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Saturday, December 26, 2020

Nao Kanzaki: Some random musings on the potential 'Top sixteen most popular women' list....


 Just so as not to bury you with 'list posts' wouldn't do these until the end of January. December though is really the only month with many lists, there's the top twenty countdown plus the ones for most popular gals and most viewed posts. This is the slowest month of the year for activities so it's the best time to do list posts, viewers seem to like them as there's currently three in the top eight posts for most views. What this list would be is of the most popular women here since day one, talked briefly about it two posts down and said it should become a reality. But it will take a while so that's why the end of January would be a good time to do the 2-3 posts.

 The list has been in the back of my tiny brain for a while but someone gave me the inspiration to do it. It's my all time hottest gal Miyuki and in a post two days ago said how she missed by one post of qualifying for the most popular list, she would have finished fifth. But that got me thinking on how would Miyuki do on an all time list, to me figured she would finish very high. But that may not be the case, for 2020 her five posts had an average of 811 views. To my amazement her 31 solo posts since 2013 just have an average of.... 850!!!! That blew my mind and how could that happen?

 The reason is viewership has increased at least 200% since 2016 and probably 400% from 2013. So though a post may have been popular at that time it pales in comparison to the views posts get these days. Photobooks though have always had a high number of views as people still check out ones from five years ago. But while Miyuki's posts these days for mag spreads and news may get 650+ views back then they were getting 250 and that's why her average is so low. That last sentence just put a thought into my head, that's of two all time popularity lists. One would be for all posts since 2012, the other would be for posts the last five years and bet that'll make a huge difference for some.

 If you're a Miyuki fan expect a post within the next two days, hard to type with her staring in my face like she is!!!! The criteria used would be rather simple, it's how many posts they've had. At first was going to set it at 25+ posts, 58 would have been eligible. But there's six who have between 21-24 posts so will add them in and 64 is a nice number, sixteen on the list is 25% of that. Some gals have hundreds of posts so it may sound like it would take months to add up all of their views to figure out their stats.
 That's true but about twenty I don't need to bother with as they've never been popular since day one. Not even Erika for who this blog was named for and also the reason I started it. Her posts do get an okay amount of views but she'd probably rank 50th on the list which would only include women from Japan. Also wouldn't have to count Tsubasa's stats, she's had more posts than anyone in the last five years yet she's just so-so popular. But even though I know some wouldn't come close to the top sixteen would still figure their stats out for my curiosity.

 Wondered about a few faves so checked out the stats for seven of them. One person who I didn't was Kyoko who has ten posts for her photobooks and 26 regular ones. Have no clue what her average will be but to me there's little suspense that she'll be #1. Remember that it's like the list that was just done as it's the biggest faves of you viewers though we share most of them.

 She does have the top four most viewed posts ever. No stats to back up this prediction either but have a strong feeling Erina would finish second on the list though she did have a good amount of posts prior to 2016. But her ones since then are beyond extremely popular and what a shame she hasn't had a post in a while. She's not retired but since getting married has really cut back on her activities.

 A person I did figure out an average for was Nana and where has she disappeared to? Just one post this year and at 22 in age she already seems to have retired from gravure modeling but is busy as an actress. Her 23 posts have an average of 1,277 views and would that make the top sixteen?

 Don't know about her but Fumika would definitely make the list. Her first post was done on 2016 and since then she's been the #1 most popular gravure model. She's also an actress and while photobooks almost always get the most views her regular posts also do. Fumika just had one a few days ago and may have another next week, her 37 posts have averaged 1,415 views.

 Almost done, wanted to have this be a short yet informative post yet didn't want to make it too short. In a slight surprise at the moment beating out the above gal in average is Yui who was one of my first massive faves and made #12 on the all time list. She had many posts before 2016 which did lower her average but it's still a very high 1,489. That's for 33 posts, she does have 39 in all but won't include drama recaps or group posts if you're an Idol.

 Will end off with my second prediction, #1 seems to be an easy guess but how about who will be dead last? Took a quick skim through her posts but didn't figure out the average. But it seems that Kii Kitano will be the cellar dweller, it's hard to believe how few views her posts have gotten. Of course one reason was that most were done before 2016 but even back then she was so unpopular compared to others and she wasn't far from being my number one of all time.

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