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Saturday, September 10, 2022

Nao's 'Top Twenty of All Time Faves' list #2.... Position #4, the mouthwatering Marie Iitoyo!


Links to the previous positions

#8, Rika .... #7, Akari .... #6, Yui .... #5, Tsubasa

 Hope that nothing sounds too negative as I don't want to give that impression at all. Sure most presumed this would be my #1 and probably thought that for the last two or more years. Obviously that didn't happen but do want to stress that my number one of all time is someone I've been saying has been for since 2019, just because someone doesn't finish #1 in a year doesn't mean all that much. As a matter of fact the number ones for 2015 and 2019 didn't even make the cut! The number ones for 2016, 2017, 2020 and 2021 finished in the positions of ninth, eleventh and fourth, of course Marie is the only fave to hit the top spot two years in a row. This has not been that good of a year for her or at least compared to the previous four, guess a slump was inevitable and it's happened with almost everyone I've posted about. However this post for today could be one of her best of the year, there was a terrific one in April for Uniqlo but as far as regular posts go this is superb and how I've missed these kinds.

 Marie's had more posts than anyone since the beginning of 2018 and perhaps that was part of the problem. In 2020/21 she averaged a post every other week and noticed the level or quality of them went down by a bit though they were of course all top notch. There's a few others who have had quite a few posts also and that may have hurt their position too though #1 has had the third most posts over the last four years. So what I should do is cut down on the amount of her posts and this is her first in seven weeks. Marie is someone I like more than I can express in words and had this post been done a year ago she would have been in the second position but when you think about there's absolutely nothing wrong with fourth. There have been a few rumors the past month which are just that, rumors, which I won't be discussing and if you're a fan this will be one of her best posts in a long time. Am writing this top up a day in advance, what's I'm hoping for is there's an event today and let's see if my wish came true.

 We really need a second photobook, her first came out in January 2018. Seems most every post begin off with pics from it as they're so tremendous but we do need some new ones! This may sound hard to believe as I do enjoy dramas quite a bit so like to see my top actresses star in many of them. But on those rare occasions you can be in too many and that's been the case for Marie. Bet she's been in ten dramas the past year, not all were long series but doing all that filming has meant less of other activities, hope her current one is her final show for the year. It's been close to a month since the recaps for the fifth and sixth episodes of her series 'Octo' were done. Didn't drop the show but the subber took a thee week break and is back now. The seventh show has been done but going to wait until the entire drama is finished, then will watch the final four shows and do posts for them. It's been a decent series but thought it'd be a better though the last two episodes were the best which is a good sign.

 Did say I would be cutting down on the posts for Marie but not all that much, really did need a break which is common and bet others are like with their top bands, films, books, etc. So am going to hold back a few things and will have another post in October, was thinking the first one of the month. One thing I'm holding back on are modeling pics from the More site though there hasn't been all that many recently, this set here is from their October issue.

 Marie used to appear in many different magazines but that hasn't been the case this year and no doubt being in so many dramas is the biggest reason. She does appear in More like the above spread and also Oggi, this set is from their September issue but those are the only mags she's been in lately.

 Don't know what others think but those two above spreads are mighty terrific and perhaps her best ones in a few months. What I like the most are her pics at the Oggi site, these are all of her August ones.

 Here's another super duper set of pics and glad I took seven weeks off for posts as she's looking quite fabulous again. For the second time Marie has done a voice in an anime film, the title of it is "Tunnel to Summer, Goodbye Exit" which was released on September 9th. She's done a few interviews for the movie, here's the link to one of them which was for Men's Non-no.

 There was a special screening held for the film on August 24th which is what this batch of pics are from. I like the way Marie looks at events but she's been at so few the last six months, she always appeared at those huge fashion shows but hasn't been at the last three or four.

 Final set of new pics are from the movie's premiere which was held yesterday.

 Know I said there would slow down for her posts in the future but will try to have her next one in three weeks. Guess I did kind of overdose on Marie a bit for the last three years which was both good and bad, will end the post off with some of my top pics from her though I have too many of them to count! After the pics is a CM that came out in April for TV cosmetics which hadn't been posted, don't think Marie's had any other CM's since then.

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