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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Saturday, December 12, 2020

'Top Twenty Faves' countdown for 2020: Position #6, the unsurpassed Risa Watanabe!


Links to the previous positions:

  #16, Yume .... #15, Miru .... #14, Hinako .... #13, Yume .... #12, Mio

 This position also worried me for a bit but once again wasted my time with fretting as this will be another massive and regal post, would imagine the top five would be too. This is kind of a hard spot to describe as she's higher than I thought she would end up at. But on the other hand since 2019's countdown ended deep down was hoping Risa would place first this year, once July rolled around knew it wasn't in the cards. But sixth is an impressive position considering the lack of Keya activities this year which has certainly affected how many posts I could do for some of my bigger faves from the group. On a more important note that lack of new music and other things until this week meant such a decrease in activities for the members which is slowly picking up but it's not nearly at the level of previous years.

 Risa missed by the slimmest of margins of being #1 last year, it was so close to a tie and gave it to the other person who was much older as that's how ties here are usually settled. But I did consider her to be my number one for 2019 and in all honesty would also consider her to be number one for all of the top twenty though not for her 2020 happenings. Last year Risa had nineteen solo posts which may have been a blip as she did have a perfect photobook which probably meant about five extra posts, fourteen still would have been an impressive total for an Idol.

 Hard to explain exactly why but that bottom pic could be my #1 for her, whewwww....
Just before the end of last year did a list of the sixteen most popular gals which is was determined by how many views their posts get. So in other words it's which gals you viewers enjoy the most. The only criteria was to have six posts, 29 were eligible. Out of that total Risa's nineteen posts had an average of 1,105 views which of course is higher by now. That figure placed her in first place for 2019 but this year is a much different story. That 1,105 would only be third at best this year but worse is that she may not make the top ten! For 2020 she's had nine posts which have averaged 530 views, less than half of 2019's figure!!!! That's shocking and have really come to realize more than ever new gravure pics definitely make a difference on how popular a post is and there's been so few for her in 2020.

 Oh well, 530 is still a decent average and regardless of what the numbers are Risa is still my top gal of all twenty but barely in front of this year's winner. Once again the worrying part was because of the lack of new pics but by my count there's over fifty brand new ones for today plus about twenty oldies which had never been posted before. Such as this first batch for Keya's 'Keyakise' app game but there haven't been any new cards for a while.

 Did say that she's my number one of all twenty on the fave's list which brings up an intriguing question. That is how would Risa do on the next 'All Time Top Twenty Faves' list? Did the other list back in early Autumn 2018, she wasn't eligible for that one. But she would be for the next one which I'll do in 2022 and that's quite a ways off. Really would have no clue where she would place and a lot can happen between now and then, by my estimate four of the top six would be on that all time list and two others who placed outside of the top ten. It's that time of year and only the seventh position didn't have any pics for the holiday, bottom three are brand new for the 'Uni's on Air' app game.

 Gulp, not sure I can hold out for thirteen days, gulp again....

 Hmmmm, sounds all fine and dandy but if she brings those Elves with her again!!!!

 Er, um, on to some less serious things and a better gift would have been for her to pay my cold water bill! On October 11th the final 'Keyakitte' show aired but it started up again the following week and everything was the same save for a change in title. Risa had three shows out of 253 where she was the featured member but for the most part you barely heard a peep from her and she has mentioned many times how she's just way too quiet of a person. Her goal had always been to change that but she hasn't worked too hard on it, just a few screenshots from the final show.

 At the end of October the group made an appearance at their first event in about eight months. It was to promote a new Keya AEON credit card but couldn't believe how few pics there were from it.

 Risa was at the September 5th 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show, she looked good but really paled compared to her other appearances. After the show she did an interview with the Model Press site which didn't come out until the end of October.

 Was hoping we'd see more events with the group seeing as how they were out of the loop for so long but that hasn't panned out and wonder why? So once again will have to go back in time for some pics but they're truly remarkable ones from the May 19, 2019 'Girls Award' show.

 We used to see the pairing of W-Watanabe so often but not so these days and that's another thing I wonder about. Keya changed their name to Sakurazaka and four days released their first single "Nobody's Fault" and there's no doubt it's referring to the long gap between singles. It'll top easily top the charts this week and the total copies sold will be around 410,000. Hard to say if that's a good figure or not, their previous five all sold between 632,000 and 833,000 in their first weeks so that's quite a drop off. But then again it had been 22 months since their last regular single was released and they must have lost a lot of their fan base so it may not be a bad total, let's see though how it sells after this first week. Risa has been a long time model for the Non-no magazine, this March will be fourth anniversary. But lately she hasn't been in their mags but they may have skipped an issue. Not as many pics at their site either as of late which is a shame as to me they're always among her best. These are since October 1st but there's usually twice as many.

 No solo spreads as of late too and have noticed there's been more group sets as of late versus solo ones. Am going to hold on a mini one so there isn't a large gap between posts, this set is from the January edition of UTB, it featured a trio but just have her solo pics though a few with one of her top Keya mates who finished tenth on the list.

 We've hit the end and will have to say I enjoy doing posts for her more than anyone else and what a shame she didn't battle once again for the year's top spot. But have a feeling 2021 could be a busier year for Risa and Keya who I will try to have a group post for soon. Will end off with a few beyond perfect pics which most of you may have seen before but who can ever get tired of viewing them? Have a newish AEON CM after the pics though it's not a solo video, wonder if she's into photography as she's often one in those CM's?

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