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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Saturday, September 17, 2022

Risa Watanabe: All of her graduation cards.... but with an odd twist!!!!


 Here's a post that could be in the running for getting the fewest views of the year! Kind of a slowish weekend so thought I'd do something different and this one certainly is. Was thinking of doing Risa's post for the top twenty list today, she'll be #1(!) but will wait until tomorrow as I am hoping for more new pics but odds are slim that'll happen. Then it occurred to me that there's been so many Keya(Sakura) cards posted this year but none for her graduation, seemed like a waste just having a few here and there in group posts so have almost seventy of them for today. The odd twist being.... Risa herself didn't have any cards for her graduation! But that's not the first time it's happened as it did for Miona when she left Nogi in April 2021. There aren't all that many graduation cards for Keya or Nogi, only for the really popular members and even then many have been passed over. 

 Did want to have a Keya group post this weekend but there really weren't enough recent things for a decent post. So will use this to give you some updates and info on some members, least there was a post for Hono yesterday and you viewers really like her! So while all of the cards will be brand new have some oldies that were in older Risa posts such as these from her final show on May 22nd, actually they're from after the show and her blog pics with the first generation members. 

 And a few pics from Risa's last Keya concert, may watch her final show again and have different screenshots in tomorrow's post. In May there were nine first generation members left, it's now dwindled to six and come December the number will be down to five....

 Will go in groups of three with these cards, most members have three while a few only have two though some have four cards. Will do the 1G members first and when first is mentioned that refers to Yui who is my current top Keya member, perhaps the top member from all three '46' groups. Her second photobook is coming out in less than three weeks so will have her next post then, there will be another two weeks later for her 23rd birthday. Following her is Keya's captain Yuuka and will she be getting her own cards soon? That's because she'll be leaving the group at the end of November and who will be Keya's next captain? Last up for this first set is Minami and it's been an eternity since she's had a solo post, lot of birthdays coming up as she'll be turning 24 on November 14th and she only has a pair of cards.

 Lot of fans think the next captain will still be a first generation member. Wouldn't mind seeing that happen but will any of the remaining five be staying with the group for at least two more years? I would say yes to that and while she may make for the best captain don't think the first member here Mizuho is someone who would be staying that long. But the next two are members you don't here about too often, however if I had to wager some $$ on it bet one of them will be the last first generation member standing! Those two are Fukuya and Rina who will soon be Keya's oldest member, they get a decent amount of time on the 'Soko' show but it's been years since either has had a mag spread or appeared at an event. 

 Here are the last two first generation members, Rika and Aoi, both had graduation concerts in August. As I was mentioning very few members get these graduation cards for neither one did. For Aoi the cards are for Keya's last single and she didn't have any of these graduation cards for Risa. That's because she was supposed to graduate at the same time but it got pushed back so that's why she may not have had any cards. Up last is the 2G member Rina who is Keya's vice-captain, will she soon be getting a promotion? I like her immensely and just had a post for her two weeks ago.

 Leading off this next batch is my fave second generation member Rena. She's had seven solo posts this year and her next one will be right around October 8th. Forgot to mention that on that date she and six other members will be at the Autumn 'Girls Award' show plus Keya will be performing a few songs. Following her are Rei and Yumiko, those two are members I like quite a bit also and the second generation is a very strong unit, what helps is that they're all a bit older.

 First off this time is Hikaru and I've never done a solo post for her though she has so many pics in group posts. She does look young but did turn 21 a few months back so if you're a fan expect her first ever post before the month ends. The other pair who each have only two cards is Kira and last up is Hikari who I think just began a short hiatus.

 Getting close to the end and was thinking this kind of post may have been a good idea. While there's just 3-4 cards per member for the graduation there's usually ten or more for singles and albums so may do more posts like this in the future, perhaps also for Hina. Up first is Hono and there's nothing I can say about her as she just had a post yesterday, she is so popular here with Keya fans. Following her is Karin who just has a pair of cards and Marino who I don't know enough about but she gets a lot of screen time on the 'Soko' show.

 Last batch and leading off is Akiho, four of the final five members have never had a solo post and guess that's something that needs to be changed. The one who has had a solo post is Keya's other Rina and she could be the group's funniest member, certainly it's most daffy! Began off with a Yui and will end with one who is Takemoto, like a few others she gets so much screen time on Keya's variety show but seldom see her have any magazine spreads or doing other activities.

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