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Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Nana Owada: A slightly early.... Happy 23rd Birthday....


 Early by a week, have four recent mag spreads and it didn't make much sense holding on to them for too long. Especially when Nana is one of the most popular women ever here and know so many, including me, have missed her this year. Did a post on July 2nd which had been her first one since December, she does have a habit of disappearing for a spell but it's never been that long before. Perhaps if we're lucky another post can be done within the month. For Nana's September 15th birthday she'll be releasing her first ever calendar book so am hoping there may be an event for it plus a few new mag spreads but do have four for today.

 Not too large of a post but as mentioned know so many of you viewers have missed her this year. First off are some IG pics from the last five weeks, Nana has really never posted many of them.

 Few birthday pics from previous years.

 Nana did release a digital book last month so that'll be something you'll be seeing soon. On to the quartet of mag spreads, she's always looked terrific but even more so in these pics. First up is this set from the August 9th issue of Flash, there's two more from the magazine coming up.

 Next is this mini one from a special Flash edition called 'Best of Late Summer 2022'.

 Nana will be in a drama beginning next month which looks like an interesting show, she was busy from 2019-21 as an actress but hasn't appeared in many things this year. Third spread for today is from the August 19th issue of Friday.

 Last spread for today is from the September 20th issue of Flash, Nana is their cover girl and think it has some outtake pics from her upcoming calendar book. Nana has her own YT Vlog and after the pics have a fabulous newish video, you can check out her others from that too.

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