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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Saturday, December 19, 2020

'Top Twenty Faves' countdown for 2020: Position #2, the utterly irresistible Miona Hori!


Links to the previous positions:

  #16, Yume .... #15, Miru .... #14, Hinako .... #13, Yume .... #12, Mio
# 6, Risa .... #5, Rika .... #4, Mai .... #3, Suzy

 Slowish weekend so doing this a day early, expect the post for #1 in two days though there's no suspense for who it will be. Not going to touch on the impending graduation all that much, did enough commenting in a post for it three weeks ago. Since that announcement there's been zero news of it from her or management, will wait until we hear something concrete and hope a grand send off is in the works. So will try to keep this an upbeat and fun post as that's the kind of gal Miona is. Up until the end of August she held the top spot but in the last preliminary post tumbled to fourth.

 So she's had a slight increase since then and if she hadn't gone through such a quiet stretch the past two months then there would have been a battle for the top spot. Long time viewers know how huge of a Miona fan I am and no graduation has or will affect me more. But no sense harping about it but the sad reality is if she leaves Nogi a bit early next year this could be her final appearance on the faves list and it's hard typing through these tears....

 It happens with every Idol save for that very select few, that's when they leave their group the activities definitely slow down. So if Miona leaves early in 2021 then I don't expect to hear that much from her, not zero but she won't be in as many mags nor may not appear at as many events such as those huge fashion shows. But if her departure takes place around June or so then can see her doing enough to squeeze on the list for a final time. However have the impression she'd like to begin on her solo career soon so June may just be a dream but by then Nogi's next single would be coming out and maybe she'd be the center for the second time.

 That would be fitting if she centered her final single. She had the honor for "Baretta" which was her first single with Nogi, it's her only time in that position so it would be apt to end her Idol career off that way. This should be one of the best posts of the countdown but in all honesty all have been superb and to me the posts this year were better then ever, also the competition was at it's highest. Hasn't been much going on with Nogi lately but still have 55 or so new pics from this year plus a few oldies never seen here before. Once again here's her Nogi blog post done on November 27th about graduating.

 That was translated by Beam Subs who also subbed her final solo PV. Screenshots were in last post so won't have them for today but it's worth checking out as at the end of the song Miona announced her graduation.... ahhhh, what the heck, may as well have a few of them.

 That was one fine video and one of Nogi's best songs in a while, name of her final solo tune ever is "Tsumetai Mizu no Naka". In all of these countdown posts been having many X-Mas pics, plenty for today and while most are older many are new for here and the bottom three came out last week.

 Hmmmm, here I go sending ten trucks worth of goodies to Miona and here she is being ungrateful, weren't two trucks full of cash enough?!

 LAB(!), what does she mean by that? Oh no, why some vaccines are good for the world her creation certainly wouldn't be.... least for me.....

 Sigh, feel like stopping the post here. I'm a trooper though and sure she's just going through a phase. have a huge batch of Nogi cards for 2020 that are all brand new for here.

 Miona has always been Nogi's best blogger, bet she'll have her own site after she leaves and these are some fine recent ones.

 These are my top two blog pics though they are similar and doesn't she look so (fill in the blank)...

 My prediction is that her graduation will take place the last week of February when Nogi holds their birthday concerts. Though they can't do regular shows think they would do a few without an audience, that's not a bad thing as I really enjoyed Keya's final concert at an empty stadium. In 2017 this massive fave of mine took her final bow....

 .... and in February 2019 another huge fave departed, hope an 'every other year' tradition hasn't started and hope my prediction is way off.

 What I'm really going to miss seeing Miona at is those huge fashion shows. She's a model for the ar magazine so hope she continues to be invited to them. These are some ultra terrific pics from the 'Girls Award' Spring/Summer show that took place in May 2018.

 Each year try to figure out which fave has been seen the most with the others on the list. It's a two way tie at six faves with one more position to go, she came close with five faves and that bottom pic is one of my all time top ones as all three made the top seventeen. What's always surprised me is how few pics there are with the top unknown gal(!), bet less than ten and that's after being together for seven years.

 Hmmmm, no matter who you ended up with you couldn't go wrong with any of that trio! Here's a nice discovery, not great pics but had never seen them before which is a special Street Jack issue that came out in 2018, also a pic of her best mate and need to have another 'pairs post' for the duo.

 Would be difficult but what I'd like to do just once is a 'trio post', it's be with this threesome who are my top Nogi members.

 Miona has been a long time model for ar but rarely has pics at their site. Have two mini spreads from them, five pics each from their December and January issues.

 Ooooh, almost forgot these two pics who are with my all time hottest woman.... 

 Speaking of all time it's a shame Miona is leaving Nogi, if she had stuck around for another two years she would have had an outside shot at topping my all time faves list. We've hit the end and to date every countdown post has been fabulous, watch #1 number one have the worst of them!!!! Will end off with some beyond perfect pics, should be easy to see why she made number two. She had the second biggest jump on the list from last year going from the eleventh spot to second. It's not a solo video but going to end off with a group one for Baito that came out in March, it's a 'quiz show' and had never seen it before but it's quite enjoyable.

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