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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Friday, December 11, 2020

'Top Twenty Faves' countdown for 2020: Position #7, the scrumpdillyicious Haruka Fukuhara!


Links to the previous positions:

  #16, Yume .... #15, Miru .... #14, Hinako .... #13, Yume .... #12, Mio

 This position was worrying me more than any other one and mainly due to the lack of new pics. Really was no sense in worrying as all of these posts turn out quite well even with a lack of new things and what that does is give me a chance to get things that were overlooked or never posted before. This year seemed to be such a quiet one for Haruka or perhaps compared to years past but hasn't that been the case for so many actresses this year? However she had ten(!) of these kinds of posts in 2020 plus a few for dramas so guess it wasn't really all that slow. 

 There has been one disappointing thing about her posts and it's how few views they receive. Two did make the top ten for having the most views in a month stretch but those were her only popular posts for the year. Seems Haruka doesn't have nearly as many fans as I thought but I sort of go ga-ga viewing that ideal face of hers. Out of the 29 Japanese women who had six or more posts last year her average views per post would rank.... 27th!!!! Won't do an official tally of the averages for another ten days or so but would be surprised if she wasn't in that position, perhaps a lack of gravure pics is the reason?

 Number one for 2019 wasn't eligible this year but out of the next eleven spots on that list seven have remained in the top twelve and am glad my huge faves didn't change that much. Last year Haruka was eighth so moved up one spot, to me she's on the short list of women who would be vying for 2021's top position. However moving up one spot didn't make her day, started this post weeks ago but wasn't in any condition until today to finish it....

 Hmmmm, actually the licking off part seemed to be more of a reward! To me this turned out to be a superb post but if you're not a Haruka fan then.... As mentioned not a huge amount of new activities but there's been many things I've missed from the past two years and there's going to be well over seventy new pics that are new for here or that you've never seen. Obviously the never seen part is quite true seeing as so few viewers check her posts out....

 First up are these older pics from the Voce site that came out in 2018/19, she was never a model for them but did appear in a few issues.

 More older yet never seen pics from a May 2018 interview with the Hustle Press site. It was for Haruka's current drama at the time "Voice Girl", that was the first show I saw her in and that was one enjoyable drama which I did recap, shame there was never a second season.

 Speaking of dramas have three I've been viewing which should be finished by the end of the month. So what could be up next is "Yuru's Camp" that aired from January to March. Someone did attempt to sub it back then but that was a disaster but like many of her dramas it was eventually picked up. The subs were just completed less than  two months ago so odds are this will be my next series and did hear there will be a second season in 2021.

 One of those three dramas is "CHEAT" that aired at the end of last year but wasn't subbed until seven months after the fact. So glad it was as it's turning out to be one of my top dramas for 2019, have recapped the first six episodes and will have the final four by the end of the year. Though in all honesty have been scruffing with it, taken three days to write up five paragraphs as I'm going through one of my 'blase phases' as far as posting goes.

 In this superb series Haruka plays the role of Mizuki who is a genius hacker. The CHEAT team was created to bring down swindlers and there's an endless supply of them in Japan. There's ben so many different scams the team has solved but to me the question I want to see answered is why was CHEAT created in the first place? Sure that will be answered in the final two shows which I won't view until writing the next two recaps up. Mizuki's role was small in the first two episodes but since then her part is just as huge as anyone else's. She had claimed to be seventeen all along but her true age was revealed as 21 in the seventh show where her team had somehow been hacked! Lot of mystery and suspense in this show which has featured two of my fave AKB members as guests with huge parts.

 Haruka isn't a true J-Pop Idol though she has released three singles in the last 1 1/2 years. None have been major hits but big enough as all have charted in the top forty. Her one released in March was titled "Toumei Clear" which I thought has been the best of the trio. Did post the PV in a post was back then but had missed including these interview pics with the Music Voice site.

 More interview pics if you like those kind and I do! These are from 'The TV.jp' site which came out at the end of October. However the interview took place on September 5th after the 'Tokyo Girls Collection' Autumn show and hope they have them next year.

 Haruka always makes an appearance at those TGC shows and to me her top stroll took place at their January 11th show, luckily it was Winter so I could just step outside to cool off, whew....

 Sigh as usual no new mag spreads to share but have noticed they come in bunches. With no choice let's go back in time to the May 3, 2019 issue of Young Gangan, Haruka's one of the few non-gravure gals who appear on their covers.

 Here's a small batch of new pics from the More site, should have had five times as many pics! However you can watch a short video from them here:  More promo video

 We've hit the end, perhaps I'm biased but think this turned out to be a terrific post. For the finale have a super duper set of pics from a July 15th event for 'Jill Stuart One Day UV contact lenses'. Don't how it could have happened but completely missed this event and Haruka is someone I check up on almost daily, hopefully her punishment won't be too severe! Plenty of pics from the event followed by a video of it that also includes her CM for them that came out that day.

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