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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Yuki Kashiwagi: A real blast from the past with.... her first post of the year?!

 Not exactly her first post of the year as back in January did recap her mini four episode drama "Kono Koi wa Tsumi na no kai?". But this is Yuki's first post with mag spreads and other news since November 2018, until the past two months what an extremely quiet year it's been for her and actually for most members of AKB as they did do a bit of regrouping after a few scandals.
 Then again Yuki doesn't need to work as much these days as she's one of the highest paid Idols and has been for many years now so bet she enjoyed taking an extremely long breather. About two weeks ago she did make an announcement which should please most fans as she'll be staying with AKB until she's at least thirty(!), back on July 15th Yuki turned 28. She's one of my biggest faves ever and just missed making my 'All Time Top Twenty Faves' list as I had her pegged for about the 22nd position and there's really nothing wrong with that. If an all time fave idol list ever gets done she'd be in the top ten though at one time she was battling for #1.

 This is Yuki's 70th overall post which is a very impressive amount for an Idol as almost all of them have been solo ones. But obviously they've really slowed down and at one time thought the milestone of 100 posts was a given but now can't see that happening. That milestone hasn't been reached in well over a year as so many of my long time huge faves have really cut back on their activities, it's true they are getting older but very few have gotten married. At one time Yuki was an excellent Instagram poster but has only five pics since the beginning of November, least the second one rates an A+.

 Have three Yuki mag spreads for today but for the most part just one came out in 2019, remember the days when she had at least one a month? Will get to them at the bottom of the post and this is a fairly large one at eighty pics but remember it's her first post of the year. There were literally zero pics up until about July as I had mentioned AKB took a step back because of some scandals and such, I don't like to comment on things like that too much. Do have a few AKB cards for this year which have all come out since June.

 Yuki does do a lot of solo concerts these days, not dozens a year but five or so which is more than any other Idol but she hasn't put out enough solo music. Her last concert took place on November 1st and think she has another one scheduled for January. You will see in that second pic that she was visited by a few ex-AKB members.

 The following day Yuki was at an event to promote Hepatitis awareness and how it's important to be tested for it. She was tested at the event and passed with flying colors, now if she ever wanted a complete physical may I recommend a certain Doctor Nao....

 Don't know if anyone else has noticed but Yuki seems to have lost some weight the past two years, she was always a bit thin so kind of wish she'd gain those pounds back. As mentioned she really only had one mag spread for the year, this first one was for January 1st but obviously the pics were all from 2018. This set of pics is definitely her most conservative spread ever though she does look good in it, the pics are from Big Comic Spirits for her "Kono Koi wa Tsumi na no kai?" drama.

 This was really her only official spread of the year which was from the July 23rd issue of Young Champion, that date was a week after her 28th birthday.

 Will end off with another Young Champion spread which is from their January 1st issue, Yuki is once again their cover girl and let's hope 2019 is so much busier for her. No video yet for the spread though there usually is one from the mag. So after the pics have a video of Yuki from one of her live shows, she's doing the old AKB tune "Oogoe Diamond" which was one of their best singles but she wasn't the center for the original single.

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