slowed down this year. However will have one this weekend as on Friday she'll be appearing in a new drama and it looks like her role will be much larger than her first non-Keya show. So will try to include some screenshots from that first episode plus there have been a few other recent happenings. If it seems like there's been many more posts for '46' members and groups the last few weeks think you're right! Not trying to have so many but this makes six posts in a row with five being solo posts. Lately there hasn't been much else to post about so in a way their busyness has been a savior. The title says fifteenth post for 2023 but when you add in the posts for the 'Uni's on Air' game the total is at least 25.

 Single #16, seventh since the name change to Sakura, will be released on October 18th. "Shonin Yokkyu" is the title tack and have posted that PV already. This Friday morning the second video from the single will be released at the group's YT channel and the name of that song is "Mamoribito". The covers for the single have finally come out which are these five pics.

 Perhaps there will be another post this weekend and would have that video. Am holding some things back and though there will be well over a hundred new pics for today that next post would be just as large. Am holding back the group's monthly message photos but have these new promo ones for the single and I think these new uniforms are quite sharp. Just have the first two generations and you will notice how they're slightly different.

 Sure many have noticed how I often begin and end the batches with the group's two Yui's! Last Saturday seven members appeared at the Autumn 'Girls Award' show held at the Makuhari Messe Hall in Chiba. Hono was there and took her stroll on the Dazzlin' stage, she's one of four members who celebrate an October birthday and perhaps I should so a post for the quartet.

 Mizuho was another member at the show and her stroll was taken on the Grapefruit Moon stage, we'll forgive her for fraternizing with the enemy in the bottom pic....

 Keya also did a mini set of three songs and sure for the next three weeks they'll be appearing on every known music show to promote the new single.

 No promo pics for the 'Uni's on Air' web game have been released for October yet. That's okay as there's plenty of things for this post and the one that should be done this weekend. Have some group cards here from earlier this year and try to have them for members who don't get enough attention. Ten cards each for Akiho who will be having the first of those four October birthdays and then there's Rina who I really wish would gain a few pounds but her cards look oki doki to me.

 'Saku Koi' is the name of Keya's newish game that began in July. Have been slowly featuring the member's promo pics in these posts and for today have some for Karin. After that is a new video for the game that describes a bit on how to play it plus the details of a special version of the game that begin five days ago.


 Will end off with something I haven't done for almost a month which is a mini recap for the group's Soko' variety show. After episode #141 was subbed there were none done for so long and was getting worried the team Westillsubbing had dropped the project. But a few days ago they released subs for two episodes and seeing as how the first two generations had most of the screen time thought why not view and recap them? For today is episode #142 that aired om July 23rd and is the first part of a challenge so in that next group post will have a recap to see how it ended up. The challenge was for the newish third generation members to see how well they knew their seniors, solid show but wish they had more categories as there were just two of them.

 Try to make these recaps on the short side as you can just view the screenshots to see what took place and they go in order of the action. What happened in these two categories is that the older members lined up in numerical order according to how they answered the unknown question. The third generation members would try to guess what the question was and which senior member would be #1 in that category. In the first round Rei had the 'most' and revealed that the number was 580 but what did she mean? The new members made some good guesses but were wrong until the tenth answer where Team Cool finally were correct. That number 580 had to do with how many YT channels Rei subscribed to and that shocked some of her peers as three didn't even subscribe to one. There's sixteen members in the first two generations, Yui and Hono weren't on this episode. Next category the leader wrote down the number 180, actually two did. As it turned out that number was the amount of minutes Karin and Rena spent each day taking a bath!!!! Team Cool once again were the winners in this category, the other two had to playa mini version of two 'punishment games'. At this point there were four minutes to go and the group performed their latest single "Start Over" which had only been out for a month when this show aired

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