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Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Sayaka Tomaru: 'Friday' digital book plus a few other tidbits....


 Every now and again do go through a blah state which is happening right now so this will be the only post for today. But have been working on a few other things, do have enough for four posts but just don't feel like writing much up today however all will be done over the next few days. Did just start on the latest drama that will be recapped which will be "Akai Meiro", that is one old series and could prove to be my most difficult one ever to recap but do like challenges.

 It's taken over eight years but Sayaka has finally reached forty posts(!), she's so popular here so bet most viewers wish that total was at least twice as high. She has been a mystery the last three or so years, seems during that period Sayaka works about months a year doing quite a few photo shoots and filming for dramas, then disappears for such a long stretch. But we are in a busy period as she was in a drama that began in January plus has a role in a film coming out in May. Sayaka also has three digital books that will be released very soon so you may be seeing a few more posts for her.

 Sayaka is slowly getting up there in age for she will be turning 28 in six months, it may be hard to remember but she did start out as a J-Popper in the FYE Idol group. Let's get on to things and first off are these recent photos from Sayaka's IG page, she's never posted many of them and the bottom one is from a Bomb magazine photo shoot as she'll have a spread in their next issue.

 Have a pair of magazine spreads for today with the first being from the February 23rd issue of Friday. Sayaka has appeared in so many of their issues and as you can see in three pics bottom she has a trio of books coming out from them.

 Have another Sayaka set from Friday that's quite tiny and it's an older one from last August 11th but hadn't been posted. It features outtake pics from Sayaka's digital book, that will be after this set.

 Last July had two Sayaka Friday books that had come out in May and June. There was a volume three to that collection that did come out last July and am finally getting around to it, not a huge book at 49 photos. Surprisingly there were no videos for the books or above spreads. But Sayaka does have her own YT channel and after the pics is her latest video where she visited a sauna in Matsuyama city.

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