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Friday, March 8, 2024

Mio Minato: Her beyond stunning new 'WPB' digital book plus more treats...


 Stunning is definitely an understatement and you'll see what I mean when you view the photos from the digital book, WOW! Did want to wait until Sunday for this post but not much else was going on plus the pics for this post are just so tremendous why hold on to them? This already makes it four posts this year for Mio and how I would love for her to end way up there on this year's faves list, even if that doesn't work out she's still in my top five for current faves. Not much I can tell you about Mio that hasn't been said already, she'll be hitting the age of 27 in three months and her hard work over the last four years is paying off as she's finally becoming a bit popular. To an extent she was before with her cosplaying which seldom happens these days.

 Next weekend will hopefully have a group post for BababaBambi and those do attract quite a few views. In six days they will be headlining a concert at Budokan and that was their ultimate dream when the group began. The following day a major announcement will be taking place and I was worried they would be disbanding or there would be some graduations for they did fulfill their dream. But that's not happening as there are concerts scheduled for April and May so hopefully the news is about their first major album or tour.

 There hasn't been many new things from BababaBambi the last ten days, probably preparing for their huge concert. So even though the book is quite large did want to have a few other things and there hasn't been much missed about Mio since mid-2021. But she did have some alluring photos from her IG page before then from her photo shoots which hadn't been posted and a few of them are here.

 In Mio's last post had outtake pics from some Maly Moon photo shoots, have a few more here which I think are the end of them. At their site you can purchase the group uniforms and also a lot of things for cosplaying.

 Do have one new Mio spread that's from the March 11th issue of WPB. It was promoting the book and in a shock it's her first spread for the magazine in over a year.

 This WPB book was released on February 23rd and contains 58 photos. This is truly one spectacular digital book and though early it just may be my #1 for the year, doesn't Mio 😍 get your blood boiling?! After the pics is a video from the photo shoot that is required viewing!!!! Have said it before which is that if Mio was ever a full time gravure model she would be in the running for being my #1 model of all time, whew!!!!

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