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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Friday, December 18, 2020

Minami Hamabe: Bit of an overdue post....


 Bit overdue but had been wanting to a post for two months, thinking this may be the first of three or four of them over the next month. As I've said numerous times Minami will always be the youngest gal I post about but have always thought she acts so much older and what a likable young woman she is. Had she just been ten months older she would have qualified for this year's faves list and she's someone who would have a permanent spot in my top ten. Not sure if Minami would be in many other viewers top ten as she's never been all that popular here. Right after X-Mas will figure out the stats for who the most popular women are here by the amount of views their posts get.

 The only criteria would be is that a person needed six or more solo posts, she had eight for 2020 not including this one. The total qualified is about 32, 28 are Japanese woman and out of those have a feeling Minami would place 27th on the list. Her last two posts have been much more viewed but not many before that, would think zero gravure pics is a factor but that's one of the main reasons she's such a fave of mine and perhaps too with her smallish fan base here. Have plenty of things as this is her first post in close to four months but will save a few things as not to have such a long gap between posts.

 Great news for "Kakegurui" fans as there will be a second film coming out in 2021, so far no date has been announced. Don't know why but I'm such a massive fan of that show and have watched the first season five times in the last 2 1/2 years but still have never reviewed the first film. That's on my agenda and that drama is what introduced me to Minami, top pic is a poster for the second movie.


 'Your eyes are bigger than your stomach' is a cliche that could refer to my posting as I'd like to do 200 a month but have only time to do a third of that. That means some things I never get to and perhaps if I spent ten hours a day doing posts guess I could reach that 200 figure. So some things like recapping her 'Talio' drama never gets finished though I did watch the series, first three episodes were done though. In the drama Minami played Mami who was a twenty year old lawyer but was disbarred at the end of the first show, she ended hooking up with a con man named Kensuke to help those seeking revenge.

 Do have some screenshots from the fourth episode, had planned on recapping the entire series but there just wasn't the time. In this show Mami and her partner tried to help a woman who had been swindled using a dating service, least that was why she came to Mami. However this woman had really used Mami to find her father who she hadn't seen for years and actually turned the tables on Mami in what I thought was the best case. Of course so, so much more happened and do recommend this drama.

 Minami has another drama beginning in January, that'll be four in less than a year so what a busy young woman she 's been as she was also in two movies this year. One of them is titled "The Promised Neverland" which had it's premiere today, some interview pics with Oricon for the film.

 Minami never had a blog nor was ever much of a poster at her Instagram site. That's changed so much in the past 3-4 moths as she's been uploading pics at a rapid pace, she also opened her own site.

 Those bottom two pics are from her site and there's also a link if you want to visit it. Have a pair of superb new Minami spreads and she never appears in  enough of them. But when she does she's often the cover girl and has that honor for the October issue of Jelly.

 This is one terrific set as she's also the cover girl for the January edition of ar.

 To end off have a huge batch of perhaps Minami's best pics to date and doesn't she look so fabulous?! To me she does and the pics are from today's premiere for 'The Promised Neverland" film that took place at the TOHO Cinemas in Roppongi Hills, Tokyo. She has the lead role in the film and does in just about everything she appears in but don't think she'll be the lead in her upcoming drama. After the pics is a new Minami CM for JA, it's kind of long as it's more of a mini movie but she's paired up once again with an old time fave of mine.

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