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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Misato Ugaki: Her triumphant return is now in hyper drive!!!!


 Think 'hyper drive' is on the money for after going eight(!) months with zero posts it's now three in less than four weeks. Prior to that stretch Misato had eleven posts in a six month span and I thought she would be one of a trio battling out for this year's top spot on the fave's list. It's true many of the gals I enjoy posting about had a much more quiet year and we all know the reasons for that but I missed posting about her more than any of them. From 2019's faves list #1 wasn't eligible but positions two through eleven all made the cut once again this year and glad to see my faves didn't change all that much. However one position didn't make a return who was third and that was Misato but have a very strong feeling her return is complete and will be vying of 2021's top spot on the list.

 Do have a good amount if things for today, so many will be able to hold a few back as I'd like to see our(my) fave cosplayer/announcer have at least one post a month for the next year.

 What I've noticed is a big increase in mag spreads recently, so many will hold two January sets back. Haven't been too many modeling pics as of late though but should be for her next post, what I really want to see more of from Misato are cosplaying pics like the ones above. Will get to the spreads first and this set is from the November issue of Biteki.

 Misato had been appearing in a good amount of mags throughout the year but seems most of the spreads were only two or three pages so have skipped those. This second set from the November CanCam is a bit too small also but her others will be much larger.

 Have two super duper larger sets with this first being from the November 24th issue of Flash.

 Will hold back one other mini spread so looks like we may have a most next week. Misato is once again the cover girl for a mag and it's from the November 30th edition of Big Comic Spirits.

 Misato has 'semi retired' from announcing, she does free lance work for stations and also emcees many events but for now seems she's concentrating more on her modeling career. Would like to see her do some acting and that's something she has done very little of. Perhaps that's because she spends too much time reading.... mangas! Misato is a huge fan of them and reads them constantly, just two pics from the site but have it's link if you want to read an interview she had with the Goethe site that came out last week as she discusses her current manga fetishes: Goethe interview

 Misato will be turning thirty next April but there's still no fave I want to see have a photobook who hasn't had one more than her. Sadly have never heard any rumors about one but she did release a book on November 18th though it was just one for beauty and cosmetics, she's an expert on the former! Some interview pics for it with the 'Telling Asahi' site. 

 More interview pics which are from the 'NLab' site but it wasn't for the book. Instead it was for the anime movie "The Legend of Hei: The Future I Choose" which came out on November 7th. It's her first voice acting role as she did the voice of the Flower Fairy.

 Without a doubt the biggest reason for that long gap in posts is because of the health crisis and how events weren't allowed. No woman appears at more of the than Misato and bet she missed being at them. But they're now allowed to a certain extent, she was at one for the above movie and also had an event for the beauty book that took place on November 23rd at the HMV Bookstore in Shibuya. I truly love Misato's classy style at events and have a short video of it after the pics.

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