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Saturday, September 3, 2022

"Fukushuu no Miboujin" drama: Episode eight(final) recap


 Air Dates: July 8th until August 26, 2022 on TV-Tokyo, Fridays at 2:35 am
 Also aired on Paravi in March, title translates over to Widow of Revenge
Subs were done by Blitz Fansubs

Main Cast: Wrote most of this up after the first two episodes and know there will be a lot of updating with these bios as many will be going... to the hospital or their graves!!!! Most of the action will be taking place at the Planning and Development section of COD Techno Services, almost all of the main cast worked there.

Wakana Suzuki as Mitsu Susuki.... Her real name is Mitsuki but shortened it to disguise her identity. She was the wife of Yugo who worked at COD but he committed suicide a year ago. Mitsu knows there's much more to his death than calling it a suicide, was Yugo so stressed out he killed himself or was he 'helped'? Mitsu is now working as a temp contractor at COD to find out exactly how her husband died, she's out for revenge! Though a very attractive woman you don't want to get on her bad side as we quickly learned.

Yasushi Fuchikami as Yugo Suzuki.... Yugo's brother who is a detective. Like Mitsu he feels there's more to his brother's death than has been revealed, he's working undercover with her to find out the truth. Like his brother Youshi has known Mitsu since they were small children, were the two ever have a relationship?

Yuta Hiraoka as Yugo Suzuki.... Of course we'll only see him in flashbacks for he died a year ago, at COD he was a team leader and had been an engineer. Seems Yugo was harassed endlessly by his manager Hashimoto and was that a main reason for his suicide? His death happened by jumping off the roof of the COD building.

Renn Kiriyama as Makoto Saito.... Very diligent worker at COD who looked up to Yugo but didn't know him well. He really respects the new contractor Mitsu who quickly became the ace of COD, wonder if we'll see him team up with her to discover the truth?

Kenshin Endo as Yoshihito Sakai... Male worker at COD, was really abused by Hashimoto.

Yuki Morinaga as Kazuya Kotake.... Inept employee who spends most of his time playing online games instead of working. The only reason Kotake has a job is because his father owns a large shipping company who COD has an account with. His game playing has affected the office performance as he uses up so much bandwidth. Haven't seen him since the second show when he was locked in an isolated room.

Sakurako Konishi as Tomomi Itahashi.... Another inept employee who pushed her work off onto others, her main passion is her cat Mocha. At the beginning of the fifth show Itabashi had resigned and it was mainly because she was scared of being hurt like the others.

Yasuyuki Maekawa as Isamu Wakatsuki.... The president of the COD company and a former star soccer player. A very intelligent man whose post sports career hadn't gone as well as it should have. That is until he met his wife Erina who is the daughter of the man who found COD and thus Wakatsuki became the president. Has had many affairs and his wife is pregnant, at the beginning of the fourth show he resigned and why is in the third episode's recap.

Rika Adachi as Saeki Maho: The secretary to the president and the pair did have an affair. Saeki is currently dating a congressman's son who is kind of a sleazy man. She was jealous of Mitsu and wanted to bring her down, needless to say that didn't happen!

Ryoko Kobayashi as Haruna Yamashita.... New worker at the COD office who we met first in the fourth episode. She's a very quiet and meek woman who has such a crush on Saito but he's rejected her advances twice. 

Satoru Matsuo as Masaya Hashimoto.... We only saw him in the first episode but his name will be mentioned often. He was the arrogant manager of the Planning and Development department whom all despised and he ruthlessly would humiliate his employees. Hashimoto may have been a key reason for Yugo killing himself but Mitsu got her revenge in the first show!

Previous recaps:

 For once was right on the money with a prediction, may need to change my name to Criswell Jr.!!!!The top two screenshots are how the last episode ended and this one began off, with Haruna pushing Mitsu down some stairs at the COD building. Predicted she wouldn't fall and would be saved, probably by Saito and that's what happened! Haruna had been so jealous of the way Saito adored Mitsu who didn't return his affections, least for now. It's the quiet ones that you often have to look out for which was the case with Haruna who couldn't accept the fact her love wouldn't be returned. With a stunt like that Saito wanted nothing to do with Haruna ever again and shortly after she resigned from COD, that took care of the first three minutes.

 Before we get to the rest of the recap will give my rating now for this series. I really enjoyed this show and zipped through all eight episodes plus wrote all of the recaps up in less than a week which is rare for me. Thought this drama would be a bit more intense plus there were a few unanswered questions such as what happened to Kotake who was locked in a room at the end of the second episode? Some of the fourth and fifth shows veered off the main story for a while with a different subplot which wasn't as interesting. But all in all thought this was one enjoyable and interesting drama and perhaps two more episodes would have helped, my final grade for this show is a 8.6/10 which is a solid rating. You can get this at Blitz Fansubs who do a good job at subbing and have recapped three of their projects this year. On to the final recap and not sure what's up next for viewing but do have one other series to finish. Need to add in that Wakana did a superb job in this drama and it was finally her first starring role, would like to see her in more suspenseful shows like this one.... she looked so darn terrific too!

 So if you've read the previous posts for this drama you know Mitsu has targeted many employees at the COD company to take revenge on for the death of her husband Yugo. He had been used badly by some coworkers in doing their work though most may have been oblivious to what impact it had on him. Some punishments meted out by Mitsu and her cohort Youshi were semi brutal such as what happened to the ex-manager Hashimoto and the COD president Wakatsuki. But some were very mild and that 'Hit List' which Mitsu had compiled is now down to one name, the president's secretary Saeki. We didn't see much of her in the first five shows but she's had much more screen time since then. That second screenshot above shows a small and glittering handbag used by Saeki which was a key in discovering she may have been the last person to see Yugo alive. There was an object on the COD roof at the time of his death but it seemed to be a Vaper and not that bag though through a grainy video screenshot it was hard to determine.

 Saeki will be getting married soon and to Mitsu's semi surprise was invited to the wedding. For so long thee two women did not get along, however in the last show Mitsu introduced Saeki to an old school friend of hers whose name was Yagi, it was actually Youshi in disguise. Even though Saeki is about to get married to a man named Atsushi who is a congressman's son she's had a few affairs over the last year, one was with the ex-president! The last episode also ended with Yagi(Youshi) about to go out on a date with Saeki but we didn't know what took place until this show was 2/3's of the way done. The day after getting that invitation Mitsu suggested to her new 'friend' Saeki they go out to lunch together, this time let's go to one of my fave places Mitsu said. Which was a very odd location as it was on the roof of the COD building which is 21 stories high, that's how far Yugo fell to his death. Saeki was overcome with fear once she realized where the lunch would be taking place, she had a panic attack in the elevator and everything was going exactly as planned by Mitsu and Youshi.

 The roof is where the COD smoking area was and Saeki was a smoker so she had been going up there a few times a day. February 5, 2021 was the fateful day of Yugo's death which took place shortly after 8:05 am, unseen by the security camera Saeki was on the roof at the time and had been against a wall which why she was hidden. When she saw Yugo at the roof's edge at first she thought he was bluffing and started making some wisecracks such as let her finish her smoke before jumping! But Yugo gave a bit of a sneer to the unscrupulous Saeki and plummeted to his death right before her eyes, wonder what was going through her head at the time? Saeki never told a soul about what she witnessed until this 'lunch' with Mitsu who remained silent during this entire encounter but we knew her fury was building to a zenith. So Yugo's suicide was an act he had planned out and Saeki being there had nothing to do with him killing himself. Yugo's frustrations at working at COD finally were too much to bear and why couldn't he have confided in his wife Mitsu or his brother Youshi?

It's the day of the wedding and knowing Youshi he has something mighty evil planned out for the newlyweds! Also invited to the wedding was Saito but he had such a hard time finding his invitation that was somehow hidden at the back of one of his desk drawers. No doubt that was the work of Mitsu who I don't think wanted to see him there but eventually Saito did arrive, he missed the wedding but was in time for the reception. In that below screenshot you can see what he asked Mitsu, now that she's taken revenge on everyone at the COD company her work is finished and the day before handed in her resignation. Saito is still so confused on why Mitsu worked there in the first place and he'll soon have his questions answered but first it's time to hear from the new bride. At the reception Youshi was in disguise as a waiter and he had quite the wedding present for Saeki which he 'gave' to her after her thank you speech to her parents. Just as she sat down behind her and Atsushi a video began to play on the screen high above their table. And what a video it was for on that date with Yagi(Youshi) she had spent the night with him and the whole encounter had been taped!!!!

 Needless to say Saeki was so aghast and the entire audience had quite a show to view, she kept pleading with everyone to avert their eyes but none could! That punishment was well deserved and we never did learn of what may have happened next, for instance did Atsushi walk out on his bride? During that scene Saito's eyes were glued to the screen watching the sex video, with her mission accomplished Mitsu was to slip away unnoticed. As she was walking down the street a car appeared with Youshi inside and the two had a rather short conversation. The pair have had such a past such as them killing two people when they were ten years old! It was kind of a farewell and still find it hard to believe this pair never hooked up, so didn't Youshi who drove away not bitter but think a bit hurt. Shortly after that Saito somehow located Mitsu, this could be his last time seeing the woman he loved and demanded some answers from Mitsu such as why did she work at COD?

 With her mission complete Mitsu did confess that Yugo was her husband and wanted to get back at the people who caused his death but never really admitted she had anything to do with their unfortunate 'accidents'. Saito had an inkling Mitsu was behind all of the misfortunes that had befallen his coworkers, he asked why wasn't he targeted? To that Mitsu replied he had been, by not doing anything to him Saito would be live thinking 'Will I be next?'. However it didn't work out that way for in the final minute we saw the two back at Mitsu's apartment together, Saito is finally with the woman he's been yearning for. But there was a photo of Yugo in the room where it was positioned to stare right at the bed, that made Saito so uncomfortable. At that moment and the final thing uttered in the drama Mitsu said her revenge was finally complete. She wanted to have Yugo watch her in bed with another man as he had hurt her so badly with his death and leaving her alone, with that this series came to it's conclusion. Don't think the ending could set up a season two but you never know and it may have been better with two more episodes. Explained my feelings about the drama in the beginning and have plenty more screenshots which will help you follow the action a bit better.

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