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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Nana Kato: An extremely overdue post....

 Being ten months since her last post is definitely an overdue one and can't say why there was such a gap except that I had kind of forgotten about her at times. This time of year tends to be a bit slower for happenings so it's allowed me to check out some semi faves that have been overlooked plus I'm finally been able to make a dent in my huge library of dramas.
 Back in February did two intro posts for Nana and had planned on doing many more, but as mentioned did forget about her at times though I have been following her a bit. One of those intro posts was for her ultra incredible WPB-Net pictorial and if you haven't viewed it would recommend it. Seeing as how it's been such a gap since Nana's last post think there will be another one very soon. Have over eighty new pics but won't have them all for today as a few will be saved for that next post but think the pics for today are ones so many will enjoy.

 In that next post will have info on Nana's new drama starting up in January on Abema-TV, hoping that there may be an event for it and it actually may be her first role in a regular series.

 Speaking of events that's an activity Nana doesn't do enough of for some reason. She does appear at most of the bigger fashion shows though there haven't been any recent ones. But for her next post am working on having pics from a few 'Girls Award' and TGC shows.

 Won't be having a pairs post but Nana sure knows how to pick excellent mates, there's another Nao fave who you'll be seeing in her next post.

 Nana doesn't have a blog nor does she post many pics on her Instagram page but has had these ones from the past month.

 Nana is one very popular model and can't count how many mags and fashion sites she works for. Will have plenty of pics for them in all of her posts but will stick with new ones such as these from the 'Liz Lisa' site.

 Nana has done a few gravure spreads along with that massive WPB-Net pictorial but when she models for sites the pics are always quite conservative but no complaints as she does look terrific. More new pics which are from the 'Majestic Legon' site.

 Nana does more modeling work for Ray than anywhere else but not going to have any pics from their site today. But do have this mag spread from their special 2019-20 Winter edition.

 Will end off with one more Nana spread that's from the September 13th issue of Friday and as you can see she does do some gravure pics now and again. For your info she'll be turning 22 on April 15th and think that's a date at least one other fave also turns a year older. Such a lack of videos on YT and can't understand why, following the pics is a 2018 CM for Mercury Duo.

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